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  1. Chimetals liked a post in a topic by Knuckle in Fierce Diety might be the Fourth Triforce   
    Groose has the 4th piece of the triforce

    The triforce of Pompadours
  2. Chimetals liked a post in a topic by Teto in Discuss Anime and Mang   
    taiga and baaawnabee
  3. Chimetals liked a post in a topic by Sahaqiel in Fierce Diety might be the Fourth Triforce   
    Zelda, however, has the Light Force, as explained in Minish Cap. The Light Force being some magical royal family power or whatever,

    that has properties similar to the Triforce's power.

    Also, it's been said that the Triforce scatters and attaches its pieces to those who are most fitting to bear them. So it can be assumed that Zelda is the most wise in all of Hyrule, Link is the most courageous, and Ganondorf is the most powerful. Once they've been split, I'm pretty sure that's the second-to-last hurdle. I've always assumed that it was just kind of like a hide-and-seek game. The Triforce hides. You assemble it all back together (through whatever means necessary, those means being the final hurdle) and then it says "well alright, you found me" and grants your wish. Since there's really nothing to indicate otherwise, as all of the characters that used the Triforce so far (that we've seen) are all special characters. We've yet to see a random schmoe up and assemble the whole thing.

    I don't think the Goddess of Time could possibly be Farore. I've said before that I am a 100% supporter of her being Nayru, because I don't think it really makes much sense otherwise. They didn't introduce the Goddess of Time with an actual representation in Majora's Mask, so it can be assumed that the Goddess of Time had already been introduced, since the Goddess of Time is something Zelda knew of despite having never been to Termina. Zelda also did not know the names of the Goddesses, as the Deku Tree is the only one who proved he did. So it can be assumed they lost the names and just used aliases, because their existence was a secret from the start anyway. So you have Goddess of Time (Nayru), Goddess of Sand (Din), and then Farore is just kind of left hanging, but she's chill so it's all good.

    Also, I don't even think the problem is that we've seen the same threads a bunch. It's just that no one thinks it's important to TELL PEOPLE WHY THEY ARE WRONG and they would rather MAKE CONFUSING AND INSTIGATING COMMENTS ON EVERYTHING ESPECIALLY WITH NEW PEOPLE despite us DEFINITELY NOT NEEDING PEOPLE LEAVING THE SITE ESPECIALLY REGARDING THE RECENT CIRCUMSTANCE WITH OUR FORUM.
  4. Necropolis liked a post in a topic by Chimetals in Talk   

    you see that pink blob? illinois? I LIVE THERE.

    me, pheo, and t1g wanted to do a D&D run, my very first one. we were gonna be evil aligned and break out of jail for our start. though tbh if we could get some sort of forum-version going on, id be all for that. it sounds fun, actually, especially the being creative with the everything while playing. ``theres a cave`` ``well, its probably full of there anything flammable nearby?``
  5. Chimetals liked a post in a topic by *~dIgnIx~* in hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii   
    thank you
    i will try to type better now. hopefuly i wont make too many mistakes...
    my sister said she'll let me play windwaker. did i spell that right?
    my family decided we would go on trip last weekend so thats why we were gone.
  6. Chimetals liked a post in a topic by DR SHRUBBERY! in Talk   
    I'm still waiting for that Professor Layton/Ace Attorney crossover.
    They better localize it...

  7. Chimetals liked a post in a topic by Teto in Umm...   
    Being brutally honest is when you are honest about what you think, without sugar-coating it. You're stating your raw, uncensored opinion. And since it's an opinion, it's also not necessarily right. So I am saying that while you're being honest about your opinion, you're still not right.

    He's not being an attention whore. Your old thread about your messed-up childhood from the mental abuse by your parents wasn't attention whoring either. You were airing your feelings to the forum, explaining why you're such a rotten human being. As was Ezlo, with this. He wasn't begging for attention, he was just looking for some input. And that's really not so bad.

    The only person here who seems to have a problem with him is you. So don't go saying you're being "brutally honest" as if you're somehow speaking for the majority, and that we're all thinking the same thing. Because we're not. You're the one who doesn't get that it's he's not attention-seeking.

    And let me add that wanting attention isn't a bad thing. Complaining and whining when they don't get enough attention is pretty shitty, but why are you attacking him just because he wants a reply. He hasn't been obnoxious about it, so I don't see why you should immediately brand him an "attention whore". He's not whoring attention. He's just replying to people who are replying to him. People who are replying to him because they want to, and not just because he's begging for the attention.

    And next time, if you want to argue, don't post a condescending video of someone berating other people. Actually make an argument, rather than being dense and not even trying to understand what I'm trying to say.
  8. Henneth Annun liked a post in a topic by Chimetals in Religion/Beliefs Thread   
    so many invocations of the word "God" just gonna nitpick some things and leave you to your discussions.

    more of a note to myself: the whole Lucifer-angel thing is practically common knowledge, but i realized i dont remember ever hearing about the fall or heaven drama or anything. might be one of the side effects of being lutheran/my church: being told the same handful of stories repeatedly since my childhood, and never covering the whole bible, really, but there are gaps in my knowledge, and this might be sitting in one of them.

    im gonna play devils advocate here:
    1. Adam and Eve. not only were they the only two humans, but Eve was taken from Adams body. call it symbolic? sure, why not. but theyre still the only humans that were in existence at the time. and off the top of my head, i cant remember them having any daughters.
    2. They were warned. however, the cost could have posed a problem, no matter how much crap they sold.
    3. toss it over the side of the boat.
    4. not really, check out how animals are farmed in the US. or hell, who said the place had all those stalls like in the pictures people always draw of the thing? it might have just been one giant cabin thing. itd require less wood to make, and you wouldnt have to walk the animals periodically.

    more devils advocate: i remember a while back this study-thing on a single cell organism......i forget the name of it, and i realize this is making my argument look awful, but basically it had a flagella that had several parts to it, in that sure, they could have evolved individually, but without all of them, no evolutionary benefit would have been granted. basically, if the parts showed up individually, they would have just lived their little cell lives and been in the minority of their species. so the general argument on them was incredible luck, or some sort of divine guide in their evolution.

    one more thing: stick around, i really freaking love your logic. like, seriously, its crisp, to the point, and has reasons to back it up, as well as a way of taking down opposing arguments other than "well youre wrong"/"im not gonna be persuaded by your stuff, ever."

  9. Teto liked a post in a topic by Chimetals in Talk   
    in japan now, getting my internet from the guys above my room and over one, since the school doesnt let you register personal computers on their network, and thus, you cant use their internet. i get to sleep on a futon, in a room with tatami mats, and sashimi is cheap as all getout (eee coastal town eee). spending too much money on vending machine drinks, and "american coffee" tastes suspiciously like japanese coffee. and i cant telll the detergent from the dish soap from the fabric softener from the hand soap in the supermarket. its a bit scary, since i need one of each, basically. oh, and damn near everything is cute. everythingggggggggggg. my friend probably thinks im some sort of hyper-girly personality thats boy crazy or something. its a gene pool thing, imo. but i digress. but a lot of things they have happen to overlap with my tiny idea of what cute, and i wind up squeeing at every third thing i see.

    also, the game store they have sells game boys, games of that age, dreamcast games, NES games, famicom(?) games........along with psp, ds, 3ds......its a freaky time jump in there, and i freaked out every 30 seconds or so.
  10. Chimetals liked a post in a topic by DR SHRUBBERY! in You know what I hate the most?   
    I don't hate trendy things, I hate STUPID things. The fact that said stupid things are also trendy is but a mere coincidence.
  11. Princess Valhalla Hawkwind liked a post in a topic by Chimetals in Talk   
    my bro told me it was a story about an american cowboy and such, but russia wanted to do it (i think it was an opera?) but because it was american, they replaced all the words with "tralalalala" or w/e.
  12. Chimetals liked a post in a topic by DR SHRUBBERY! in You know what I hate the most?   
    Okay, this pisses me off to no end.

    I hate it when someone posts "like" on the status updates here.

  13. Princess Valhalla Hawkwind liked a post in a topic by Chimetals in Blender   
    i wanna know who uses the chop function on those things. or dice or grate, or any of the other buttons. those never worked for jack shite for me. maybe its just that my family blender may or may not be as old as i am.

    holy shite, just realized my blender might very well be over 20 years old. my mind just broke.
  14. Chimetals liked a post in a topic by T1g in What games are you playing currently?   
    its easy
    all you do iakIUI@K#LWJOIFISuo98#@KLHRWL)!i47lksf'uo2u4o214uowfihslkaHJ'foqurHROLQKTW#QLKRWHK
  15. Chimetals liked a post in a topic by Teto in shout out to Hnet staff!   
  16. Chimetals liked a post in a topic by Cirt in Talk   
    all of us fall into the last two categories
  17. Chimetals liked a post in a topic by DR SHRUBBERY! in Talk   
    I went in my yard today with my dog. Started hearing a noise that can only be described as "terrified squeaking". My dog was sticking his head in a hole in the ground. I walked over and pulled him away.

    Long story short, I saved a nest full of baby bunnies. And I feel pretty damn good about myself right now.
  18. Chimetals liked a post in a topic by DR SHRUBBERY! in Talk   
  19. Chimetals liked a post in a topic by Chase in Talk   
    Pheo can I finger your G-string?
  20. Chimetals liked a post in a topic by DR SHRUBBERY! in Something we all hate about Zelda?   
    I hate any time you have a passenger on the train in Spirit Tracks.

    The free ride too bumpy for you? HAVE FUN WALKING DAMMIT
  21. Chimetals liked a post in a topic by Linkprow in Discuss Anime and Mang   
    Isn't it easier if your life is shallow? I think walking is easier than swimming. Also there isn't the threat of drowning and you can sleep and stuff more easily. Not really sure why you would want a deep life. Unless boats are the main transportation in life. Then I guess you might want it to be deep.
  22. Chimetals liked a post in a topic by pheonix561 in Talk   
    Yeah why can't it be something like a guitar or something

    I wanted to name an item and i tried really hard to pull one out of a hat and my eyes darted across the room and the first thing they landed on was my guitar

    Please don't have sex with my guitar
  23. Chimetals liked a post in a topic by Teto in Talk   
    I just realised your member title is iron knuckle
    So you're like, the evolved version of Knuckle
  24. Chimetals liked a post in a topic by DR SHRUBBERY! in Talk   
    Today some kid in my school saw me on and gave me shit for it. He was like, "You should get off of 9gag. FunnyJunk and 4chan are way better." Nevermind the fact that this is a school computer and those sites are blocked. I told him that I don't care. He asked me "Don't you know that 4chan and FunnyJunk are at war with 9gag?" I told him that I don't care. He started calling me a "9fag."

    I stood up and pressed my ear to the ground. When he asked what I was doing, I shushed him. I told him that it was an old urban legend that I'd read about. "Every morning in Spring, if you press your ear to the ground, they say you can hear the faint sound of me NOT GIVING A squid."

  25. pheonix561 liked a post in a topic by Chimetals in Chimetals: The Art Thread   
    been too long since i did something worth putting here....aka, something thats interesting to you guys, and not just my own character drugery.

    so we have tiny hnet members!
    no one in particular, and a few that havent appeared here yet (although theyve been drawn....just.....unfinished....)
    and some i havent even drawn before.
    any name with an "ish" tagged onto it didnt come out the way i wanted, and im not thrilled with the result (but as theyre, like, 2 minute drawings, not really needing ocd-style corrections)