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Profile Replies posted by Teto

  1. Okay is it just me or is most text on the forum suddenly bolded.

    In emoticon werewolf at least.

  2. meow meow someone please come take up the 13th and final spot in glee mafia i'd really like to start it soonish :L

    Therefore the final role isn't the werewolf.

  3. sick of "pokefusions" now

    I still like seeing the good fanart of them. It wouldn't be any fun if people weren't drawing up fanart of the fusions.

  4. I just noticed that Forum Games has an average of over 100 replies per topic

    Mind that that's counting all of the Werewolf games.

  5. I got out to deliver a pizza and tripped. Then I realized it was the wrong house and when walking back to my car I drop my phone and it cracked horribly.derp. All of this happened in front of a group of 11 year olds

    Knuckle look at what you're saying.

  6. No sleep tonight, SOMEONE IS WRONG ON THE INTERNET.

    We haven't had all that many arguments recently though, have we?

  7. happy birthday, womensactivewear

    lovely lass

  8. All the Filler Werewolf roles have been sent out. There is no theme for this game.

    LL directly: Are you getting the PM? I have doubts because your name uses odd characters.

  9. Cascade has allowed me to start Filler Werewolf while she waits for the final three places in her game to get taken. Not already joined Glee Wolf? Go join now http://www.hyrule.net/forum/topic/18250-glee-mafiawerewolf-sign-ups/

    Because for the most part my small game is a kickstart of interest before a major game starts up, I'm mostly advertising for Cascade.

    But since I never linked, here is Filler Werewolf.

  10. Can it be werewolf time?

    Cascade was waiting for all 13 people to join but that didn't end up happening and she's still waiting.

  11. Happy birthday, True Gamer

    But yes, Happy Birthday <:

  12. Happy birthday, True Gamer

    His presence makes me feel like a fraud of a gamer.


    I'm not a Zelda

  14. puppy going to sleep.

  15. It feels a bit odd; the only people online are me, Google, Bing, and 79 guests. It's like I've been left to host a public event and all the other people participating haven't shown up. So I'm here standing on stage desperately trying to cope. Bear with us guests, the other performers will be here shortly.

    Haha, hello Google Mobile. Please be patient.

  16. puppy going to sleep.

    They're cute when they sleep.

  17. The tv gods have smiled upon us, Community has been renewed for a 5th Season.

    I hope it doesn't keep being kind of mediocre though .-.

  18. Started to watch The Throne Game

    Aaand finished the first book.

  19. Started to watch The Throne Game

    I feel like the book is better, though I suppose I just wasn't paying close enough attention to the series. 40 pages off of finishing the first book.

  20. on the front page of deviantart: http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/127/5/f/das44_by_deviantartsecret-d64gl21.jpg

    Finally, someone gets it! This individual has it right.

  21. Pretty ingenious http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zoCDyQSH0o&feature=youtu.be

    The question here though is whether this ad campaign would have been more effective if kept secret, or if it's actually doing more good by becoming a viral hit? Maybe that was their point all along; to come up with an idea to make a video that will turn heads.

  22. People can still join Elder Scrolls RP by the way. I've not stopped allowing sign ups yet.

    I'll tell you all when it gets to an unmanagable pace.

  23. Pretty ingenious http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zoCDyQSH0o&feature=youtu.be

    The thought process as you say seems to be "Find a use for this idea."

    This is a product of pretentious designers, not honest activists.

  24. Pretty ingenious http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zoCDyQSH0o&feature=youtu.be

    I do stuff like that. Just wanting everyone to see how considerate I'm being, even if I risk being inconsiderate. Ongoing human need to feel appreciated for their efforts.

  25. Pretty ingenious http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zoCDyQSH0o&feature=youtu.be

    Like they came up with the idea, but don't care enough for the purpose, and so they compromise the cause just to satisfy their vanity.