Sayubie is writing a paper on hnet

59 posts in this topic


I'll be asking individually if I want to quote certain posts but would it be okay to cite dignix interaction?

Also, I'm going to ask about citing anonymous interviews still.



Why do you all keep coming back?




What is Werewolf to you?


This is condescending.


Werewolf is a word. 

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Aside from the trend, why do you think we don't get a lot of new comers (or do you think it's mostly that Zelda games aren't always trending?)

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I've seen other Zelda sites thriving, and it's mostly because of constantly generated content. You can put up news about whatever you want. If you've got enough time on your hands, generating content about a series even when there isn't news for it isn't really all that difficult. We put out content like three times a year. We're pretty much a ghost town to regular Zelda fans.

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P. much what Shaq said. Not only is our community tough to get into, we just don't make content that interests new users, I feel. The only thing we have going for us are the podcasts that Nabe has us put together. If we put together video guides or even made videos about unrelated things, the site might look a bit more tempting. As is, the site is pretty barren since we barely even put up news or make new content.


It's not exactly our fault though, we have to worry about school/college and other things in our lives and I feel most of us don't have the time to make the home we already know and love look lively and such for newcomers. Although, it would be nice if we all had time for that. It's like we're all living in this dilapidated, one-hundred year old house that looks awful to everyone else, but we still cherish the memories we've experienced inside it and still love living in it. We just won't repair or fix it.


Poor thing. ;~;

pheonix561, Dark_One and Sahaqiel like this

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It's not exactly our fault though, we have to worry about school/college and other things in our lives and I feel most of us don't have the time to make the home we already know and love look lively and such for newcomers. Although, it would be nice if we all had time for that. It's like we're all living in this dilapidated, one-hundred year old house that looks awful to everyone else, but we still cherish the memories we've experienced inside it and still love living in it. We just won't repair or fix it.


Poor thing. ;~;


This is really what it boils down to, why most of us are still here. The house might be falling apart (and it was once new) but the rent's too good for us to go anywhere else. We could bother our landlord to make it look up to par with the other Zelda sites, but we're comfortable and that would take money (time).


Reading this thread kind of hit me how I'll probably never leave. I know I've talked about getting a move on at some point, but I realize there's no point for me to do so now. I still somehow find part of my day to log onto irc and chat for a little while, or log on to check out the threads. It's comforting and secure to have a nook of friends to talk to when I go online. While I do visit other internet communities like reddit and twitch, they're so massive that I would never really be able to have that sense of value that I have here. That you guys care about what I've got to say, and I care about what everyone else has to say. It's funny (not in a comical sense) watching everyone grow up, too. I feel like a big sister to some members, and for some reason it makes me smile since I've never had younger siblings to look out for. We've slowed down quite a bit, it's true. I don't remember the last time I made a topic. But that's okay. This is still our little hub.

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Would you say that the way you present yourself changes if you're on hnet? If you're communicating with other hyrulers outside of the forum (ie skype, iirc...)?

(Apparently, I can be downright unrecognizable?)

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Since forums and real-time conversations are pretty different, I'd say that my forum posts tend to be more thought-out, but otherwise, I act just about the same whether it's IRC or IRL.

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attn: I cannot cite people and keep their anonymity :C

Currently asking Fierce Muff(in) and Cirt for their names :<

I do not think I know them.

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Would you say that the way you present yourself changes if you're on hnet? If you're communicating with other hyrulers outside of the forum (ie skype, iirc...)?

(Apparently, I can be downright unrecognizable?)


I think I tend to be fairly consistent, especially nowadays. I type lazily sometimes (if that's what you mean) but otherwise, I think I act the same. For example, I think LL can vouch that I act the same over the phone or over text. If I'm talking to only him, I'm more likely to speak my mind freely, but I put a small censor on when I come to the forums -- that just goes for any large group of people, meaning there are some things you share with only your best friend. I might be a "moderator," but it's really quite obvious that that doesn't affect the way I (or Cascade, or Saha) interact with people here. We are friends first, then "staff" members (lol at that being a thing). There isn't any hierarchy that exists there except for the, "hey, could you go take care of that spam bot in the RP forum?"and I really think that sets us apart from other forums as well.

I'll be asking individually if I want to quote certain posts but would it be okay to cite dignix interaction?

Also, I'm going to ask about citing anonymous interviews still.



Why do you all keep coming back?




What is Werewolf to you?

I'll get these too.


I kind of touched on this earlier, but I keep coming back because the internet is a big lonely place without your internet pals. Joke. The real reason I keep coming back, and I've thought about this a few times over the years, is that Hnet offers a special niche of people and interests that does not exist in real life for me. To most of my friends, I'm like, a little geeky but I'm a regular 21 year old who does triathlons and wants to be a teacher. To you guys, I'm a fellow Zelda fan and videogamer. You guys are the nerdy group of friends I never had in my life. When I was sixteen and on the forums, that used to be a really largely concealed part of my life - this forum, I mean. And it kind of ties into the idea that I'm not quite a "gamer girl" and I'm not a wannabe either - I'm sort of in the middle (pheo and I discussed this once - really, I vented and he said ok). As I'm getting older, it becomes less of a problem that I can be who I want to be. So while I tried to say that one day I'd be too busy for this place, it turns out that there's no reason why I should leave. I value you guys as closely as anyone I've befriended for several years, and it would be silly to ignore that.


Werewolf is a nice game. I'm not the most logical person in the whole forums, but I genuinely enjoy the games we've had here. It's fun to read into posts and get updated on the game. The suspense really drives the whole game. I've never been a GM, but I imagine they have a fair amount of fun too. 

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attn: I cannot cite people and keep their anonymity :C

Currently asking Fierce Muff(in) and Cirt for their names :<

I do not think I know them.

Why the (in)? My name is Anthony Browne.



I believe I actually act a little bit more open than I would with my friends in real life, funny enough. I think it's to do with that fact that I've never met any of my online pibblies in real life and it used to also be that they couldn't interact my the friends I do actually know in real life, but that's not really the case anymore. Besides a few things though, I mostly talk the same online or off. Mostly.

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(I wanted to call you Fierce Muff but it sounded silly (which, ultimately, made me want to use it even more) and decided I would add the last two letters but in parentheses. Basically, I'm a chicken.)

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I'm boring around my real life friends and more expressive in here. You guys draw out the real me for better or for worse.

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Would you say that the way you present yourself changes if you're on hnet? If you're communicating with other hyrulers outside of the forum (ie skype, iirc...)?

(Apparently, I can be downright unrecognizable?)

im pretty sure ill tell people here that ive never met physically more things than half the people i know irl. something about how we can all quietly give our screens a horrified look of disbelief when told some things, or tell others things of that level, but then still be able to function and move on because none of us have to come into physical proximity with each other. its also easier to deal with other people and their problems (or your own problems) because you dont have them staring at you and expecting an immediate response to cure the situation. basically, youre spared from physical-based awkwardness in general.


that said, theres obvs stuff thats restricted strictly to skype PM or smaller group chats that wouldnt make it onto this forum.


i also type differently on hnet depending on my avatar. its dumb, but ill look at that tiny picture and it changes my mood when typing enough to affect that. i cant see that stuff on skype, so it doesnt affect me. similarly, the method of delivering sentences in short lines to reflect speech pauses and such doesnt happen here either. that would just result in a long, sparse post, and thats dull.


and unless you flip certain switches for me irl, id never talk as much as i do on the internet. yeah, my friends will see that side of me i guess, but everyone i know has at least one sort of taboo topic, so very few people see me really let loose. and by that i mean almost no one, now that i think of it.

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Right, so, the interviews for the Gender thread don't have to be as in-depth as I thought. So, I'm going to post the question here BUT I would like to encourage responses in private message. (More q's incoming. I'm in class :P)


Q: What went wrong in the Gender thread and what will we do if any other similar conflicts arise?


Q: What hnet values were compromised? What personal values were compromised?

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People forgot that their opinions are worthless

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