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Posts posted by LemyMatair

  1. The first time I play zelda game is Link's awaking.

    That time I see my bro play this game but I'm not interest in it (because I hate RPG game and this game have graphic like Final Fantasy for me :unsure: )

    but my bro induce me to try it but not spoil me any thing.

    when I solve the first puzzle in the game by myself, I can't stop playing it.

    And after I beat the game this game become 1st title I love most :wub: .

    any one feel the same as me? :triforce:

  2. Game Design, Director of Movie, Anime and make all of entertain media change the world!


    Create "AAA" Act-RPG, Act-ADV games

    Turn it into a Good game-base movies and anime.

  3. I think Young Link Addict guy seem like fans of Diablo3 title that some (mostly) fans hate theme of new game.

    If WW have change graphic style into MM style you will like this game?

    If yes, People will assume you have are Close mind.

    Watch your word guys ;)

  4. First time I fight with this guy I use EVERYTHING I got to beat him (Every item that make damage to him).

    But now I think just Master sword is fine to me because he will run into my sword in third combo.

    (when you attack make a space between me and Dark Link in first 2 step and in the last blow it will hit him perfectly)

  5. Sounds good to me but why not make them like Tales Series?

    I think it look fine with Zelda RPG style more than Sonic Chronicle.