Eight-bit link

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Posts posted by Eight-bit link

  1. I really like having dual monitors. I can have a movie or something going on one while I do work on another. I'm looking for a better monitor to replace the right one, because the left one is beautiful and the right one is meh. My OCD demands it to be the same monitor if I were to match it though, so I don't really bother.

    If you keep your eyes peeled, you could probably get a nice monitor or two on Craig's list for cheap. And for your giant monitor on wall thing, on Deal Extreme they sell a full HD projector for $90.

    By the way, I live your futuristic dream. I have a reclining chair and I usually sit leaning back. I also have color-changable LED lights that illuminate the area, and surround sound.

  2. Currently Playing MGS1. I borrowed my friend's copy, but I haven't had time to play. I want to finish up so I can get MGS5 when it comes out.

    Also, I should prolly beat SS sometime this century.



    And my AC town is prolly covered in weeds.


    But it's nothing Homebrew can't fix in a minute.

  3. Aw man.

    I'm getting the nostalgias. Now I have to get a 3DS.

    I have the Cube one, and abandoned that one when I got the DS version, which I abandoned when I hacked it to hell and back again with my AR, then I got City Folk, which I am currently in the process of ruining with the Homebrew Channel because I forgot to get all the DLC.

    And now that there's another one out, I'll have to bury yet another set of friends.




    I wonder who's left in Yay City.

  4. what




    1. Yes.

    2. I told you, a cheat code.

    3. Free college, transferable anywhere. That means I don't have to jump through as many hoops to get to the college I want since it will be a transfer, plus I don't waste any time or money 'catching up' from high school. It's like the people who do their first year or so at a community college, except it's free for me.

  5. Well, I'll make a character anyway.

    Name: Thomas 'Toby' Collins

    Region: Johto

    Pokémon: Pikachu, Porygon, Totodile, 18 'm, and 12 Missingno (see history)

    Looks: Thin, pale, frail-looking, gray eyes and dark-brown, almost black hair. 5' 10". Wears frameless prescription glasses (dead blind without them) tinted to prevent computer vision.

    Age: 17

    History: Teaching himself programming at age 7, he reprogrammed his PokéDex twice before incorperating it into his PokéGear. By destroying the PokéDex, he was thusly dismissed from the PokéDex program. In his frustration, he wrote the DexDoom virus, which wiped affected PokéDexs. He was fined and his computers arrested. With nothing left, he went to help work on Poketchs. He was fired when it was found out he had stolen a copy of the newest Poketch firmware. He moved to Goldenrod city where he wrote the now popular PokéOS, an alternative OS for PokèGears, Pokédexs, Pokenavs, Pokétchs, and PCs, much to the dismay of Bill, Bebe, and the likes. (He aquired the scads of 'glitch' Pokémon when he was testing his prototype software for Pokémon storage. Needless to say, it wasn't exactly successful the first thirty times.)

    Specialty: Programming, Hacking (Software and Hardware)


    Toby stepped out of his house to another bright and sunny day. He held his grocery list tightly in his hand hoping to get out of the blasted sun as quickly as possible. He headed straight for the Pokemart, thinking of the lost time for such a silly task.

  6. OCC: WAAAY to late too jump in? It looks interesting, but I don't want to make things awkward by jumping into an already established RP.

  7. I never had any problems during the short times I was actually active. But as I recall, the Favicon was different. I guess the upgrade isn't exactly a seamless move.

  8. We have a dollar theater at the mall with (relatively) recent movies. Bus fare is 1.50 round trip, but I can bike there, a movie is A dollar, popcorn (Huge) and a soda (also massive) is three, and you get a free refill (one, sadly) for each. So, about 6 bucks gets me to and from the theater, a large popcorn and soda, and a ticket, a pretty sweet deal if you ask me.