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Sigh... *Starts rant*

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Check my sig.


I was in a convo with this Swedish guy, who uses shortened speech. "y r u talking like that" (Example.)

I can normally deal with it if people I'm friends with starts with something like that, but this, I cannot handle.

15 year old guy, right? Lives in Sweden. I was IMing the guy, asking him what he was doing. He said he was playing Neopets. I don't have a problem with the people who play Neopets, (Only the ones who like the official game... 2/5, people.) as I used to play for about three weeks when I was nine myself, but all the typing I was throwing at him led him to ask me where I live. My natural response to this kind of thing is, "WHY DO YOU WANT TO KNOW? INTERNET PREDATOR!" (I'm completely non-serious on MSN, and great fun at parties! =D) But then he said that my grammar was too good to be a person living outside of the U.S. since I had just corrected him of a double-negative. (I.E. - "I don't know no-one by that name.") He then told me to say things like, "Y", and "R", and, of course, "U". I declined, and HE CALLED ME A NOOB.

He called me a noob for using proper grammar.

I'm sorry, but I take pride in my proper speech patterns, even if they sometimes get on people's nerves. On a good day, I can type at 80WPM (Words per minute), so I decide not to be lazy and go for the full sentence. I can type "You" and "U" in the same unit of time. (Well, basically.)

So he gets the nerve up to call me a noob for my proper sentence structure. I don't care WHERE you are from, proper sentence structure is a good thing. Not a required thing, but a good thing. Anyways, eventually, (Somehow, I can't remember the details.) we get into this fight about how he thought that "F**k" was NOT a curse word, and the word, "Suck" was.

I don't know exactly what he was trying to pull, but he was being completely serious.

*Sigh*... Discuss.


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My friends think I'm kinda wierd for using proper grammer when talking to them on MySpace.

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Grammar, Goron.

I make fun of people for /not/ using correct grammar...everywhere.

When I was a mod on other forums, I corrected /every/ post for grammar and spelling.

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Well in IMs, its up to the user to decide whether to write 'you' or 'u' but on this forum, I would ask that you all try to use correct grammar.

I know there are some users on this forum inwhich English is the second or third language, so I understand perfectly if they have typo's or anything, but flat-out use of words like 'u' when its obviously known the correct spelling is 'you' will annoy me.

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WTF??? He called you a noob for using PROPER GRAMMAR? That's not right! :wacko::angry: On IM, sometimes I do that because I'm not a very fast typer but most of the time I take the time to type (whooooah, 5 "t" words in a row!! :biggrin: ) my words out. I sometimes make typos, but doesn't everyone?? My sister Katie was on my IM account pretending to be me, and she was talking to my friend using "y", "u", and other "shortened words". Here was the conversation:

Katie: hi nat how r u?

Natalie: Hey KT, put Emily on NOW!

(Katie shortens her name to KT and mine to MLE. I refuse to so do. And in case you haven't guessed, yes, my name is Emily :D )

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There is nothing wrong with using proper grammar. Calling someone a "Noob" for using proper grammar is not nice at all. :angry:

It sends people the wrong messages. Basically, they're sayind it's not cool or you're a nerd if you speak English the proper way.

I hear a lot of people use incorrect grammar not just out in public, but on TV as well.

I, simply, do not like it when people abbreviate "you" to "u", or put numbers into words, like gr8t and e3vl.

When I first saw the words with the numbers in them, I had to think for a minute what the word was. :unsure:

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On a good day, I can type at 80WPM (Words per minute),

that's explains the long posts :P. No seriously, long are posts are the better type of posts, i tend to get annoying at people who only put a sentance or even on a couple of words, anyway, i diverge.

I agree, people who call you stupid for using proper grammar are just plain arrogant.

Another point i spotted in there though, he said that your grammar was too good to be anyone outside of the US, two main points

numero uno)There are other english speaking countries, such as England for instance :unsure:

and secondly)As a friend pointed out to me, if someone is using proper grammar, especially in MMORPGs chances are their first language is NOT English and it's a fair point really...

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More people should use proper grammar. In both games and forums, it will make it a lot easy for the readers.

I don't like "1337" speak or "number+letters-words". Gr8, w8, b4, h8, 4get. It gets on my nerves sometimes.

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Not meaning to side with the enemy, but chat-speak is most useful in games, where you may need to send your message as quickly as possible to your team mates etc.

IM's and forums there is no excuse however.

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Not meaning to side with the enemy, but chat-speak is most useful in games, where you may need to send your message as quickly as possible to your team mates etc.

I agree with you, but most people get used to that and use it in forums.

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I agree completely with you. I am one to type using correct grammar, I'm not a fast typer by far, but I still take the time to go back and do a little spell check before posting or something.....I think I've said lol on this forum maybe....fifteen (?) times, just for the message it creates ("Ha" can be sarcasm sometimes, I guess).

Which brings me to my second point: WHY IS IT CALLED 1337, ANYWAY?!?! :huh:

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1337 = leet = "short" for elite

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I have the same problem with those noobs too..

I like to grammar-nazi people, but sometimes they just get mad at me and start flaming the way I type... It's rather annoying.

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:o G333 and Keaton agreeing on something! Now THAT is a first! :D

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Yeah, typing in MMOs is important, but I still get the message out in time. Most of the time, they're looking at their keyboard trying to type, "lol need help?" before I actually get any, but it's appreciated anyway. I do type long posts, but it's only because I have ideas of what to type most of the time.

Not much to type today, though.


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