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Your Favorite TV Intro songs

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Ahhh the Turtles. Never a bad theme to be heard. In either generation!

As for you Lady Arachne, NOW you're touching on anime openings. And as much as I hate to be a weeaboo on teh interwebz, that adds a hell of a lot more to the list.

So as to avoid 'over-enjoying' the topic. I'll just throw out a couple of personal favorites.

Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann: Sorairo Days The literal anti-thesis to Neon Genesis Evangelion (another dang good Gainax series with a catchy opening).

Soul Eater: Resonance The music in this one is both spooky and charming, like the series itself.

And finally for the lulz...

Rave Master:

An anime opening done by Reel Big Fish? Uummm yes please!

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Aww, you called me a lady :). Guess I should have added some non-anime, but I couldn't think of too many western shows I watch that have opening songs that haven't been covered already.

Wait, has Firefly been mentioned? That one was catchy. Also, as crap as the show was, Captain Planet's theme song was a total earworm. I also love the themes from Duck Tales, Animaniacs, Pinky and the Brain, and Gummi Bears (bouncing there and there and everywhere). Is it just me, or did older shows just have better opening themes?

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