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Profile Replies posted by Teto

  1. And so, after playing 897 games of Solitaire on my phone, I have finally beat 100 games.

    I thought for a while after the 100th win that I might be done. Then I remembered Spider Solitaire exists, with different difficulty levels.

  2. Chevy Chase has been fired from Community!!!!!!

    What. From what I read he left on a mutual agreement.

  3. So it came to my attention that there's an Adventure Time game for 3DS with Zelda II inspired gameplay. It then also came to my attention that it will never be released outside of North America.

    I knew about the game for a while, the most recent thing was just the whole north america only part.

  4. Finished Adventure Time Season 2. Wacky twist season finale ending??? Starting Season 3.

    the lich is finns boyfriend

  5. Finished Adventure Time Season 2. Wacky twist season finale ending??? Starting Season 3.

    yeah I've watched the three or so most recent episodes

  6. Finished Adventure Time Season 2. Wacky twist season finale ending??? Starting Season 3.

    I'm about halfway through season 3 atm.

  7. My shitty real life friend might join ): please tear him to shreds if he joins

    arms ready for the crushing of bones

  8. I know Google's told you all about the message I'd sent him, and that's fine. It's been committed and can't be taken back, either his or my actions. I'd like to remain on the site, but I'd first like to apologize to anyone who feels I'm but a pretentious know-it-all, it sucks to be thought of like that, and especially by those who don't know you very well. Anyways, I'll start to tread lightly from now on and make the best effort I can muster to coexist...

    An ember poised and ready to bust back into flame at the slightest hint of fuel.

  9. u sure pheo'd up that situation!

    don't pheo by refusing to watch JoJo as soon as possible

  10. u sure pheo'd up that situation!

    no puppy you watch jojo

  11. u sure pheo'd up that situation!

    pheo are you watching JoJo's Bizarre Adventure with t1g? Or at all. You would like it probably.

  12. welp gon' be in barcelona all weekend you won't be missed hnet (o:

    and here I thought we might say goodbye to cascade without accusing her of hating us like last time

  13. welp gon' be in barcelona all weekend you won't be missed hnet (o:

    I hear they have dogs with no noses

  14. pheo, when you start getting close to my post count, please don't go on about as much as LL has been going on about likes

    To be honest I'm just discontent a lot with my entire life and it's making me depressed. I'm happy I could manage to construct a good explanation considering I just realised I haven't eaten in over 24 hours.

  15. pheo, when you start getting close to my post count, please don't go on about as much as LL has been going on about likes

    And by "caught on an off day" I now recognise that I wasn't particularly happy with the whole thing from the beginning, but I wasn't upset enough on those days to let it get to me too much that I couldn't play along.

  16. pheo, when you start getting close to my post count, please don't go on about as much as LL has been going on about likes

    Again, a reminder that this status wasn't intended as an insult to you, but a nudge to pheo to make sure that he doesn't start the same sort of thing, so that all this horribleness can be avoided completely.

  17. pheo, when you start getting close to my post count, please don't go on about as much as LL has been going on about likes

    So I hope you can understand why I took the cold and serious approach to ending it. I was already pretty riled up before the thread came around. The first post was venting emotion in a way that covered up the fact I was upset. The second one was refusing to vent any emotion so that I could stop the whole thing before I showed that I was upset.

  18. pheo, when you start getting close to my post count, please don't go on about as much as LL has been going on about likes

    And then if you can imagine trying to reply again after being totally spent. I was just very upset, and so the only way to make sure I didn't go over the top emotionally was to be serious and concise, with no room for emotion, since it would just spread horribly like a cancer through the whole post, as proven when I wrote like three hateful paragraphs the first time I tried to make that last reply.

  19. pheo, when you start getting close to my post count, please don't go on about as much as LL has been going on about likes

    I admit I was playing along gladly for the first while but the thread caught me on an off day and it didn't take long for me to get fed up. My first reply, where I played along, was a convenient move I could make while playing along with the joke. There was some proper spite in there though, but the joke made it acceptable.

  20. pheo, when you start getting close to my post count, please don't go on about as much as LL has been going on about likes

    This status was not directed at you. I am legitimately asking pheo to not bring up post counts in the future. Not that he has been lately, but just stopping him in advance.

  21. tiggles i think there's a problem on your profile page... http://img827.imageshack.us/img827/9137/tigglesitmaybeyourprofi.png

    I get malware warnings for t1g's page too

  22. omg what I opened the forum and I got a SOMETHING'S NOT RIGHT virus warning my computer is being paranoid

    everything's capital letters from you today cascade ):

  23. So far Romney is winning. I don't like this, but whatever. I can't change anything.

    H is second

  24. So has anyone else here been following redvsblue I mean really

    I agree with Knuckle