Title Generation Game

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i was in need of a title, and figured a generator was as good a start as any. then while talking with sayuri, i thought that this would make a good forum game.

its pretty simple, really, just generate a title (if you find another generator, thats awesome too) and once you think of what kind of book that might be, just write the title and a bit about its contents (as much or as little as you like). if you cant find one that works, just keep clicking. posting weird titles that you cant think of anything for is also good. the weirder and/or more descriptive, the better.


to start off:

the delicious hustler--a story of the cannibalism of a conman by four women that run a bakery.

touch in the wizard--the erotic story of a homosexual spellcaster

flowers in the waves--the book ends with an elaborate scene on a beach at sunset, when the protagonist finds a reason to live after the death of his terminally ill lover.



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Posted (edited)

Is it alright if I go into full-on story territory with one of these and put it here?



Playful Angels - Soldiers of Heaven that like to prank or puppy with people on Earth.(Read: Gabriel the Trickster)


The Playful Thorns - Ironic/Double meaning title. Games turn into something far worse; people get hurt.


Light of Spirit - Average cliche spiritual drama.


The Luck's Death - For a day(or in some case longer) every year, everyone on Earth's lives are filled to bursting with all kinds of misfortune. Some are luckier than others, but those who aren't... let's just say some of them were lucky enough to get to a certain place.


The Year of the Dreams - Every year, there's a theme of celebration or reflection in a fictional community. One year, it happens to be dreams. The main character, however, never remembers hers. How will she celebrate and reflect on something she doesn't even know?


Thoughts in the Angels - This one doesn't even make sense.

Edited by Celeb Ithil (see edit history)

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Absent Voyage: The Crew of the Allied Space Union ship Sojourn wake up with no memory of who they are or what happened to their memory. They must find a way to cope with their situation and find the way home.


The Lost Star: A washed up child star finds himself living in a world straight out of his former Television series. 


The Truth of the Night: In the small town of Grovers Mill creatures the locals call Slashers come out at night to hunt. When plucky teen James has enough of being afraid he discovers the shocking truth of the night


The Lonely Wife: The wife of a deployed Army Sargent finds comfort in the Arms and bed of her Husband's sister

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Posted (edited)

Child of Ashes: something with the holocaust


The Lover of the Children: my biography


Twinkling Boyfriend: excerpts from the Twilight saga


The Child of the Girlfriend: touching drama about meeting Gavin, your girlfriend's son, who suffers from some disease and he has a great personality


White Birth: Takes place in a dystopian future in which whites are the minority. A prophecy proclaimed that a white childe would be born and reclaim the throne... that is if the NAACP and social justice bloggers don't abort him first!


The Hot Hunter: it's about a shirtless guy in denim cut-offs who hunts big game in the pacific northwest

Edited by °ᵕ° (see edit history)
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Sharp Servant: Twelve hilarious short stories about the struggles and misfortunes of a servant who works in some boring old lord's castle. The twist? The servant is a bunch of sharp implements (knives, skewers, swords, axes? etc) all joined together.


The Kissing Moons: The tragic romance novel about two moons who have experienced love at first sight with each other... unfortunately they are both stuck in orbit around their partner planets, and therefore cannot move and touch each other. They both dream of being able to kiss the other one day, somehow...


Savior of Man: A plagiarised, bastardised version of the Bible. Reaches the top of the Best Sellers List.


The Lover's Flight: Two lovers in a long-distance relationship plan to meet-up at a half-way point between their respective homes. However both their planes end up crashing onto the same deserted island. The twist? The lovers planned the two plane crashes. It makes for a memorable first meeting/honeymoon okay. But then they're both killed by the other stranded passengers because of too much PDA.


The Princess's Door: A princess who has been kidnapped and placed within a tall tower, expected to wait for her knight in shining armour to come and rescue her, finds an opportunity to escape her prison and does so. She manages to sneak past all the guards, avoid all the traps, and defeats the cliché dragon who all attempt to re-capture her. She breaks down the front door and escapes successfully. Her knight in shining armour is fired for his complete failure at his job.


Voyage of the Bridge: A fantastic voyage that involves an expedition group coming across a simple, wooden bridge at the end of their journey that crosses a peaceful stream. However, things went horribly wrong... the town on the other side of the bridge never saw the group cross and appear at the town hotel. But will this helpfully-left behind recording reveal the answers behind their disappearance?

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Flight of Wizard - There was once a wizard named Charles... The story of an internet community and their loss. Charles was a forum goer, a regular, who liked wizards and like proclaiming to be one. Even so, he was the butt of various jokes. But what happens if he passes away? Will the forum react or will they simply act like he left?

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The Flames of the Nobody: A really dumb girl named cascade is a nobody that nobody cares about. She catches fire and nobody cares. The end.

The Time of the Year: Cascade's birth control medication only makes her have a period once a year, and everyone is fine and pleasant with cascade except for that one week every october where the UN is called upon to tame the beast out of desperation. Climactic scene where cascade is hit with five precision orbital strike things at once, to no effect. Right when everyone is about to abandon all hope, her period ends and she smiles and walks away. The world is safe... But for how long?

Return of Snow: Cascade's dandruff keeps getting worse and worse. No matter what happens, no matter what shampoo she tries, it always comes back. Eventually her hair falls out. The end.

The Forgotten Girl: Everyone forgets Cascade's birthday.

Angel in the Shadow: hahahahaha wow puppy this title name thats the stupidest name for a title I ever heard wowee hey LL appreciate this with me. Also cascade sucks the end.

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Whispering Secrets - A fluffy story about the relationship between the (Merciful) King Pheo (the Final) and the Ultra Genki Girl Cascade. Lots of secret feels peppered with tsundere goodness.

The Final Secrets - and then one of them dies because sad things always make their way into my mind.

Abyss of Ashes - The struggles of a SUFFERING ARTIST as he climbs to the tippy top to reach his sun.

The School's Bridge - A story about Chimetals' mind standing metaphorically ready to jump off a bridge and all the silly people he calls friends who try to talk him out of it. A comedy.

The Princess of the Child - probs something about Silver not gonna lie. Silver's first love maybe? 

Dreamer in the Flower - A short story about a wee dreamer. A story about the infinite possibilities to grow into, the warmth of a good family and the secrets to a good childhood.

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Seventh Game- The seventh book in a series about a deadly game of hopscotch.


The Azure Misty- Misty from Pokemon joins the Blue Man Group.


Flying of Slaves- Plantation owners in the South during the Civil War are thrown for a loop when all of their slaves suddenly grow wings and fly to the North.


The Flames's Darkness- Fire starts working the opposite way as in it makes the area surrounding it darker or something. New York Times Bestseller.


The Obsession of the Year- The economy completely collapses when the whole country stops working to play Animal Crossing New Leaf.


Force in the Tears- Star Wars AU where Padme dies at the beginning of Episode II and Anakin spends the rest of the series cutting himself and listening to Linkin Park.

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No Moons - Alternate Majora's Mask timeline where Link somehow found a way to blow up the moon before it hits Termina He then has to deal with the aftermath of the devastation caused by the falling pieces of the moon as he works to rebuild Termina, since there were witnesses and everyone's more pissed about the property damage than they are grateful to be alive. Community service ensues.


The Stripped Nobody - A self-proclaimed "internet celebrity" attention-whore attempts a raunchy livestream in an attempt to garner more "fans" Nobody gives a puppy.


Time of Flower - Badly-translated Pride and Prejudice ripoff set in ancient China. 


The Stone's Man - Erotic novel where a man falls in love with a statue Unfortunately, unlike the myth, no goddess comes to bring the statue the life so the man just makes due with what he's got. Good thing he's got a good drill.


The Rings of the Voyager - A godawful Sonic the Hedgehog and Star Trek crossover that you don't want to read and isn't worth talking about. Serious SpockAmy involved.


Crying in the Light - A pretentious tale of a self-absorbed, author-insert teenage girl looking for romance and getting repeatedly broken-hearted by her "true love" because in real life, the kinds of relationships the book romanticizes are completely unhealthy and the problems and dilemmas brought up in the story could have been completely avoided or made non-issues had the main character had two neurons to rub together and the sense to look for love in different places.

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See, "The Stripped Nobody" described above just makes me think of a shitty hentai.

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Final Names- Teenage rapscallions Xavier, Yancy, and Zachary fight to have there names put at the front of the yearbook.


The Every Dream- One night everybody has the same wicked awesome dream where they become a race car driver, but only 2% of people remember it. 


Dream of Thoughts- Sequel to The Every Dream where 98% of people think about what happened in that wicked awesome dream. Plot twist reveals that they are in fact only dreaming about thinking about that dream.


The Aliens Legacy- Tron Legacy but with xenomorphs don't you dare tell me that wouldn't be puppying sweet because it would be.


The Male of the Thorns- Uh... Guy falls into a rosebush, becomes the Male of the Thorns... Yeah I got nothing for this one.


Time in the Time- Are you puppying kidding me what kind of title is this

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