Type of Father

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This has be bothering me for a long time. Up until last year, I always thought my parents were... OK to say the least. So picture my surprise when I learn that my parents whole 19 year marriage is a big fat sham.

They only married cuz my dad pressured my mom into it cuz she was knocked up with me at age 16. That was a lie too. He just wanted the funding from DiVery University if your married.

She only stayed with him this long for my sake. She put up with crack, weed, and other narcotics for my sake, and did such a good job of it, I had no clue until i was 20. In short my dad is an a**hole. He lies constantly, stole from his own mother's house to pay for drugs, stole from me when I was younger. (TV's and things like that. Oddly never my game systems... thank god.)

>She put up with crack, weed, and other narcotics for my sake

>Grouping weed in with crack

>Calling weed a narcotic

So I was wondering, Has any one else had problems like this? A father who wasn't really a Dad.

Yes, my dad was strung out on crack, meth, and heroin, and also had a taste for shrooms, LSD, and weed. My mom also had a taste for weed. Not so much the LSD.

I like weed and LSD :D

Anyway he was a dick. I haven't talked to him in 4 years. Still love him though.

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My Dad is definitely a DAD. I am thankful that he is willing to pay for part of my college education, but I also feel very guilty about it because I can't find a job and have no way to help out or possibly repay him. I'm also glad that he supports my decision to study art. He's knows that I know I won't make much money, and he's fine with it. Too many of my peers' parents think money is everything....reality check; it isn't.

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Man, my parents are barely giving me any money for college. Well, I mean, $8000 is a lot more money than I have right now, but it certainly isn't going to come close to paying for my college. And I don't qualify for any financial aid, since my parents also make around $192K a year, which means unless I get a ton of scholarships, I'm going to be stuck with a crapload of student loans when I finish school.

Also, more on topic, when I help my dad with building stuff, he has a tendency to not tell me what I'm supposed to be doing and then get mad at me for not knowing. It's pretty lame.

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Man, my parents are barely giving me any money for college. Well, I mean, $8000 is a lot more money than I have right now, but it certainly isn't going to come close to paying for my college. And I don't qualify for any financial aid, since my parents also make around $192K a year, which means unless I get a ton of scholarships, I'm going to be stuck with a crapload of student loans when I finish school.

Yeah, $8000 will only buy you about one year, or maybe just one semester at a fairly cheap school. Sorry to hear that. I get plenty of financial aid because my parents make just under $50k a year. So, I don't have to take out loans, thank goodness. Make the best grades you possibly can during high school! It might pay off!

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To me, my father is the most important person in the world. His intelligence and ability to lead effectively are traits that I hope to have one day, and if I can be half the man he is, then I will be wildly successful. He is the greatest person that I know, and I am lucky to have him.

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My dad? Angry Cuban man.

loljk. Nah, my dad's is pretty cool. He has always been really supportive of what I do. He was the guy who wore the team spiritwear (for the parents) to all my swim meets and came to like most of my cross country races and tennis matches and soccer games. He has a great deal of common sense - something I like to I inherited from him. He does have a temper, and can go overboard when he's angry. But he always knows what to do and I know if I ever need help he's there for me. He's a pretty funny guy too. And apparently has a Spanish accent, but I don't notice it? lol.

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Uh... Yeah. My father isn't around anymore, he was a horrible person from what I remember.

Couldn't leave the house, except for school. I missed out on most childhood things because of it, made me grow up fast and all.

Some pretty bad stuff. So yeah, genes for the most part.

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