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Breaking now: Osama Bin Ladin killed

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He....wasnt really a threat anymore, was he?

Chimetals what in the world are you talking about

What do you think he would have done if we weren't constantly hunting for him

Do you remember what he did when we weren't searching for him to begin with

Do you remember how we've been at war with Al Qaeda for ten years now

Do you remember how we're still at war with him

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They "buried" him at sea so his tomb wouldn't become some kind of sacred shrine for his supporters.

Though I mean, folks would probably vandalize it just as much as it was worshiped, rather, probably a loooooooot more.

If he were buried here, probably. If he was buried in his home country, it would be a shrine. He still has a support network out there, I'm curious about what the retaliation may be.

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Well, they probably kept quiet about if for a week like they did so they could get rid of his body without there being anyone to stop them. They probably haven't mentioned where at sea they buried it, so people will have a much harder time looking for it.

EDIT: Err, wait, I think I read that wrong. I read on wikipedia the night we all heard about it that he was killed April 24th,which has since been edited, so I thought that's what you meant by keeping a secret, and that's what that response was to. Now I have no idea what we're talking about.

Lol, apparently the operation was called Geronimo. I'm picturing a Navy Seal jumping off a cliff yelling geronimoooooo and landing on Osama.

And apparently, his hideout was 32 miles from their capital, which isn't exactly "a few hundred metres," as someone put it, but it's still very concerning to hear.

More as I read, apparently Osama wasn't the one hiding behind his wife when he was killed. An unidentified male was using an unidentified female as a living shield as he fired at the soldiers. They were both killed. Osama didn't have a shield or something. His twelve year old daughter watched him die, though.

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Hiding behind his wife, and newborn kittens, strapped right over all his vitals.

And he threw children to deflect the bullets.

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My teacher said they should've left his body out in the middle of the street to rot, and just let dogs come and tear it up.

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I'm not saying he didn't do horrible things, but so many people say things like that about him and think they're fully justified in wanting to give him a horrible death and desecrating his corpse. It doesn't sit right with me.

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My teacher said they should've left his body out in the middle of the street to rot, and just let dogs come and tear it up.

Again, read the Iliad. Achilles was an ok guy till he dragged his rivals corpse behind his chariot as a pastime for several days.

this is america being the better country, as far as "well respect all corpses even though a lot of people cheered when they heard his death. because everyone has a family."

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I hope a lot more people can sleep peacefully tonight.

Not surprising since he was the boogie man. I can't wait to tune in to "America's Next Top Boogie Man" to see who his replacement is.

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I honestly thought this guy was dead a long time ago... would have been nice to see the body or something >.>

Oh well, he is dead and everyone I know seems blah about it. I mean seriously congrats seals team 6 but it sure took a long time storming all over the foreign country to find one guy. But hey I'm not in the military, wtf do I know?

When one wacko falls, more will rise. I'm not trying to be negative but Osama seemed pretty much... inactive for being alive for so long. Lets just hope we didn't make matters worse by blowing his brains out.

What can I say? I'm skeptical as crap. If it helps anybody sleep good at night, thats good. My friend who lost her grandma at the world trade center isn't sleeping any better then she did. Then again, there is loop holes ever since 2001. People saying this and that. Basically, this guy is dead now so how about we get the troops OUT and stop wasting MORE lives?

I'd be happy to hear that on the news. Nope, instead, 2011, almost 10 years after 9/11 this guy is reported dead. He was so "Not there" for so long that he would have been better off dead a long time ago. Say before I would even remember it, like 2002 or 2003. Maybe my parents and everyone else I know who was old enough back then to understand it actually would have been a bit more thrilled that he is dead. Now people are just going, wtf took so long?

Hey, I'm just exercising my freedom of speech here guys, you don't have to like it.

After all, it is America. puppy YEAH!

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I think you might be a bit too young to understand how much this means to so many people. He wasn't just involved in 11/9. He was involved in embassy bombings, the Luxor Massacre (66 people killed), The Bali Bombings (202 people killed, including 88 Australians) and quite a few more operations.

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Did you even read my post? I wasn't posting how I feel. I was posting how my friends and family (much older than me) feel.

Instead of replying saying I'm too young to understand how people feel, just let me post my opinion. Freedom of speech. America. All that shite?

My opinion, comes from people around here who lost loved ones in 9/11. Most of them feel blah about it. Thats what I said. Blah.

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People around you aren't representative of all people. Considering the fact that a hell of a lot of people who were affected by it are thrilled, I'd say the people around you aren't the majority. My point still stands with the fact that you come in here with the opinion that it doesn't mean much. Because thats what you did do, even if you think that you were only saying the opinions of the people around you. You wouldn't have bothered posting what they feel unless you agree with them. Or unless you had your own opinion to go with your post. So yes, I still think you are too young to fully understand the significance.

Also, you are entitled to your opinion, and I'm entitled to debate it. And free speech doesn't exist on a web forum. Doesn't exist at all for me, I live in a country without free speech so lol.

Besides, another part of your post mentioned that you felt he was inactive for so long. I replied by saying that wasn't the case. He was still planning operations after 11/9. Do you really feel that because it's been so long since 11/9 that it was safe to just leave him be? Yes, it would have been wonderful for them to find him faster. But he was hiding for a reason. It was hard to find him. And they did find him a few times, but he always got away because of leaking intelligence about their operations.

And the war and Bin Laden are different subjects.

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