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Posts posted by Franne

  1. (Merry christmas to you all! :D)


    "So we just go and jump?" I ask. "What if something happens?" 

    "Well do you got any other ideas?" Pipit asks a bit rude. "Let's just go."

    "Ok, fine..." I mutter. That wasn't too nice. 

    We jump of the diving platform and call our loftwings. We arrive at the red column of light and jump off. I search for my sailcloth and open it. 

    "Hey, is it me or does it look different?" Emzy yells. 

    I look around and she's right. The air is much hotter and thicker with smoke which makes it harder to see through and breath.

    Suddenly it starts to rumble violently. The ground shakes and it's hard to hold on to our sailcloths.

    "What is going on?!" Callia screams confused.

    "It's the volcano!" Pipit yells back.

    I look to my right and he's right. It's erupting.

    "Hold on!" I scream as we get blown away violently.

    This is bad. 

  2. We dive back into the water, and swim towards the entrance way. The passage way is pretty tight, and we all have to swim in a line after each other. I suddenly notice my lungs start to need air. I'm confused at the start, we have the dragon scales don't we? Then why do I get the feeling I need air? I start to panic slightly, and I look around. The others are having trouble to breath as well. But then Link points at a bubble in front of us. We each swim trough, and when I swim trough it it feels like I just took a gasp for air. That reassures me and we continue. 

    After a bit more swimming, we get into the middle of the tree, and swim up. We climb onto a branch that is above the water and get out. 

    "That was scary, having no air..." Karane mutters. 

    We try to dry our clothes a bit, and wander around. 

    Suddenly, something blue comes out of the water and flies around us. 

    "Faron!" Link yells. 

  3. (Guys! Wake up! Sorry it's just been so long since anyone posted something here, and I really miss this :) )

  4. I scream as loud as I can, this is one of the most scary things I have ever done! Everything looks blurry while we're flying through the air, and we land in the clear blue water with a loud splash. I'm suddenly overwhelmed with fright when I realize that I'm in water and that I can't swim, but then I notice that I can breath underwater and float, thanks to the dragon scales. 

    "THAT WAS AWESOME!" Emzy yells.

    "That was horrible!" Karane screams back. "I thought we were going to die!" 

    We all laugh with that statement, though I have to admit I was really scared too. 

    "Lets go there!" Pipit says, pointing towards a lily pad which holds the Kikwi elder.

    We climb on it, and try to dry our hats, hair and clothes a bit. 

    "Kewwwwwwwww it's you all! What brings you to see me?" he asks. 

    Is he kidding?

    "I don't know maybe the water?" Callia says, raising her eyebrow. 

  5. "GO GO GO!" I hear someone yell above us as we sprint to the wind gusts and go up the pit. We dash towards our friends who are standing next to the catapult, urging us to run quicker. We stop and I glance towards the pit, which makes me cringe, seeing that the Imprisoned is flying up, and fairly fast too.

    "Link! You got no choice! You have to get on his head! Quick now!" Groose shouts, readying the Grooseinator.

    "What no! That's way too dangerous!" me and Callia yell together.

    "It's like Groose said, I have no choice!" Link says as he sits ready in the catapult.

    "Ok we'll send you straight for the spike on its head!" Zurin shouts and he starts wheeling the wagon into the right place.

    "Here you go!" Groose yells, and Link flies across the sky, right onto the Imprisoned's head.

    He lands right on top of it, quickly gets out his sword and slashes the spike back into its head.

  6. We start making our way down until we are at the bottom of the pit. The ground around the spike seems to be inflamed, the seal markings on the ground burning an angry red. I try to keep an eye on the seal spike while I'm putting my sailcloth away, but I find that I'm having difficulty. A look down tells why: my hands are shaking terribly.

    "What do we do?!" Emzy yells, her voice shaking.

    "We wait until he comes out. He'll do it anyway", Link says, surprisingly calm, though I can see him shaking slightly.

    The ground is shaking violently and the black smoke from the ground is growing thicker and thicker with each tremor.

    Suddenly, with an ear-splitting roar, the monster rears up from the pit. It is big, impossibly big, terrifying big. It is covered in moving and shifting scales, all of which seem red in the dim light. And if that wasn't enough, it has giant teeth that look like they can devour you in one bite.

    I let out a loud yelp of fear. My legs feel like they have turned into jelly, and I feel terribly sick.

    "O MY GODDES!" Karane screams.

    The monster bends down and lets out another loud roar.

  7. Levias starts to shake around, which makes us hold on tightly, and he almost goes under the clouds. He doesn't do it though, and suddenly the sky clears up, making the thunderhead look like the normal sky.

    "Tell me, children, were it you who brought me this most delectable cauldron of pumpkin soup?" Levias says loudly. His voice is low pitched and sounds very old and wise.

    "Yes," Link speaks up.

    "I must apologize for my earlier behaviour. A most peculiar and irksome pest possessed me. I was not myself. But that business is done with now! The delicious aroma of that soup has restored me to my senses," Levias continues.

    "Never knew soup could do that," Emzy mutters.

    "I am the great spirit they call Levias. Before she passed from this world so long ago, the goddess, Hylia, appointed me as warden of the skies. And what do they call you all?" he asks.

    We all introduce ourselves and Levias laughs. "All of your parents clearly have excellent taste in names! But Link, boy... You carry a curious sword. And I sense a silent power dwelling somewhere in that little frame. Ah, I see it now. Link, you are the goddess's chosen hero. How interesting... I assume you've come to hear what I know of the Triforce."

    "Yes, that's right," Link answers.

    "As I suspected..." Levias says. "Listen closely, and I will tell you."

    He goes on to explain that even he doesn't know where the Triforce is now, except that it is in Skyloft. I am about to make a remark that our whole search apparently is useless, when Levias suddenly says something interesting.

    "Oh, but the goddess did entrust me with a hint as to the Triforce's location. The clue is a song, meant to be played on the harp you hold. It is known as the Song of the Hero."

  8. My breathing goes very fast and my hands are trembling while I'm holding my loftwing as tight as I can. Levias is huge, and I fear that we can't defeat whatever is possessing him.

    "What do we do?!" Karane cries.

    "Try to attack it!" Link yells back.

    Emzy dives forward and tries to hit Levias skin hard while using our newly learned flying attack. It doesn't work though, and she's almost thrown of her loftwing.

    "Emzy! Are you ok?!" I scream loudly.

    "Yeah! I'm fine!" she replies.

    "New plan! Attack the eyeballs! That worked before with other monsters too!" Link yells. He does so and it explodes into green pus. Levias screams in pain, shaking his head.

    "Great job!" Callia yells at Link. Now Emzy and Pipit dive forward, trying to hit an eyeball. I count four eyeballs and we are with more so I try to wait until they get them, since I would probably screw it up.

    Emzy flies straight into one, yelling in disgust as she gets covered in eyeball slime.

  9. (That sounds great! :) Maybe you can send me a PM on fanfiction itself, that's easier :) )


    I can see everyone doing the move, only Fledge and Karane having a bit of trouble, but I'm hesitant to do it myself since I'm not that great at flying. I've never been. But, I figure that I have to do it and that there is no way for me not to learn it, so I do as Owlan told us.

    I take a deep breath, ignore my heart beating fast against my chest and dig the heels of my palms into the shoulder blades of my loftwing. It starts whirling around and I let out a yelp, scared to fall or to hurt myself or my bird. But then everything is back to normal, though I do feel a bit nauseous...

    "That was so awesome!" Callia yells loudly.

    "Great job all of you!" Owlan yells to us. It seems that everyone somehow has managed to do it. "You can come back here now!"

  10. "Well, he is not the Levias that we all know.... That's... A monster!" Owlan says.

    "A monster?" Link repeats.

    "Indeed. It certainly looks like Levias, but last time I approached him, he came rushing at me! And his eyes... They were full of malice."

    "That's horrible..." Callia says.

    "It is... But people change... Or old, wizened creatures change, rather. Perhaps it's more that... he is possessed by something. That's how it felt to me," Owlan says, his voice pitiful.

    "We need to talk to him,"  Link says.

    "What? That's... impossible. I don't think Levias is capable of listening. Not in his current state, no," Owlan mutters, shaking his head.

    "What do we do now?" Emzy sighs.

  11. We all listen to Link who is telling the headmaster the whole story the old lady told us about the Triforce back in the sealed temple.

    The headmaster lets out a deep sigh. "Well, first of all, the actual location of the Triforce isn't illuminated in any of the old ancient texts. Its whereabouts are lost to history. It shames me to say it, but my knowledge is of little use on this subject..."

    "That's ok professor-" Emzy says.

    "I wasn't finished, Emzy," the headmaster says with a tiny smile.

    "Sorry..." Emzy says, her cheeks turning pink. 

    "What I wanted to say, there is one,whose vast knowledge may be of use. Surely you're all familiar with Levias, the great sky spirit who has guarded our realm for ages?" he asks.

    We all nod. "Yes we are," Callia answers.

    "Well, if anyone in the entirety of Skyloft were to know about the Triforce, it would be him."

  12. (I hope she recovers soon! And sorry for my absence, I've been so busy lately!)


    After a while, everyone is up, and we all head to the headmaster's office. Link steps forward and knocks on his door.

    "Yes?" the headmaster asks loudly.

    Link opens the door and enters, with us following behind. We all stand in front of his desk, and he looks at us all with a mixture of anger and worry.

    "Do you all understand how disappointed I was when I had heard my students had ran off without telling anyone?"

    We all look at the ground, ashamed.

    "Do you all understand how disappointed I was when I had heard my students had ran off again?"

    My cheeks are bright red and I feel sick.

    "Headmaster. Can we explain?" Link asks calmly.

    I surprises me how his voice doesn't sound anxious, or hesitating at all.

    The headmaster lets out a deep sigh, but nods.

  13. (I know, I thought that too :P Maybe we couldn't search for the Triforce at night or something?)


    "What the heck?" Link yells loudly and he takes out his sword.

    In front of us, in a dark, rather disturbing looking room stands a tall demon, with a brownish gown, blue and yellow wings and enormous horns. He lets out a surprised gasp, and turns around. He studies us all, and lets out a loud scream. Link wastes no time and slashes at the demon with his sword. Karane immediately runs to Kukiel who is standing in a corner.

    Just as Link is about to hit the demon, it yells in fear. "Stop! Please! I beg of you... don't hurt me!"

    Link looks around, just as confused as we are.

    "Oh goodness, I know how bad this must look to you all right now, but I assure you I mean no harm! We were just playing the scream-as-loud-as-you-can-game! Isn't that a fun game...?" it laughs nervously, "Oh, dear... Perhaps an explanation is in order!"

    "Really?" Emzy scoffs sarcastically.


    The demon goes on, telling us his name is Batreaux, and that he is a friendly demon, much like Zurin (who we decided not to mention, just in case). He tells us that Kukiel was the only one who wasn't afraid of him, and that she was the only one who wanted to play with him. He goes on and on, saying that he only wants to become friends with all of Skyloft (which seems like an awful plan to me since most people here are already afraid of a Skyloft mantis...)

    "You see, I can become a human, but I will need Gratitude Crystals for that... I was wondering if you could-"

    "Sorry, but we don't really have time..." Callia says. She explains the whole Zelda situation, and the demon shakes his head.

    "Some demons... Anyway, I am truly sorry to bother you with looking for the small girl and all. You all obviously have got more important things to handle..."

    "Maybe when this is all over with," I smile.

    "Ah, that would be truly amazing!" Batreaux smiles back.

    "Well, we'll take Kukiel back home, and see you later, bye Batreaux!" Pipit says, giving Kukiel a piggyback ride.

    "Good bye all!" he replies.

    "That was so weird..." Link mutters when we are back outside in the open again.

  14. "Ok, this isn't working out!" Emzy yells.

    "What do we do?" I ask.

    "Wait guys, what did the old guy say again?" Pipit asks.

    No one really paid attention to him, so we all just stare at the ground, a bit ashamed.

    "I listened..." Fledge admits.

    "Great! So what did he say?" Callia asks.

    "Err... he said something about hitting the gravestone closest to the tree and then pull it..." Fledge answers.

    "Why didn't you tell us before!" Emzy says, walking forward to the grave, and pulling out her sword. She hits it, and it a monster like face appears, glowing. She pulls the gravestone and storage shed across of the grave opens.

    "Wow! Why did that happen?!" Karane yells exited.

    Suddenly we hear a child scream.

    "Who was that?!" I yell.

  15. (That's ok, and you weren't annoying :) )


    "What about Zurin?" Emzy asks. "I mean, we can't just walk into Skyloft with a demon..."

    "That's right," Pipit sighs.

    "Maybe he could stay here? Or go back to the Lumpy Pumpkin?" I suggest.

    "I will stay here then," Zurin says.

    "Ok. We'll let you know when we know where the Triforce is," Emzy says.

    We go outside and use the bird statues to go back up in the sky. We fly on our loftwings back to Skyloft. I'm a bit nervous, since no one really wanted us to go back to the Surface, meaning we just ran off.

  16. His Zelda. Ouch. I'm suddenly ashamed of how selfish I am. He obviously cares a lot about her. He obviously loves her. And it's also quite obvious Zelda sees him that way as well. My heart hurts, but I can't be selfish right now. There'll be time for that later. Now, Link's the biggest priority.

    "Link..." Callia whispers.

    "I mean I just... I was so close..." Link sobs.

    I sit down next him on the ground. I just sit there, quiet. I figure that's how he needs his friends right now. To hear him out.

    "What did she say?" Emzy says quietly.

    Link inhales deeply and sighs. "You remember the old legends we used to hear growing up?"
    I nod my head.

    "They are real. The Triforce the old gods had created, the supreme power? Demise wanted to have it. The goddess feared for her people, and sent them and the Triforce up in the sky. After a battle, the Goddess, Hylia, used her powers to seal away Demise. However, it became clear that the seal wouldn't hold very long. She also knew that if Demise would break free again, it would mean the end of the world. And in order to put an end to the demon king, Hylia devised two separate plans and set them both into motion. First, she created Fi to assist me on my mission. Her second plan was to abandon her divine form and transfer her soul to the body of a mortal." Link sighs. "She made this sacrifice, so that the Triforce could one day be used." Link inhales deeply again. "I am the chosen hero, and Zelda is- she is the goddess reborn as a mortal..."

  17. (No, that's ok :P)


    I look at Callia, waiting for her to answer, since I don't know what to say myself. She keeps staring at Zurin though, not saying anything. I try to make up an answer in my head.

    "Zurin, I think I understand..." Emzy says, giving him a reassuring smile.

    "I do too. You didn't really want to be a demon any more huh? Or not a bad one at least..." Pipit sighs.

    "Yes," Zurin smiles.

    "What about you guys?" Emzy asks us.

    "Err, I guess I understand you... It's just... You know..." Karane says.

    "I think I do too. It's just... You'll have to give me some time I guess. I mean, you did all kinds of good stuff for us... So yeah," I say a bit timid.

  18. "Hey Link..." I say.

    "Yeah?" he asks.

    "Be sure to give Zelda our regards," I smile.

    He smiles too. "I will. Goodbye!"

    "Bye! Good luck!" we all yell.

    He runs towards the door, opens it, and leaves.

    "Now were separated again..." I sigh.

    "He'll be fine! I'm sure he will. And hey, maybe we'll see Zelda back too," Callia smiles.

    "I know," I say, smiling too.

    "How are we going to get him out of this place?" Karane asks.

    "Lift him and carry him, how else?" Emzy says.

    "Isn't that... going to hurt him?" Fledge asks.

    "We did the same with Link, so I'm sure he'll be fine," Pipit answers.

  19. "Are you alright?" I ask Callia, my voice a bit shaky.

    She keeps staring in front of her.

    "Callia?" I say, laying my hand on her shoulder.

    My touch seems to have brought her back to reality. "What? Sorry... I was err... thinking," she says, giving me a weak smile.

    I sigh as I slide down the wall, sitting down.. "I think I know what you're thinking about. I mean... I can't believe he... did that... And he never told us! I just don't know what to think now," I admit.

    She sits down next to me. "Me neither," she sighs.  

    Suddenly the door in the back opens and Link comes out. He walks up to us and sits down. "How's Zurin?" he asks.

    "Alive," Karane sighs, who comes sitting with us.

    "So?" Callia says to Link.

    "So what?" Link replies.

    "What happened in that room? With the flame?" she asks.

    "Oh. Well, my sword has revealed its true form now, and apparently, its now supposed to be called the Master Sword. Which means that I can now open the Gate of Time... And... see Zelda," he says, smiling a bit.

  20. "It shouldn't matter how powerful your sword is, you are still nothing... Not just a human... A human child! And yet you prevail! You filthy scamp! You have awakened a wrath that will burn for eons! I swear to you, whatever it takes, I will drag you into an eternity of torment!" Ghirahim growls. He turns his sword around, and disappears, as well as the barrier of diamonds.

    The room lightens up, and I run to Link together with Pipit.

    "Are you ok?!" Pipit says, worried.

    He turns to us. His eyes are full of rage, fury, anger... I have never seen him like this before. "Yes. I am."

    "Good. That's good," I whisper.

    "What now?" Callia yells.

    "I have to get the flame behind that door. Wait here for me," he says firmly. We watch him run towards the door, which lights up, and he enters, closing it behind him.

    "Well that was err... Intense..." Karane says.

    "How's Zurin now?" Fledge asks Emzy, who is sitting next Zurin.

  21. (O my goddess. Yes it was! :D Sorry this entry is so freaking long, I had quite a lot game dialog in it, that's why. Sorry!)


    "No he won't," Emzy says firmly.

    "Ah, stupid sky child," Ghirahim chuckles. "Now, where was I? Ah, yes, of course. But first of all, this," he says as he waves with his hand, creating a wall of some sort of diamonds that drive us back. It has closed us all out, except for Link.

    "Link!" I yell. "No!"

    "Looks like you got yourself an adorable fan, Link!" Ghirahim mocks.

    I look down, ashamed.


    "Lets wrap this up, shall we?" Ghirahim says. "What I wanted to stay, was this: look at this drawings! Until I found these, I was... upset about that little stunt the goddess's guard dog pulled at the Gate of Time. What was that twig's name again? Impa? Well, never mind that, because these drawings suggest the existence of a second Gate of Time. This news has just filled my heart with rainbows!"

    "What kind of Demon Lord says that?" Callia scoffs.

    "How's Zurin?" Fledge whispers.

    "I don't know..." Emzy replies.


    Ghirahim teleports up where the drawings are. "I had searched everywhere, and the thought of never getting my hands on that darling young girl again was... well, more than I could bear." He jumps down and stands behind Link, putting his hands on Link's shoulder. He is so creepy...

    "But then... Then I found this place! The prospect of a second Gate of Time has made me positively giggly!"

    Link slashes at him with his sword, but Ghirahim disappears again and appears back in front of Link.


    "That girl... Your adorable friend... She will be instrumental in brining about the revival of my master. And though I feared she was now quite beyond my reach, I despair no longer! But before we talk any further on that subject, there's still the outstanding matter of your punishment, Link. Do you remember when I told you that the next time we met, I'd make your ears bleed from the sound of your own screams?"

    A chill goes down my spine. This guy is sick!!

    "Well, I've been thinking... Perhaps corporal punishment is a touch harsh. I might be willing to forgive and forget if you'll strike a deal. All I ask is that you tell me where I can find the other Gate of Time, and don't try to lie, I know you know," Ghirahim continues.

    "Never," Link spats.


    "Such behaviour. A mischievous boy like you needs to be dealt with firmly. I must warn you, I won't go easy on you this time. And it makes it even more fun that your little friends can watch too!" he laughs. "Come to me, Link. You and I, we're bound by that thread of fate. Destined to fight. So come close, Link! Meet me in battle, and the thread of fate that binds us will be soaked crimson with your blood!"

    "No," I let out a soft cry.

  22. (That's not a glitch, you have to go down a level and go back up using the wind gust. Then you can slash the spike back into its head. And Scrapper went with you guys :) )


    "Really? Like demons who don't really want to be demons?" Fledge asks.

    "Yes," Zurin replies.

    "That was... very interesting," I smile. "Thanks for sharing the information."

    "What about you?" Callia asks.

    "Excuse me?" Zurin says.

    "Well... Do you want to be a demon?" she asks, hesitating a bit.

    "Good question..." Zurin sighs.

    "You don't have to answer..." Callia quickly adds. "Sorry..."

    "But does that mean that there are still other demon lords?" Link asks, changing the subject.

    "Yes," Zurin answers.

    "And they could be... friendly?" Fledge adds.


    "And they could be everywhere?" I ask.


    "Huh. Like... Like Skyloft?" Link asks.

    I get a cold feeling after he says that. A demon, friendly or not... but in Skyloft?

  23. (Me neither :( I'll try again)


    "Great job!" Link smiles when Zurin hands us the earrings. We all try them on, and go back to the entrance to the temple.

    "So, what can we do now?" I ask.

    "Wait I guess," Fledge sighs.

    After some time eating, drinking and resting, Callia speaks up.

    "Hey Zurin? How old are demons usually? And where do they come from?" she asks.

    "Yeah! And where are they now? Since the only ones we know are you and that Ghirahim guy," I ask.

  24. (I'm back! :D)


    "Eldin?" I repeat.

    "You don't mean another dragon, do you?" Callia sighs.

    Zurin gives her an apologizing smile. "I'm afraid I do. But, luckily, he is told to be nicer and more willing to listen than Faron. The only thing we can really do is to hope that that is true."

    "Lets go then," Link concludes.

    When we're walking Fledge turns to Zurin. "So, where does this dragon live?"

    "Inside the volcano summit," Zurin replies.

    "But isn't that the place that was too hot to enter?" I ask.

  25. (I'll be going to France for 10 days, so if I don't post, you know why :) )


    "I recommend continuing your search for the sacred flame," Fi continues and she goes back into Links sword.

    "So? How was it?" Leala asks us.

    "I'd rather not talk about it," I admit. "Not now, at least."

    "Ok..." Leala replies, slightly worried.

    "So, where to now?" Callia asks.

    "I think I have an idea," Link says.

    We follow him up the big wind gust and we stand in front of the entrance to the sand slide, which brings back awful memories for me.

    "I couldn't go further here before, since it was to hot, but now that I have these things..." Link says.

    "Yeah, Link?" Fledge asks.

    "What?" Link replies.

    "You only have one pair..." Fledge says.