What does Hyrule.net mean to you?

36 posts in this topic


Weeeeelll, I joined here over two years ago, after I searched "Zelda Forum" on Google. I joined immediately, without even looking at any of the members. After the general noobish-ness, not understanding how the site worked, etc., I came to realise how much I enjoyed my time here. All the veteran members; Saria_Kokiri, G333, Pokefan, CG... They were what kept me coming back here. But in the past year or so, the whole site's just been gradually slipping down a steep slope. The arrival of all the new members; Bathykolpian, Grandmaster Phoenix, Alex the Arbiter, and so on, kind of ruined it for me.

So, in general Freckle behaviour, I suspended some of the people I find annoying for as many 9s as I could fit in the "days" box, made a bunch of spam topics and deleted every topic in the RP forum.

So, yeah. Screw you all, basically.

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My friend suggested it to me in school, and since i liked zelda, i thought okay!

He also gave me tips, and people to avoid....... and people to try and make friend with. not to double post.

anyway, he asked me not to say his name, cuz he left.

But i do enjoy Hyrule.net alot :D

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This site has a nice community so far, and I am hoping to enjoy being a part of it. :D

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Oh, and let's not forget that my Negation account only got suspended for a week.

God, you guys are idiots.

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I was just about to say it was you. Damn.

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I remember finding this site while browsing for info about TP back in the day. Then I just joined and did get some pretty good friends here fast. Most of them are however inactive at the site now, which is pretty sad. I know I'm not the most active member, but I try to visit the site whenever I get the chance. 'Cause Hyrule.net still means a lot to me, and it would break my heart to see it dead.

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