Henneth Annun

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Posts posted by Henneth Annun

  1. Definitely read everything within the Enderverse. It's well worth the time.

    As far as originality goes, House of Leaves is delightful.

    Lev Grossman's The Magicians is absolutely breathtaking, as are the books that follow.

    I won't tell you my favorite book in terms of originality, because it's one you are supposed to find, and not be told about, I feel. Perhaps I'm just selfish.

  2. I didn't even know that piercing thing meant anything. Perhaps I'm just not culturally-knowledgeable. D:

    And, I wouldn't say it's a choice inasmuch as it's simply a discovery. (I'm bi also, so I know some of these feels, kinda.)


  3. To be honest, nothing in Zelda is ever, ever explained in a satisfactory manner, especially when talking about Twilight Princess. The City in the Sky is as unexplained as it is highly annoying.

  4. There were multiple Gorons in Skyward Sword, Gorko and Golo being the ones that come to mind. Come now.

    Robots were adorable, but they made me sad. Kikwi were pretty cute. The Parella were worthless and even more unexplained than all the rest of the species. Mogmas were just annoying.

    Racism, bahaha. NO.

  5. "I'm sure lots of LOTR fans are pretty superstitious . . ."

    What does this even mean?

    Also, The films of the Lord of the Rings trilogy were all released in December, so this is simply keeping with the tradition. And, of course it has to do with sales. No one is pretending like it's some great secret.

    More so, I fail to see the connection between being enraptured by Tolkien's universe and being superstitious.

  6. They are just . . . the most insipid race, it feels. Also, they are in nearly every single game. Frankly, I'm just sick of encountering them; races like the Zora or Kokiri need to exist more frequently.

    Also, Nintendo's recently created races for Skyward Sword just felt too forced. The Mogma were just an obstacle to my inevitable triumph.

  7. All of Phantom Hourglass was, for me, a huge bother. I honestly wished I could have simply destroyed Jolene, her ship, and that foul music that accompanies her thieving ways and poor sword-fighting skills.

    As with all Zelda games, it was incredibly, incredibly formulaic. However, I can usually stomach the formulaic nature of Zelda due to the wonderful concepts, art, and gameplay. However, on the DS, I could find no redeeming qualities. Graphics, eh. All movement stemming from the stylus- who was the moron that dreamed that up? Probably the same person that thought motion controls were an acceptable tool for gaming. Story, eh. Music, eh.

    Also, the Temple of the Ocean King was the most boring, repetitive, and mind-blowingly stupid piece of architectural vomit ever spewed forth from Nintendo's mouth-hole. Unforgivable.

  8. After much thought and deliberation, I have come to the conclusion that the beginning of Ocarina of Time has been, and perhaps always will be, my favorite moment in gaming history. Sentimentality aside, from which a large portion of my love stems, it is such a fantastic opening, full of childlike wonder, exploration, all tinted by an unknown, yet threatening, darkness. Particularly, the plight of the Great Deku Tree was always incredibly moving for me. The early exploration required to find the Kokiri Sword was incredible (as a child, and even now as an adult, even if it has become more of a routine), and then conquering the evil inside the Great Deku Tree was a really powerful sequence.

    As with most things, I can never fully express why I feel the way I feel, but, these are my feelings. Also, the music. Le sigh.

    Jareddude likes this

  9. Unlike everyone else, I would rate Twilight Princess higher in nearly every regard. Skyward Sword was still a fantastic game, but too many things within were disappointing- namely, the controls, the music, the art style, and the lack of story development until way late in the game.

    Regardless, play them both.