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Profile Replies posted by Teto

  1. Pretty ingenious http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zoCDyQSH0o&feature=youtu.be

    Like, they make these advertisements and then they make a viral video out of it, revealing the secret. It's almost as if they care more about showing everyone how neat their idea is rather than reaching the kids in secret. Now everyone knows, and so the purpose is lost a little.

  2. Pretty ingenious http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zoCDyQSH0o&feature=youtu.be

    I can see a point to what you're saying though. It'd be like if I was at a party and there was someone who was divorced and I thought "I wont bring up their divorce or they'll feel bad" and then after they left I turned to everyone else and said "I didn't bring up her divorce. Good idea, right? I'm such a good guy."

  3. Treemo & Shrubbery if you don't decide on what to do in Elder Scrolls RP I will literally kill you off.


  4. Going to stream Frasier episodes http://www.twitch.tv/kolpian

    Jimmy: So it's my parents. I don't know, they're just like, really stupid.

    Frasier: May I ask how old you are?

    Jimmy: Fourteen.

    Frasier: Well hang on Jimmy, your parents are going to be stupid for another seven years.

    Jimmy: Whoa, seven years? That's like, longer than I'll be in high school.

    Frasier: I salute your optimism.

  5. Going to stream Frasier episodes http://www.twitch.tv/kolpian

    Is that what the list of people at the end is? The callers? I looked, and he called as a 14 year old who thought his parents were stupid. In episode 3 of season 4.

  6. Pretty ingenious http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zoCDyQSH0o&feature=youtu.be

    Did you even watch the video. The function here is aided by the design of it. Good marriage of creativity and function.

  7. Going to stream Frasier episodes http://www.twitch.tv/kolpian

    SHUT UP Frasier is the best anime

  8. actual deviantart comment: Oh my glob XD NO SONIC!!

    Actual status comment: "I smell like baby farts my name is Alex"

  9. Can someone give me a brief synopsis of Black Butler? Should I watch it or not waste my timr?

    Watch it in English for horrific English accents.

  10. Hey Teto: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=z4slFTDS1_I


  11. Thanks to Knuckle, Ammonsa, Treeto, and Shrubbers to joining the RP so far. Do remember to get back to me with your actions though. If you're not sure what to do, just say "pass" and I'll write some more for you.

    I can pretend they do.

  12. Thanks to Knuckle, Ammonsa, Treeto, and Shrubbers to joining the RP so far. Do remember to get back to me with your actions though. If you're not sure what to do, just say "pass" and I'll write some more for you.

    I've left you all at open ended points in the morning of the same day. You can do whatever you like. I'll tell you how it works out, etc etc.

  13. I'm going to try running a D&D styled RP, where I control the narrative. It will be set in Vvardenfell, aka the world of the game Morrowind.

    PM me if you're joining, and want help making a character.

  14. I'm going to try running a D&D styled RP, where I control the narrative. It will be set in Vvardenfell, aka the world of the game Morrowind.

    Please be interested.

  15. I'm going to try running a D&D styled RP, where I control the narrative. It will be set in Vvardenfell, aka the world of the game Morrowind.

    If you don't like the writing aspect of roleplaying, then this is good; you don't have to write too much, it's left to me to provide all of that.

  16. 10 days, 72 episodes of Frasier. 30 hours of Frasier. I Hate Frasier Crane. 12.5% of the last 10 days I have been watching and cringing at Frasier.

    Phanta. Sarcasm or otherwise, that is honestly a mark down for your personality that you would say that. You think I'm joking. Even when I say I'm not joking, you think I'm joking.

  17. 10 days, 72 episodes of Frasier. 30 hours of Frasier. I Hate Frasier Crane. 12.5% of the last 10 days I have been watching and cringing at Frasier.


  18. Why does TV Tropes have pages for specific actors and actresses? Comparing a real person to character archetypes just seems ridiculous.

    Like this one for Jenna Louise Coleman,

    "The Klutz: In an interview for Who she mentioned that her "running down corridors and falling over and tripping over props" was a "daily occurrence." Given that she's working alongside Matt Smith, fans have already begun sending their prayers to the Doctor Who prop department."

    She's a person, not a character.

  19. Storytime's over.

    The Big Bang Theory one was my favourite.

  20. Man it's Joshawott's birthday.

    Joshawho?? Joshawhere?? Joshawhen??

  21. I spent too much time in the Boston bombing thread.

    Dare I say, a suspicious amount of time? What are you compensating for?

  22. http://i.imgur.com/jViXDsi.gif Teto you are adorable

    that was a good day

  23. I am Teto: Destroyer of Planets and Devourer of Sitcoms. Having consumed all of The Big Bang Theory existing in this universe, I must turn to an alternative food source to satisfy my great hunger. Frasier season 1, prepare to be assimilated.

    Family Shit

  24. zelda is so irrelevant that it's even ignored on its own fan sites

    Legend of the Zelda: The Fellowship of the Thing

  25. woahhhh happy birthday nabe/nave!! xoxo

    10/10 best Nabe