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Posts posted by Relean

  1. Okay, so as I'm sitting here typing this, my dad's playing Wario Ware: Smooth Moves in the living room. And I ask myself, How on earth did that happen? He HATED videogames. They were the reason for everything bad to happen. He despised my N64, my PS2 and my GC.

    But he loves the Wii.

    Now is when I realize that Nintendo achieved their goal: To bring non-gamer to the videogaming world.

    A few years ago my dad used to play with me sometimes, but he got ticked off because of all the buttons to memorize and stuff. He stopped playing after 5 minutes. But and hour has passed and he's still playing Wario Ware.

    It's almost incredible to hear him laugh and scream while playing.

    Oh hell yeah. The Wii did it.

  2. I came on this morning willing to make a topic like this.

    Do dreams ever come true? I dunno, but this is what happened to me:

    On Thursday ago I had this weird dream where our house was being robbed. It was not scary, but kind of disturbing. I woke up on Friday and went to school. At 2:00 pm some friends and me decided to go cheer for a friend who was participating in a skating contest. We went to the skating dome, watched her skate and left. It was 4:30. I wanted to buy Wario Ware for Wii, so I walk to the mall, which was very close to the skating dome, and get the game.

    Fifteen minutes after leaving the mall, these two guys come to me. They were almost my age. Then a girl arrives. And a guy who was older than me. They ask some questions.

    What's your name?

    What school do you go to?

    What were you doing in the mall?

    Where are you going?

    Aparently, they thought I was a member of this one gang called Punto 40, and they were from the Latin Kings. (Some of you may have heard about them.) I had, of course, nothing to do with those gangs, but they though I was one of the Punto 40s that stabbed a Latin King. They were looking for them, with the intention to kill. After 40 minutes of talking with me they took my two cellphones and some money.

    They left then, and I walked to the bus stop. I was carrying my backpack, where the game and some notebooks were. Luckily they didn't harm me.

    Soon after getting on the bus, I remembered the dream and started to laugh. I know it's not exactly like my dream, but it's kind of similar.

    At least that's another cool story to tell.

  3. Once there was a poop but it got old so nobody tried to eat it, so it cried tears that were pink. Then it destroyed the white house because it was 3vil! So the cops killed Bush for attempting to regain his nukes. Then he tried singing carols at Mount Everest while eating pancakes with another squirrel poop. After that they did absolutely nothing to help the inocent dog recover his mom's bone that was lost in the woods of enigmatic dog waste! The fangirls chased the monkey to the strange village of turtle monsters who were idiots. THEN he kicked the big obese eel

  4. I too write songs.

    Rap or reggaeton.

    But they're all in Spanish. :embarrassed:

    EDIT: Hey, Zuzu, is that a rap song?

  5. I think Dustin will choose the Guild Mods.

    And no, you can't create your own Guild.

    There are only 3, as o yet: Twili, Terminian and Hylian.

  6. better than twilight princess then?

    or did you get the gamecube version of twilight princess so it doesn't count?

    So far I'm liking it better than TP, but that's just me.

  7. Finally!

    I was dying to tell.

    But anyway...

    Once you get in a Guild you will have your own Guild Forums to visit, and members of other Guild won't be able to acces them.

    There will be competitions between Guilds, forum wars /maybe/, and a lot of other fun stuff.

    How do you guys like the idea?

  8. I don't hate it. It's your opinion. ^_^

    But the world was left empty...

    It detracts from the Oh my God, I'm the chosen hero to save all the beings in Hyrule feeling, you know, because there aren't a lot of beings to save.