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So, what, I can't spend my own f***ing money the way I want to?

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So my Aunt sent me a hundred bucks. Which is awesome, I've been bankin' on this cash ever since my Mamaw mentioned it to me. With this cash I can buy some things:

1. Thank you card for my Aunt(decency's sake, and I really do appreciate it :) )

2. Glade(for my room, I want to keep it smelling nice. I live in it, and when it smells nice I smell nice along with it.)

3. Final Fantasy XIII

Now, I'm going on a choir trip to France and Italy at the end of June. I'm pretty hyped up for it. This money was sent to help me out over there. I understand that. However, I really, really want FFXIII. Here's the means to get it, and I can put the rest to my trip. I can just buy it with no work required, no saving up required, just get it and have a blast.

Sounds good, right? Hell no. She won't let me buy it. She keeps on bitching at me, telling me that I should save it for my trip.

Which I should, but it's my money. I should spend it the way I want to. I lose some spending money. Oh well, I'll put up with the consequences. I'm getting more anyway.

I understand that I sound like an idiot wanting to spend my money away like this, but this is something that I really want. It's times like these that I wish I had a license, and I could just drive up there myself without asking her.

She says that I'll have to talk to my dad about it. He'll probably say the same shit.

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Yea, that's cool. Just spend your money now and then go on your trip with nothing but food money. (If that)

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^ Really all I wanted in the first place.

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Jo, just save your money when you're on the trip. It's better to be safe than sorry. But yeah, I've been there. My mom used to do the same crap before I went to college. Heck, she still tries to tell me what to do.

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Just save it all for the trip. Afterwards, if you have enough money, buy FF XIII. If you don't, be glad you didn't buy FF XIII, because you would have starved and that would have made the trip generally unpleasant.

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Y'all make really good points. I'm going to save up, thanks. I was just really pissed when I typed this. I'm also pissed right now over something else my mom's done, but meh. Such is life, I won't bitch about it. :)

Y'all make really good points. I'm going to save up, thanks. I was just really pissed when I typed this. I'm also pissed right now over something else my mom's done, but meh. Such is life, I won't bitch about it. :)

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I agree with Lionheart.

Save it, and if you still have enough, get it or save what you have for it.

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If you're anything like me, it'll be difficult to save your money throughout the whole trip.

You'll see something you want, and you might get it.

Buying the game beforehand guarantees that you will have spent the money you were going to use anyway on it. Changing the time of purchase doesn't change the rules of the game. You're losing the exact same amount of money either way.

Now, if you don't plan on playing it during your trip, then you're going to have to go through antagonizing anticipation. That wouldn't fly with me.

But you've got a right to be angry about it.

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Well, my dad came home last night, and he actually told me that I'm supposed to be getting something of a huge sum of cash to spend over there, and that spending this wouldn't hurt me.

He said he probably shouldn't have told me that, but oh well. This game's p. fun.

And that brings me to my dad. He's a nice guy, not because he let me know that I could do this(and let me), but because he's just a good guy. My mom irritates me regularly. I should respect her, but that doesn't change who she is. My dad's someone I can just talk to, and I do all the time.

He explained all the things I'm gonna need to get for people, etc. etc. And we talked about how I'm trying to plan my life out. :)

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