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She is a giant cinnamon roll who did nothing wrong. In fact she would probably LOVE to be a cinnamon roll

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The new Gundam has finally been revealed after that small countdown. There's a trailer for the new Gundam half-way through the video if you want to skip to it. It reveals that the new Gundam will be airing this fall on October 4th.






Seems it'll be about orphans doing the ol' Gundam tradition of trying to stop the bad characters, who probably aren't objectively bad, from controlling the universe. The character designs look good, as does the Gundam itself. The trailer also looks pretty nice.


The only gripe I have with it is a petty subjective one, which is with the setting being on Mars or at least somewhat set on Mars with there being a conflict between it and Earth. Aldnoah Zero is set on Mars. Aldnoah Zero S2, Mars. Classroom Crisis? Also on Mars. And Terra Formers started a few years back, but it's also on Mars. There are probably more I'm forgetting, but let's just assume that every anime airing right now is also set on Mars. So, if I see one more anime set on Mars...


Besides that, this seems solid. Like a robot. Hopefully I don't stop watching anime halfway through the season like during Reconguista's airing.

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The only gripe I have with it is a petty subjective one, which is with the setting being on Mars or at least somewhat set on Mars with there being a conflict between it and Earth. Aldnoah Zero is set on Mars. Aldnoah Zero S2, Mars. Classroom Crisis? Also on Mars. And Terra Formers started a few years back, but it's also on Mars. There are probably more I'm forgetting, but let's just assume that every anime airing right now is also set on Mars. So, if I see one more anime set on Mars...


Besides that, this seems solid. Like a robot. Hopefully I don't stop watching anime halfway through the season like during Reconguista's airing.


Mars is indeed a bit overexposed right now, although Gundam does have a bit of history with Mars colonies going back at least to the Gundam F90 manga from 1990, which had the final Zeon remnants holding out on Mars with a railgun installed in Olympus Mons, and including the villains from Gundam



There was a strong backlash when the show-runners were revealed to be Tatsuyuki Nagai and Mari Okada, but I haven't seen any of their other anime. So I'm still hoping this show can deliver.

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A friend of mine obsesses over mars, and loves the idea of humanity getting there eventually, but when I told him the show runners he was a bit hesitant. I hope they prove people wrong. I didn't watch any of those garbage shows, so Mars seems like a breath of fresh air compared to O'Neil Cylinders. Plus I really love shows about Guerilla insurrections. Anything with a smaller weaker force fending off an empire

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Guys I finally got over my grudge against adult swim and puppying watched all of Fullmetal alchemist (brotherhood). The show that every single anime person I have met in person has been like "why haven't you watched it". Trust me that is several dozen people.

Anyway, I enjoyed it. The show is paced pretty well, the writing is decent, the characters are good, the action is great. Basically one of the best shounen. I felt like someofvthe stuff at the end hadn't been hinted at but it was probably just super subtle and I didn't pick up on it or something.

I watched it dubbed, streamed on Netflix. Except netflix doesn't have the last 12 episodes so I had to watch those on some website.

Anyway good stuff. Good to know every person who talks to me on the first anime club meeting of the semester isn't lying to me.

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I liked the first series a bit better. Not a lot, but a bit.

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Yeah I'm not watching both versions lol. Too many episodes

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Posted (edited)

I too like Brotherhood but preferred the first anime. I don't blame T1g for not wanting to commit to another 50 episode series, although I think the number of episodes is irrelevant as long as you're enjoying it, so episode count shouldn't be the only reason not to watch something. I should also mention that the first series diverges dramatically from the plot of Brotherhood/the manga, if that makes any difference. If not, that's fine.


On my own time, I'm slowly making my way through Samurai Flamenco. 13 episodes in so far and, while I enjoy it, I do wish the shark jumping from one genre to the next felt like any kind of logical progression instead of just happening. The logic of the world is constantly changing and the characters in it adapt just a bit too fast, but I suppose that's necessary for telling this kind of story in only 22 episodes.

Edited by Agent Zako (see edit history)

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Brotherhood has always been one of those anime that I feel is objectively amazing. In 64 episodes, it develops and characterizes dozens of lovable characters well, establishes an intriguing world and mysterious plot, and has really good action throughout, all with an underlying element of alchemy that is always done in a way that makes sense and has risk and reward that feels right. Oh, and there's also the added bonus of a good artstyle, good character designs, amazing animation, and all the detail put into that animation.


It's just done so well. Even the original that goes off the rails, since the manga wasn't finished, still has a good air to it. Even though Brotherhood is top tier, I feel like the old quality of the original anime has a certain charm to it. Brotherhood comes out on top for me though. Both endings were banana though.



Samurai Flamenco is a roller coaster ride without any breaks, Zako. There's no time to stop and enjoy the scenery.

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good god the character designs in chaos dragon really are god awful. I am 5 minutes in and am already having regrets

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So, I finished Samurai Flamenco a couple days ago.


Well, that certainly lived up to being the twisty crazy-ride I was promised. While the middle third-ish of the show sagged in quality, I thoroughly enjoyed the initial slow-build and the serious, introspective turn the show took near the end. I never would have expected that the Kamen Rider and Super Sentai inspired parts of Samumenco would be my least favorite parts, but the way they bounced back and forth between being deadly serious and outright parody rubbed me the wrong way half the time. Especially since, from what I've seen and heard, Akibarangers does a way better job parodying sentai than Samumenco ever does.On the plus side, the initial Kick-Ass-esque storyline and the way things eventually came back around to it made me a lot happier, especially since the core cast of the show is pretty strong. Even the characters who were introduced to round out the Flamenger team got better when that arc was done. I was definitely not expecting a lot of things in this show, not the least of which being

the marriage proposal from a once-again naked Masayoshi to Goto. I'm sure many lewd doujinshi authors have gotten a lot of mileage from that.

Everything seemed too arbitrary for a while there, but once the revelations dropped after the vaguely Metal Gear storyline, it all felt a lot more cohesive.


I wasn't sure Flamenco would be worth it when I was around the halfway point, but it pulled itself back together. If I could change one thing about the show, I would have LOVED to have seen this story done as a live-action tokusatsu series. The variety of effects and number of suits needed for that might be impractical, but this story just screams to be in the same medium as its inspirations. Not one of my favorite anime, but it was definitely good.Thanks for the recommend, Muffin and Dub

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Samurai Flamenco is truly an experience. It's definitely not perfect, but everything about it is so charming, it just becomes great.


Also, yeah, the super sentai parts in the middly area were really mediocre and I also considered dropping it at that point (but not really, since I don't really drop things), but pretty much every other arc was hilarious and stupid and amazing.


Like you, it's not my favorite anime, but it's got a special place in my heart for managing to do everything it did while still being an enjoyable experience. It's like what something would be if the directors of a show read crazy theories about their show on the internet while it's airing and actually making those theories come true and I love it for that.

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