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Very, VERY pissed off right now.

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So today's the 7th, the official release date of Spirit Tracks. I live in a town where video game stores aren't available, I have to find a ride out of town 1-2 days ahead of time to get someone to either pick something up for me, or accompany them for the ride. Anyway, I sent a member of my family up with money to pick me up Spirit Tracks, she went to 3 different stores and all the places told her that the game only comes out on the 7th. Uh, yeah idiots, today's the 7th, so why are you withholding the game? Everywhere I've seen online, even Nintendo's official website, gives the game a release date for the 7th. Holding off until the following day, the 8th, isn't that some kind of breach in the merchandising clause? The developper wants their game out on the 7th, but the retailers decide to ship it the following day? Why are they allowed to do this? And what the puppy is the point of putting official release dates up on the internet if you're gonna pull your poo at the last minute and screw your consumers/fans?

Oh man oh man if I had my way I'd find a way to shut those useless puppying stores down. If you're not gonna have your merchandise available for people that've been anxiously awaiting it's release date OUT on it's release date, then why are you still functioning as a store? Why do you even HAVE a store? Can't these retailers be brought to court by Nintendo for not having their merchandise out for sale on the officialized day that it advertised to come out? There's gotta be something I/we (cuz I know it's happened to others too) can do about this, because this is an insult to consumers everywhere. It has to stop.

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Dude. It's a day. It can wait. Chill. =)

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It's ok. It's only a day. Besides it was only a minor screw up and it'll be out tomorrow. Though I think I can see why you're pissd off.

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Dude. It's a day. It can wait. Chill. =)

I wish I could... I've been having a really rough time with a bunch of personal stuff in my life recently; I had everything all set up and good to go last night, hoping for one sliver of a good thing to happen, and then this happens... I almost feel like I'm at a breaking point right now... :(

I don't have a car or the luxury of being in a decent sized city where game stores are various; my "ride" went up today and I might have to wait even longer now to get it. It kinda makes me feel left out and left behind.. I know it's a little thing, but right now even the little things are starting to get to me... ugh :(

And YLA, I know tomorrow's when they'll put it out, but I might not even be able to do that now because Monday is the only time this week anyone I know is going to the city where the gamestore are... today really sucks man... it was going well up until retailers decided to puppy me and everyone else over... I'm almost tempted to sign up for a credit card and just order all my poo through Nintendo; puppy consumers. They don't know poo.

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And YLA, I know tomorrow's when they'll put it out, but I might not even be able to do that now because Monday is the only time this week anyone I know is going to the city where the gamestore are... today really sucks man... it was going well up until retailers decided to puppy me and everyone else over... I'm almost tempted to sign up for a credit card and just order all my poo through Nintendo; puppy consumers. They don't know poo.

That's what I was thinking because you wouldn't be as pissed off if you had a chance to go tomorrow.

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Well, a bit of an update... turns out my family member paid for it at the counter for me, so luckily my brother has to work tomorrow in the same city so he'll be able to go pick it up for me... only thing is he gets home around 4-5pm and it's his b-day tomorrow so again I doubt I'll get to play as much as I want to... but I guess better late than never... still really sucks though :( I guess in the meantime I should finish my my Zelda mastery list... only 3 more games to go! Well, 4 once I get ST...

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You've never worked retail have you? Most stores get new deliveries on monday night or tuesday morning.

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Well that's good news. Have... F-ffff-ffffffffff-fun. Sorry that was difficult to say let alone type. >_<

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True, but I've also heard stories of retailers getting stock earlier than release dates and keeping it concealed in the back room. Which is what I'm pretty sure happened with Spirit Tracks. Retailers tell people that their shipments of games come in for Tuesdays (likely that they received their shipment Monday night like you said, or early-ish during a Tuesday morning), and they had copies in the back but decided to hold off selling them on a Monday, and waiting for a day when more people would come in expecting to get what they want.

What I'm getting at is if you got the game in stock prior to it's release, and on the day of the release you still have it in the back in whatever package/parcel/containment it was shipped in, for what reason is there to withhold it to the consumers? And I really, REALLY hate the employees that work for these places, there's been situations where they're able to purchase a copy of the game a day or so ahead of the release date... that poo shouldn't be allowed. Can't people be fired for that? Or management of the retail store reprimanded/punished for allowing copies to be sold ahead of time?

Another thing I can't quite understand... how the puppy did Adr get a copy of the game 1-2 days b4 the release, and everyone else is having to wait an extra day past release?

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Dude, I know what you mean. Earlier today I went to a bunch of different stores to get a copy, and none of them carried it!

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Adr lives in Holland. I think they get it sooner.

Anyways, sorry dude. That sucks.

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Adr is lucky, I live in Holland too, well Holland, MI that is, we should have a connection or something to get it earlier like other Hollanders lol

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At least your not pissed on.

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True, DorkLink, it is always worse to be pissed on to be pissed off

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Hey, Discharge. Shut up.

There's people in the world that have a harder time of dealing with stress and other psychological related issues, and unfortunately I happen to be one of them. So how about keeping the insensitive ass comments to yourself? That is, assuming you're a decent person and not just a forum troll that delights in other people's misery.

Y'know, I was feeling better about the whole situation until I came back and read this thread to see if anyone else had the same problem I had with the game's release, and then I saw what you wrote. Totally unnecessary and uncalled for.

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