Twili Link

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Posts posted by Twili Link

  1. He's deffenitly 12. I was lookin around and found out online. I know a bunch of ages for different Links but I couldn't find all of them. By the way, Twilight Princess Link owns :pwned:

  2. But you won't.

    You'll forget about it and tell us it's not possible.

    But it is.

    Very possible.

    Just because you can't do it, it doesn't mean others can't.

    Gosh, YLA.

    Gotta' be such a jerk.


    Sounds like YoungLinkAddicted is my evil twin. I forget a bunch of stuff too. Especially if it's somethin I don't care about. Like school, mine is pretty exciting at most times but I'm forgetting a bunch of things.

    But it is sortta imposible to gettin it done without the song of time.

    But there is this video on youtube that uses a glitch where you can skip 99% of the water temple (whatever it's called. I can't remember) in Majoras Mask.

  3. Lol.

    I'm bored right now. I wish I could play my 360, but I don't have a controller with me. Go figure.

    That sucks.

  4. Actually, it has nothing to do with whether I look ridiculous, failed a grade, or use myself as an avatar. I don't think of myself as smarter than anyone else on this site or my grade. I actually know that you're smarter than me. It's about my morality, and that's something that you lack. Morality, honor, and common courtesy. I'm not a wise-cracking jackass with no respect for anyone else around me, who considers himself above them. And you can say that you aren't, but it doesn't matter that you say that you aren't, because you certainly don't act like you aren't. What I wear, what I look like, and whether I failed one grade because I mentally matured late or not doesn't say anything about my current morality. I am a man of morality, as I've said before in this post. I am someone who will help when it's needed, and someone who accepts and gets along well with the people around me. You, however, are not. You go out of your way to be an asshole to everyone around you, and are hated for it. And it's funny, because you used to be different. You can degrade my past, my looks, and my intelligence all you want, but it all comes down to personality. And of course, smartassing about me failing a grade was entirely called for, wasn't it?

    Also, I don't see you as amounting to anything. You are just a little bitch in my eyes, and you'll remain so until you live up to what you said in this thread. Of course, that doesn't matter to you, and you were only being a smartass in that thread.

    You truly are a lost cause. And in that, in your morality, it doesn't matter how much more intelligent you are than me. You're a complete dumbass until you can get your morals straight.


    I appreciate the help, Twili Link, but it's directed personally towards me. Don't waste your time on him. I've said what I wanted to say, and I'm done with him. He is, plain and simple, not worth my time.

    Ok. Sorry didn't mean to get in the way. My bad :embarrassed:

  5. Please. I'm at least in my appropriate grade level, and actually doing well academically. You failed middle school. How do you seriously do that? You also wear ridiculous hats and dangle a candy cane from your mouth, and somehow you think that makes you look good. But oh, it really does. I may be conceited, but at the very least I don't make myself my own avatar. Because who seriously would?

    And just because you failed a grade doesn't mean you got smart. You just redid the same material for another year. But that totally doesn't make look any smarter than the other kids if your grade, never mind that they're a year younger. Pizzas don't deliver themselves, you know.

    You realize that's an insult to failuers all over the world. Plus before you start to think that I failed, I didn't, I've passed every year so far :D . But seriously there are tons of people who failed. It's perfectly human to fail and it's like jo said. Failing can be a good thing cause it helps you learn from your mistakes. There are people out there who are proud when they fail. It's a learning experience.

  6. Don't try it. It's not possible to do the game without using the song of time. You have to use especially for the opening but that's just to save. Try this, you know how you can upgrade your sword to razor then guilded, keep it kokiri, keep only 3 hearts, no fairies, no potions, and make sure you use the song of time when needed. Trust me you're gonna need it.

  7. Incase you haven't seen it before on youtube, just type in legend of zelda ocarina of time abridged series it's episode 1, here it is. Plus I can't remember it completly so I improvised for some things incase it's wrong. But it would be funny if they said it. This takes place in Kokiri Forest

    Great Deku Tree: Navi you must go get the young boy without a fairy and bring him here to fufill his destiny

    Navi: What's that

    GDT: To kill that D*^med squirll that set up a nest inside me

    Navi: Ok whatever you big wooden idiot. Why does it have to be him. He probably isn't even awake yet *goes under Mido* Out of the way Jerka*s.

    Random girl: Hello

    Navi: Well hello yourself, hope you're stuck up there forever *goes to kid humping a rock*

    Navi: Are you humping a rock

    Random Boy: Hell's yeah

    Navi: ok, gotta find a quick way out of here *sees a way* chaaaaaarge *hits fence* ow, hope no one saw that

    Random Boy: I did

    Navi: Shut up rock humper *goes inside Link's house*

    Link: No get off me strange green ginger man (ganondorf)

    Navi: ok. Wake up wake up wake up wake up

    Link: *yawns* Oh cool they make flying lightbulbs

    Navi: What I'm not a lightbulb

    Link: Cool it talks

    Navi: Anyways the GDT (Great Deku Tree) wants to see you

    Link: Well then tell him he can come get me himself when he needs me

    Navi: You do realize he's a tree right

    Link: He is, I just though he had a funny last name

    Navi: A funny last...if you don't go I'll...

    Link: you'll what

    Navi: I'll kick your a*s

    Link: yeah like a flying lightbulb will kick my a*s

    *hear Link gettin beaten up*

    Navi: Hehe if we were in prison you'd be my bi*%h

    Link: *In angry voice* Shut up!

  8. How about both of you are banned for arguing. Just Kidding.

    I banned you because I can

    cant touch this da na na na na na na

    da na na na... na na na na na

    cant touch this