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Product Placement Anime

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These used to be so popular, and every now and then, you'll see new ones. It's rare though. I kinda wanna make a toy just so it'll end up as a less-then-great anime dub. We all know "Pokemon" and "Yu-Gi-Oh" "Duel Masters", but here are a few you might not have noticed. Feel free to post your own videos, be they Japanese or dubbed.


One of my favorite childhood toys, Battle B-Daman:

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I don't think I want to click on either of those.

I watch some super cool anime with adverts in them, but they're not solely for the purpose of making a product seem worth buying.

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As long as you don't take these anime seriously, they can be pretty fun.

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I used to play with beyblades. Saw like one episode of the show one saturday morning or something.

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If Heroman counts (and I'm sure if they haven't made any Heroman figurines in Japan, they surely will soon) then thats the only one I could remember. xD;

Though as for products which have been altered in order to avoid copyright, then E7's guilty of that. I've seen, "Smickers" at least ten times on that show. xD

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LL, is right. Transformers and G.I.Joe are good examples.

Eka, I'm not talking about series that become toys. I'm talking about a series that STARTS as a product. IE- Digimon or Pokemon.

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LL, is right. Transformers and G.I.Joe are good examples.

Eka, I'm not talking about series that become toys. I'm talking about a series that STARTS as a product. IE- Digimon or Pokemon.

Um, Yu-gi-oh didn't start as a product, it started as a manga.

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Yea, you are right. I thought of that on my way to class today. "Shit, I need to edit that" was going through my head. Haha.

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Eka, I'm not talking about series that become toys. I'm talking about a series that STARTS as a product. IE- Digimon or Pokemon.

Digimon started as a product?

Also, Yu-Gi-Oh! turned me off when it started writing ancient Egyptian history around card monsters, some of which are actually mechanical/robots.

It turned me off again when it turns out the whole society revolves around Duel Monsters, and that kids go to school/academies for it.

Like for serious. It was trying pretty hard to sell.

Pokemon is nowhere close in this aspect, because it makes sense that these creatures with seemingly infinite abilities should have a place in society, rather than a popular game of cards. It is held within its own universe, (Yu-Gi-Oh! had an American antagonist and drew from ancient Egyptian culture) and it doesn't so much leap boundaries of ridiculousness. However, it did have its bad points, such as extreme repetition and 4Kids! in general.

Pokemon, however, didn't so much try to make itself look totally super radical coolio like YGO! as it did try to work the games' plots into the series. Pokemon started out pretty much explaining game mechanics, which is what I liked about it. You didn't think of it as an advertisement. It was a vaguely entertaining tutorial.

I understand that things like Beyblade and Bakugan don't have cohesive plots within their product, but the way they present the advertisements were just over the top wacky. They are too much of an advertisement. "Hey kids, these tops aren't just tops... They're DRAGONS. AND THEY NEVER STOP SPINNING. In fact, sometimes they spin so hard they mess up woodwork and FLY at each other."

Back when I was young and susceptible, I got one and was disappointed as to how long they spun, similar to when I was confused at how skateboards don't just fly forward by leaning that way after playing Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2.

I was disappointed at the lack of an actual strategy to spinning the things. They just spun, and if they stopped spinning or landed in a pit, well, that's just how stuff goes. They couldn't have put like, magnets in them? Sometimes the tops would just spin around each other, then one would get too close and get hit, causing it to slowly stop spinning. Real anticlimactic-like. Although there were some times where they WOULD hit each other full force and fly out of the arena, which was cool.

To this day, though, I think it's cool how you assemble them and how you can customize the parts and stuff. Had a satisfying weight and feel to them.

But yeah.

That's about all my knowledge of product placement anime.


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Digimon started as a product?

My thoughts exactly. o_0 I thought the anime kersploded with popularity, and so THEN they made the cards.

Hah, I never owned a Beyblade: I remember wanting to watch people play, though. Sometimes battles could be so intense.

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Digimon started as the first battle V-pet. Like a tomogachi that fought with other digimon V-pets.

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It turned me off again when it turns out the whole society revolves around Duel Monsters, and that kids go to school/academies for it.

When Yu-Gi-Oh! started acutally Duel Monsters didn't exist... And until you get to the series it's basically just a normal card game wit h tournaments that offer outrageous prizes... I mean in the real world the pokemon card game national tournament, or something along the lines of, offers a scholarship prize... Not a particularly giant one... But a scholarship nonetheless... the main character just happens to like the game a lot...

Many I'm hopeless... Defending Yu-gi-oh... Ah well


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My thoughts exactly. o_0 I thought the anime kersploded with popularity, and so THEN they made the cards.

Hah, I never owned a Beyblade: I remember wanting to watch people play, though. Sometimes battles could be so intense.

o_O they are cards

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does LL really play Yu-gi-oh again?

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