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Posts posted by Neku

  1. Blue. Gotta love blue. Except baby blue. Eww.

    Yellow too, I was team captain of yellow in Primary school and we won all three terms. joy.gif

    And purple. And black. And green. And don't forget red.

    But DEFINITELY not pink. suspicious.gif

  2. Wow.

    What a weird day I've had.

    First of all, thanks for all the support, guys. |D

    But anyway, I was on Osu! Chat on my temporary account, and guess who was there: Adam2046. URGH.

    I felt like flipping out, but I didn't want to get IP banned.

    So anyway, long story short, I got my account back. But now I daren't show my face in the chat room any more. T_T.gif

    Why? Because the owner (peppy) got pissed when I explained what happened, because I had two accounts for about a day. And when the admin gets mad, you run to the hills, or get banhammered, as I've learned before. The hard way. fear.gif

    So now I have to make sure peppy's away, and Adam2046 is gone, before I chat. Or wait atleast 100 years.

    That sucks. T_T.gifT_T.gifT_T.gif

  3. T_T.gifangry.gifdizzy.gif

    I am not happy.

    I just put on one of my fave online games, Osu! and it says at the bottom:

    "You are banned. If you think this is a mistake, please contact a moderator."

    And I know EXACTLY why.

    I was chatting away the other day, having fun with some fun people, when this prick, Adam4026 or 2046, idk, comes on, and starts going "LIEK OMG STOP HAVING FUN YOU N00BS THIS ISN'T A PLACE TO HAVE FUN ITS A GAME!!!111eleventy"

    No seriously, thats what he sounded like.

    And so, I say the cake is a lie, and he says "OMG STOPPP USING MEMES!!"

    I go TT_TT

    And he thinks he SO special calling me four eyes, which to be honest, is totally unfunny. I don't even wear glasses. I bet you ANY money that after I signed off he told the mods to ban me, and made up some obviously bull**** (SORRY I'M ANGRY fear.gif ) story as to why, when it was he who was in the wrong. Probably anyone with me yesterday would agree I was having a bit of harmless fun.

    What did I do to deserve this? T_T.gif

    I'm going straight back and signing back up and I'm gonna hunt him down.

  4. Hey guys.

    I believe in this guys theory here:

    *sigh* Its really hard to explain why I do, its just, it makes sense to me, what with all the different Links running around... and...


    You might understand what I'm getting at if you watch it.

    Actually, there used to be another kind of split timeline vid around somewhere, which focused on two different Hyrules: A and B. A was the dry Hyrule, such as OoT's. B was based around the flooded Hyrule in WW and PH, and how it came to be. The thing is, I can't seem to find the vid.


    However, this probably automated message from Nintendo says that "there isn't a true frame of reference of time possible for the series." WHUUUUUUUUUUUUUT???!?!?

    Basically, Nintendo have had enough of this debate and are refusing to tell us anything. However, we're gonna carry on until we get the truth, and nuttin' but the truth. biggrin.gif

  5. Hai guys!joy.gif

    It came to my attention the other day while messing about on Ocarina Of Time that the sun follows a set cycle, like it does on Earth. (LOL I'm slightly dumb) So anyway, I went back to Hyrule Castle and got on the chains attached to the drawbridge just as it began to rise. First of all, I noticed that you can earn 60 rupees by just walking across the top of it. Thats simple enough.

    But my point being, when you stand on the chains while the drawbridge is up, you notice that you can see through the wall at the top, amirite? Well, if you get the camera at the right angle, you might see the early morning sun sprite (the orangey coloured one) UNDERNEATH the floor, travelling to the horizon.

    It makes sense as it shows that the sun is on a permenant loop so the game doesn't have to figure out what time to make it rise. It just moves constantly at the same speed to make life easier.

    You've probably found this out years ago, but I still think its pretty funny. biggrin.gif

  6. Meh, seeing as I've got a link to my Facebook page in my siggy, I might as well share my name.


    My name is Anna. biggrin.gif

    It means 'beauty of grace'. Which is weird, cos I ain't beautiful and definitely ain't graceful. sweat.gif

    But ironically (or not) I have a friend called Grace on dA. joy.gif

  7. Lulz, congrats Link Player. Thats exactly how I felt last September. Except, I'm in England so its a comprehensive school over here. sweat.gif

    (And btw, this thread dates to this month, so have you started school in August? Or is this thread just insane? dizzy.gif )

  8. I was about to run for the hills and leave the site permenantly when I started reading this thread. I thought the Twitards had managed to get past the ReCaptcha security check! (Like that would ever happen XD)

    Nice to see people on my side for once. Theres more Twitards to troll then there is undead in House of The Dead. If thats possible. happy.gif

  9. Lol, all these desktops are awesome. XD

    I haven't got a Zelda one at the mo, but I change my background like, every 5 seconds, so yeah.
