Agent Zako

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  1. Agent Zako liked a post in a topic by T1g in Discuss Anime and Mang   
    Full version of STAND PROUD, the new jojo opening is out wednesday btw

    Oh, and now that the anime has given Jotaro's Stand its name, we get to have Jotaro shout it whenever it starts punching things
  2. PrimaGaga liked a post in a topic by Agent Zako in Post pictures of the life that surrounds you   
    I don't have any actual shelves in my room so I have to stack my small library of books on top of my dresser. Also here is much of my anime, manga, and western comics. Also note the Master Gundam astride his faithful robot steed. Not fancy, but one day I'll have shelves... one day.

  3. Teto liked a post in a topic by Agent Zako in Post pictures of the life that surrounds you   
    I don't have any actual shelves in my room so I have to stack my small library of books on top of my dresser. Also here is much of my anime, manga, and western comics. Also note the Master Gundam astride his faithful robot steed. Not fancy, but one day I'll have shelves... one day.

  4. Agent Zako liked a post in a topic by PrimaGaga in Post pictures of the life that surrounds you   
    my drawing table, before and after. Now you know why I havent been posting art lately!

  5. Agent Zako liked a post in a topic by Fierce Muffin in Discuss Anime and Mang   
    Nope, Redline is one of the worst anime movies ever created. Not only is the story complete garbage, but the animation is so below average, it hurt watching it. It wasn't even bad in a funny way either, since all the characters were so tryhard.
    I'd recommend watching the Boku no Pico movie series instead.
  6. Sayubie liked a post in a topic by Agent Zako in Agent's Arts   
    Drew this two years ago in my Drawing I class at SWIC. It's made using charcoal (probably compressed), graphite (art pencils), and white acrylic paint for the stars that aren't the sun. Please excuse the watermark. :3

  7. SilverAlchemic liked a post in a topic by Agent Zako in Agent's Arts   
    Drew this two years ago in my Drawing I class at SWIC. It's made using charcoal (probably compressed), graphite (art pencils), and white acrylic paint for the stars that aren't the sun. Please excuse the watermark. :3

  8. Agent Zako liked a post in a topic by T1g in Discuss Anime and Mang   
    Plot Summary of Kill la Kill

  9. Agent Zako liked a post in a topic by Sahaqiel in Tomodachi Life   
    It's good they can make fun of themselves with this. Finally, after all these years, the Virtual Boy can stop being an embarrassment to the company, and start being a joke.
  10. Agent Zako liked a post in a topic by T1g in Discuss Anime and Mang
    Let us all appreciate greatness
  11. Agent Zako liked a post in a topic by Ganny in Tomodachi Life   
    I am POOPING myself

  12. pheonix561 liked a post in a topic by Agent Zako in Discuss Anime and Mang   
    Captain Earth has gotten off to a fun, if not unique, start. I think I'll follow it. I doubt the show is going to go full Super Robot but that's fine if it doesn't. Meanwhile, Stardust Crusaders is going to be fantastic. It just is.
  13. Agent Zako liked a post in a topic by Necropolis in Discuss Anime and Mang   
    >Not watching the dub
  14. Agent Zako liked a post in a topic by T1g in Discuss Anime and Mang   

  15. Agent Zako liked a post in a topic by T1g in T1g's D&D Isle of Dread Campaign   
    Necro has been added to the campaign as a substitute player. I.e. he will take over someone's character if they can't make it to a session
  16. Agent Zako liked a post in a topic by Sahaqiel in T1g's D&D Isle of Dread Campaign   
    My average roll was a 7, btw. I was so sad. ):

    Alright, so I was at a friend's house, so I didn't think I would be joining the campaign, but I catch up just in time to Crit and Emma, because I overslept or something. In retrospect, I should have said I had toasted bread in my mouth. Anyway, so as we're walking, I misread my map thinking that we're heading towards a Goblin village and that Crit is betraying us, but we were much farther away than I thought, so it was a misunderstanding and we decided not to escape suddenly.

    We happen upon some lemur-people being chased by a troll. DnD trolls are very big. They're pretty much Titans from AOT/SNK. We roll for intelligence, I think. Or wisdom. idk. Point is, I use my bardic knowledge to recall that trolls speak Giant. And I know Giant!!! Lia (Emso) recalls that the Lemurfolk are called Phanatons, and they speak Elvish. And she speaks Elvish!!! They also speak common but whatever, the coincidence was good. We start to formulate a plan to try and lure the troll away; the original plan was that Lia would lead the Phanatons to safety, and I would convince the troll there was better meat to be had elsewhere, while I use an illusion spell to distract him while we run. Lia calls the Lemurs over to safety, I shout a lemur-related racial slur to the Phanatons in Giant, which the troll laughs at. "Little man funny!" he says. I have an "oho" moment and I request to defect to the troll's side. I ask the troll if I can help him, and he accepts. After many confirmations that I am in fact serious, I ask the troll if I can stand on his shoulders during the fight. I roll badly on persuasion and he says it's too dangerous. After trying to confirm if trolls have decent slight-of-hand enough to carry me without murdering me, it turns out it's not worth it if I can't stand on his shoulders. I yell to the troll that I'm sorry, but I have to fight him now. The troll says it's okay-- he'll eat me too! He doesn't want me to feel left out.

    None of my comrades can understand Giant, so none of them have any idea that I tried to defect.

    Anyway, so the fight starts, we do proper fighting fanfare, Crit's being an unstoppable force of nature as always, etc. etc. She manages to cut both its arms off because she's insane. (First arm: "Need a hand? I roll to stress pun" the troll loses an intelligence roll and it goes over his head. Second arm: "He's been disarmed! roll to stress pun" I think I rolled a 9 here or something) We actually decided that it would be okay to go ahead and give Crit a +2 in Intimidation. She's earned it. After the second arm was off, a Phanaton was gawking at the sight, and I, being near him, say "I know, right? His [the troll's] butt is glorious".

    The troll manages to kick one of its arms back into its socket, since it got a good roll and has crazy regen abilities. We also found out that it's got an ability that lets its limbs move on their own, but the other arm fell into rough terrain and couldn't escape. Eventually during the fight I line myself up for a sprinting-guitar-melee attack, and take a deep breath for the roll, and get... a 2. I miss the swing. I recover and greet him by pointing at him while winking and smirking. The troll does the same with his only arm. Meanwhile, Crit jumps onto the troll from the stump of a tree he knocked down, jumped onto his arm while he's pointing, and cuts his head off. I feel like I did something useful, but the troll isn't dead yet, just very displeased. It's around this point that I had to leave for about half an hour.

    I come back after the battle's over and the lemur is thanking us, saying he doesn't know how he'll ever repay us. I joke in the chat under my breath, "sex", and the DM asks me if I said that out loud. I was caught off guard and was like, "Oh, no, I've got to commit to my actions". Crit is making an exasperated face. The lemur is offput a bit but then says "No thanks, I'm straight". We're there to get an herb anyway, so Lia explains the situation and we head to the lemur village.

    Earlier that night, T1g told me that he swears he'll put in a hot springs episode into the campaign without me if I don't show up. I thought he was calling it off since I was here, but nop, there is an open-air hot springs episode in the Phanaton village. I'm like lol ok. Lia and Crit head into the bath, I say that I fully respect their wish for privacy and do not even jokingly attempt to go in with them. Instead I hide behind some big rocks outside the bath. The lemurs are somewhat of a reference to Snow Monkeys of Japan, that like to bathe in hot springs. Lia and Crit are naked. I ask if Lia is standing so that her breasts are visible. Emso says no, but I ask her to stand. "No no no, trust me, I got this". In retrospect it's hilarious that that phrasing got us into the following situation.

    Lia stands in the bath, and I cast illusion magic to make steam conveniently conceal her nudity. "This IS an anime hot springs episode. Making this steam is SOMEBODY'S job." Lia, unfortunately, is really suspicious about this, and turns into an owl to survey her surroundings. I start to panic because Crit is also walking towards the corner I'm hiding in, so I need a gameplan to get out undetected. I start by casting illusion magic to superimpose ground above me that might conceal me from Lia. I think I rolled a 7, and Lia rolled much higher-- like a 15 or something. She sees through it. I start to panic more, and search through my inventory. I have two ink bottles. I roll to throw an ink bottle at Emso. I think I rolled a 13. It hits her in the face, blinding her, and knocks her out of the air at 30 feet. She hits the ground and takes a fair amount of damage--, like, most of her health I think. It was the most damage I did the whole campaign, on an ally no less. We all roll for initiative because I just enacted combat.

    Crit goes over to help Lia out of the water and to help wash out her eyes. I have to think quick because I have maybe two turns before I am definitely going to be detected and I don't think I can run away fast enough without causing a major distraction. I decide to cast an illusion that makes a deafening explosion thunder behind them-- it's only a sound though. They turn around to see what happened, including three of the lemurs. My original plan was to literally jump on top of one of the lemurs, holding it underwater, and casting an illusion spell to take its place while I try to formulate my next move, and hopefully get the lemur out before it drowns. Turns out I can't make an illusion that's a foot shorter than I am, so that plan goes bad. I instead opt to jump behind all the lemurs so I'm not in their line of sight, and cast Thunderwave, in the hopes that it'll knock everyone face-first into the water while they're looking away from me, giving me extra time to escape.

    I'm like right next to the lemurs, and I roll high enough (surprisingly) to not only do anything at all to them, but knock all of them unconscious and fling them 10 feet away. Crit--~~OF COURSE~~-- is a badass and doesn't fall over in the explosion. Lia's eyes are washed out and she likewise did not fall to the Thunderwave. They both spot me simultaneously. Crit comes over and punches me, because she doesn't have her claws on her. Everyone's naked but by this point none of that matters. She crits. Sasuga Crit-chan. I cast Thunderwave again because Crit's the only one in range. I roll a 5. She barely flinches. I roll to make an unnervingly crazed face, and roll a 3. Such is my life. She darts behind me and punches me, and crits AGAIN. I go down, unconscious. DM asks me to roll three death saving throws just to see if I would have survived would Crit have wanted to kill me. I roll a 3, 9, and 2. I failed all of them. She could have punched me to death with just two hits.
    Lia had turned into a fish to spot the lemurs possibly drowning underwater, and she hoisted them out with Crit's help and resuscitated/healed them. Lia and Crit have no idea why I suddenly attacked them, and they reasoned that there couldn't put me on trial because Lia is the only one who both saw what happened and could speak. At least my strategy got something right... Emso mentioned that from their perspective, there was a deafening explosion sound somewhere off in the distance, then suddenly they wake up coughing up water. Which is kind of hilarious. The Phanatons ask her what happened, and since Lia has no idea what my motives were, shrugs and says she doesn't know. Lia entangles me, and Crit drags me by the ankle through the town in her exasperation.

    She puts me on a floor of our inn room or something, and wait for me to wake up. Lia sleeps, Crit sleeps. I ask the DM if there's a day-month-year system in DnD, and he said it probably varies and we weren't sure. I ask him what phase the moon is in because that's what we base calendar months on anyway. It was a full moon. Sasuga hot springs episode. I wake up four hours later and go back to sleep. I wake up some time later and I failed a constitution roll and got a cold from sleeping on the floor. It was a purely aesthetic illness, but it was an added insult to injury. Pretty sure I rolled a 2.

    So Lia and Crit interrogate me. I told them that every third full moon, I become a lawful good, and where I come from, public nudity is shamed severely, to the point at which I would fight to the death in order to prevent it, and that it is part of the reason I am trying to find out the mystery behind my uncle RB's death, because he held the key to that mystery... this is why I rolled to make a crazed face btw. Anyway, Crit went from not caring to pissed off, because she knew the RB thing in specific was BS and she slams me on the ground. I then concede and say I just wanted to eavesdrop on everyone and I was trying to conceal Lia's nudity for my own sake and I panicked when they approached me because I knew Crit would probably stomp me. Everyone accepts my reasoning, as anyone would, but Crit is a little pissed off still.

    Anyway, the lemurfolk hold a celebration for us saving them, and Lia rolls for nature or something to find out stuff about the Phanatons. Turns out they're good woodcarvers. She asks them to pretty up her magical staff. I ask the woodcarver to make me an instrument with the most bizarre sound possible. He's confused and unsure if he can do it. I roll persuasion and finally get a decent roll; a 19. I inspire the fire in his heart, and he produces an instrument with a very bizarre, unnerving sound. I can't gain proficiency in this weapon, unfortunately, but by goodness I will play this instrument. I decided to call them the Bagpipes. Crit rubs the bridge of her nose in exasperation.

    Lia leaves us as a bird to deliver the herbs to Jarako's son more quickly, to which I react with playing the bagpipes somberly. I then try to convince Crit I'm not such a bad guy, which leads into awkward conversation and then silence. It probably ended with a Pokemon-style walk off into the sunset on a trail in the middle of the forest and next-time-on-DND announcer roll. The episode contained a fanservice scene, betrayal, wacky misunderstandings, near-lethal violence, and yet it still managed to be totally inconsequential to the plot, giving us a couple trinkets and good memories, with no hard feelings... truly, it is hard to be MC.
  17. Agent Zako liked a post in a topic by Sahaqiel in Discuss Anime and Mang   
    With the shoujo that I like the most so far (Kimi ni Todoke and Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun) it seems there are two characters that are destined for luv from the start, and then there are a lot of obligatory problems that crop up; love triangle, social awkwardness, etc. As predictable as it might be, I still enjoy seeing the characters interact and share moments with each other.
  18. Agent Zako liked a post in a topic by T1g in Discuss Anime and Mang   
    Stardust Crusaders episode 1 and Mushishi Zoku Shou episode 1 are out
  19. Agent Zako liked a post in a topic by Eka in Discuss Anime and Mang   

    Also a ton of my anime ended this week so I've gone from watching like 18 to 7 (feels weird man). Space Bros is on hiatus so I went and got caught up to the scanlated manga ('bout 227 chps), Toriko finished after almost 2 years so I'm going to start reading the manga soon, Seki-kun ended in a perfect way but I want more, and then everything else was pretty average as far as endings go (Silver Spoon, Golden Time etc.) 
    I also finished the Appleseed manga finally (thats been on hold for me for like 2 years, but I finally got my hands on the physical volumes for somewhat cheap). Anticlimactic, at the core of the definition, but the politics in that manga were super interesting.
  20. Eka liked a post in a topic by Agent Zako in Discuss Anime and Mang   
    Kill la Kill 24

  21. Agent Zako liked a post in a topic by DR SHRUBBERY! in Discuss Anime and Mang   

  22. Agent Zako liked a post in a topic by Sahaqiel in Discuss Anime and Mang   
    I started a super long rebuttal post but I figured it was a waste of time. Here's a less long rebuttal post.

    Also, what the hell is this.
    "but then it turned out LWA was actually all supposed to be sexualized and fanservicey, and so was madoka magica"
  23. Teto liked a post in a topic by Agent Zako in Discuss Anime and Mang   
    Kill la Kill 24

  24. T1g liked a post in a topic by Agent Zako in Discuss Anime and Mang   
    Kill la Kill 24

  25. DR SHRUBBERY! liked a post in a topic by Agent Zako in Discuss Anime and Mang   
    Kill la Kill 24