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So I'm in astronomy class

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and my teacher put an XKCD comic on the back of the test I was taking. Needless to say, I was pretty surprised that I have a teacher awesome enough to read XKCD.

Has something like this happened to anyone else?

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My Maths teacher uses XKCD for her desktop background. She said we should all read it.

I read it a while before, it's okay.

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From what I understand, T1g's computer science TA's both read dinosaur comics, and use some of the comics in their sessions. Also, I have seen xkcd comics lying around here and there in classes on teacher's walls, math and science teachers especially. Music teachers are very fond of Gary Larson.

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I think this should be the "cool teachers" thread.

My Biology teacher does the thing with directing questions at people around the class. But instead of getting people to name each other, or just her picking them herself, we throw a teddy seal named Henley at each other to direct questions.

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Oneof my Greek and Roman Studies teacher was pretty cool. He spent the first class doing roll call and coming up with something to say to each student, usually about their names. I have an obviously Ukrainian last name, and he asked me if I was part Ukrainian, and I told him "Yeah, five sixteenths." He gave me a weird look and moved on. He wound up being too sick to teach for that year.

I once had a math teacher who kept getting distracted and telling us stories. Oh, and my grade 6 teacher turned the class into a menagerie with turtles, budgies, hamsters, fish, and a few other animals.

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One of my computing teachers used the weirdest metaphors ever.

I don't remember what he was trying to explain, but he compared it to superman flying to the shop to buy potatoes. I don't know.

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My teacher used to touch me in funny places :3

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My Western Civilization teacher has been to about three-fourths of the world, and the stories he tells are quite entertaining. Unfortunately, we aren't sure whether they're true or not. One student kept track and found that he supposedly had three different childhoods, went five places during undergrad spring break, and got married, divorced, had a kid and at least seven girlfriends in under a decade. Not to mention all the illegal (but only occasionally dangerous) things he's done.

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Western civ. teachers are always awesome. Mine was the son of an ambassador, so he spent his life going back and forth from Britain to America. he picked up a lot of cool quirks from living like that.

But yeah, he likes to BS a lot from time to time also. There's just no way he could have done some things he claimed to have done.

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Oh guys, remember penis inspection day?

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I had this teacher when I was a junior in highschool who would bullshit everyone in the class when they reviewed the material we were supposed to go over. Everyone who knew that what he was saying was wrong would know, and keep it to themselves, and everyone who had no idea would be really confused and surprised at how the history books seemed to leave out the fact that King George the third was legally insane.

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what is the deal with King George III anyway? Didn't he have a coma or something while he was king?

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I don't know, but I know now he was not insane.

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