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Yeah bro.

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Point is, don't spend youth being all down about things that don't matter. Live it up while you can, and stay positive, 'cause nothing attracts people to you more than being positive.

Everyone has to appease someone sometime, so just make sure that while you're doing it, you set aside time to do what you want. My parents are always telling me that I'm always doing what I want whenever I get in trouble or whatever, but I'm just wanting to control my own destiny. If it means playing by the rules long enough, I'll do it. Then I'll spend the rest of the time doing my hobbies, because school can make you learn things that aren't valuable to you, but you have to do it. So I spend time learning things I want to learn, and making things I want to make. You're your own person, Chimetals. You don't have to 100% do what other people tell you to, and do nothing else. Impress them with something other than what you've done in school, and if they aren't impressed, tell them you don't care; it's what you did, and it's what makes you happy. Otherwise, if you just continue bending under pressure, you're bound to get depressed.

As for the topic of suicide, just don't. It is extremely lazy to commit suicide. Stop, look at the problem, evaluate what's wrong, whenever something is going wrong.

I won't say I was suicidal, but I was actually having a rough time, myself. After the love fest I had back in junior year, it all kind of ground down to a halt when I purposely took classes I know no one else I was friends with was in. I was welding in my booth, I couldn't get an arc to start, and I was getting really pissed off, because I'd realized I was being like my dad. Doing a bunch of crap he didn't plan on, not feeling ambitious, doing a routine every day and never looking forward to it. So I stepped back, and had a striking thought: "It didn't used to be this way."

Then I thought back, and realized the main part of my issue was that many of my friends were gone from my life at that point. I didn't have nearly as much meaningful social contact. I didn't feel good enough, as a result, to work as hard in class as I originally wanted to. So I felt really great, actually, because I realized that even if I'm in a slump, that I know what the problem is, and that as a result, I can work to get rid of it. That's mostly how I think. "What's the problem? What are the best things I can use to solve it? How do I solve it? How do I improve the process?"

If you know what the problem is, there's no use getting frustrated at it, because you know what the problem is, and there's no such thing as a problem without a solution.

^ If this looks like it's been ripped directly from my post in Knuckle's thread, it is.

I kind of feel bad that you don't talk to me as much as you do other people, because we share interests and I've had actual conversations with you. You just. ): idk use Skype.

This really is just a bad situation, and you need to think of a good way to get out of it.

Being in a bad situation is one thing. Making your way out of it is another.


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I feel like I've seen that somewhere before.

Probably just my imagination, though.

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You seem like a very interesting person and I'm surprised we've never really talked in the past.

@Life: Hang in there. Shit happens.

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Chimetals ilu

I honestly think you are a fantastic person, and trust me I can relate to a toooon of this, especially with the expectations for school and the self confidence and the dating and ahhh

basically, you are having what my roommate calls a nineteen-year-old crisis. or just a general college overwhelmance (that's a new word) of things because you're being pulled and tugged in every direction of what you should be doing and what are you actually doing. it's rough :<

tigger, if you want to give her confidence you need to give her the biggest hug you possibly can. then give her another one from the rest of us on the forums. I wasn't really implying that hugs = upped self confidence but they honestly and truly make things feel better.

this was a shitty attempt at a reassuring post but gosh I just want to let you know that I know how you feel and you need to just take it easy for a bit.

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thanks guys....cant really say much more than that...

ugh, update.....wish i had good news here:

i have a bioe midterm tomorrow, as well as another japanese vocab quiz (there was one last friday), (late) physics due tuesday, then a cs lab due thursday, which is ALSO when my cs midterm is, and then a 4 minute group presentation about what disease were gonna theoretically research and why....which would be fine in any of my other groups, but i can never remember any of my group members faces, due to me only seeing them once a week, and on the last class on friday, where i could care less about humanity, or class, or anything, really. and one of the members is a grad student with bioe as a minor, so he could care less, a couple more members are the procrastinator/slacker/"did you read the article? cuz i didnt" type. the girl in the group would probably be my best bet, but she looks like two OTHER girls in the class, so i wouldnt know which one to attempt to approach, and none of us have each others phone numbers or emails or anything.

and thats not counting thee face that the professor has barely glazed over the topic of what were going to even be doing for this project. and of the three lectures of this week, ones a midterm, the last is the presentations, and the middle one is on wednesday, aka the day before my cs midterm.

also, i apparently grind/grit my teeth in my sleep, as my jaw has been hurting for the last week and a half....and its stress related. i thought it would be done with the tests, but throwing in all the labs, homework, and that damn presentation im gonna have to do, this upcoming week is looking as bad as last week. so the jaw-pain-grinding-teeth-thing aint gonna go away for quite a while. fun. like i didnt have enough dental issues already. and here i was thinking i could screw off thursday after my midterm, and just play dragon nest almost nonstop till sunday.

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There are teeth guards you can buy for that, ya.

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i only ticks me off more, though :< ive grown up with so many foreign orthodontic objects in my mouth its hard to remember what it was like before...and thats not counting the contraption i had to wear to try to fix my underbite (it didnt) and then found out later it was an experimental method-thing that just UGYGHGGGHHHHHHHHHH

i just....have a lot of hatred for that thing...

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One day, I will post something in this section of the forums.

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do somn

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