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Profile Comments posted by SilverAlchemic

  1. SilverAlchemic

    Man I had no idea the HUGE ASSHOLE and the HUGE ASSHOLE were born today X amount of years ago. Hope you enjoy yourselves today. :>
  2. SilverAlchemic

    Make her a member of the Midnight Crew~
  3. SilverAlchemic

    Look at me, singing Christmas songs on an 81-degree day.
  4. SilverAlchemic

    Knuckle and Pheo fight over kingship so much. Why not institute an oligarchy?

      I thought we were an autonomous collective.

    2. Necropolis

      Stannis 4 lyf

    3. SilverAlchemic

      apparently shrubs is the next king anyway

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  5. SilverAlchemic

    Karma karma karma karma karma chameleooooooonnnnnn
  6. SilverAlchemic

    Joyous date of birth, Physician Short-foliage-resembling-trees.
  7. SilverAlchemic

    Joyous date of birth, Physician Short-foliage-resembling trees.
  8. SilverAlchemic

    JEGUS WHY DID I CHANGE MY NAME. Now I'm stuck as Pheo. T_T
  9. SilverAlchemic » pheonix561

    It's Dark Link with a red lightsaber.
  10. SilverAlchemic

    It's 2,000 posts to become a veteran right?
  11. SilverAlchemic

    It turns out when you accidentally middle-click and open a new tab it does not, in fact, change the page you're currently on.
  12. SilverAlchemic

    It seems like everyone's going through some heavy shit nowadays, yeah?
    1. Chimetals

      imo, everyones shite hits the fan at the same time, always.

    2. Michael

      When I made my thread I wasn't angry or anything. It's just been lingering inside me, and it was something I wanted to get off my chest. I can say feels better. <3

    3. True Gamer

      My depressive state was in late July, August. I'm doing better these days, but still working on solving my own problems. Mostly money problems. Like the rest of America.

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  13. SilverAlchemic

    It doesn't feel like Christmastime to me. Why doesn't it feel like Christmastime.
  14. SilverAlchemic

    Isn't it tomorrow in Scotland now?
  15. SilverAlchemic » Cascade

    Is your avatar Demise? Wait yes it is now
  16. SilverAlchemic

    Is it possible/easy to change the graphics card in a laptop? puppying minecraft and it's OpenGL.
  17. SilverAlchemic

    Is it possible to see which of your posts was which number? I wanna go back and number my 1,000th post.
  18. SilverAlchemic » LLmao ?✊?

    is it literally impossible for you to not be a dick
  19. SilverAlchemic

    Is Glee Werewolf ever going to update
  20. SilverAlchemic

    Is Glee Werewolf ever going to update
  21. SilverAlchemic

    If possible put the ability to change your title back in the shop
  22. SilverAlchemic

    If only I knew more Percy Jackson fans...
  23. SilverAlchemic

    I've discovered that half of my writing style is making fun of the other half.
  24. SilverAlchemic

    I've begun my homoerotic descent into madness.
    1. pheonix561

      I watch the animated clips every now and then it counts

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  25. SilverAlchemic

    I'm sorry, LL. I'm sorry everyone. You're right, i'm not liked, My posts are worthless, and I personally don't think I should be on a site as awesome as this.