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Profile Replies posted by Chimetals

  1. I just downloaded around 43 god damn roms. What am I doing with my life?

    the prize is the experience of playing so many games.

  2. Apparently I'm staying up much later than normal tonight. Yesssssss.

    So close, yet so far.

  3. I was at school. for puppy's sake.

    imo, town got reeeeeeally lucky. if i had been playing, i would be surprised as all get-out right now. but emma told me ahead of time all the roles, so.

  4. 2Nectetoganemsochrisbriamonrachneonixscuiteercaducklecirdarkondorapchinickqielanta4

    i feel like this is an orgy with necro trying to stick everyone and sayuri looking confused as to what she should be doing.

  5. Happy birthday Sayu. :)

    that is weeeeeirddddd

  6. Calling all Chimetals

    what did i do

  7. anac oyn n ere tda ih s?

    i swear, theres something about typing it that makes it magically understandable.

  8. North Korea released a statement threatening retaliation against the US. What for, we're not doing anything to them.

    pretty sure we told them to stop making and testing nukes

  9. Living off a balanced University diet of chips and salsa.

    i dunno, i live off of bread, milk, and tea.

  10. Robotics;Notes and Psycho-Pass end next week. Time for 6 days of cliffhanger hangover.

    good thing im behind on psypass. i can pretend im ok.

  11. I still think that idea of members doing IAMA threads that people threw around a while ago would be super neat

    were taking turns? i almost wonder if this is subforum worthy--or we should post it in the user introductions zone. actually, i like that idea.

  12. Skype reminded me this morning that t1g was born today. Wow thanks skype I almost forgot that.

    yeah, good thing it reminded you.

  13. Somehow having hearts instead of little squares under my avatar makes me feel like I should be super nice, because if the person with all the hearts isn't a nice guy then that just doesn't look very good for the forum in my mind.

    i wish i could like statuses sometimes. this is one of those times.

  14. pretty sure i just broke something in my head by thinking too hard. oh right, my sanity. ive been meaning to get that checked for a while now :< too late, i guess.

    engineering SUCKS.

  15. I feel like we're getting the look and feel of a Zelda forum back; after that, we need to focus on content, or getting new people to generate it.

    just went and opened hnet in IE to see the ads. im such a dork :|

  16. You guys should get in Phanta's thread and read Chimetals and I's discussion:

    ^what saha said :3



  18. Introducing friends to Zelda with Ocarina of Time when they haven't owned an N64 before is hilarious to watch.

    you should film this :>

  19. A friend of mine might be joining Hnet tonight!


    so, if everyone recruits two friends, and they recruit two of their friends....

  20. apparently i have an insane handspan (22cm)

    i just put my fingers all together and measured the width across my palm, including my thumb.

  21. Suggesting variation on werewolf where homosexuals and transgender/transexuals are the wolves "You're the gay! Die scum!" - it would be (one of) the forum's lowest moment(s)

    auto-wolf win, with this forum.

  22. apparently i have an insane handspan (22cm)

    i was using an online ruler in class, tbh. just remeasured and got 23, and my wrist-tip is 18, relaxed width is 9. are you guys keeping your palms completely flat? like, put em on a table and try it.

  23. guys we gotta go fast
