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Profile Comments posted by Michael

  1. Michael

    Upgrading forums in 3...2...1
  2. Michael

    Animated avatars are back.
  3. Michael

    Dustin, Y U NO RESPOND?
  4. Michael

    Finally my internet permits me to visit Hnet...
  5. Michael

    Hnet was down for a few minutes, I think this has Sayuri and Chimetals written all over it.
  6. Michael

    H.net has finally dipped below 200 visits. :(
  7. Michael

    Happy Birthday guys.
  8. Michael

    Mr. Anderson. Surprised to see me?
  9. Michael

    Charged Creepers server has been updated to 1.2!
  10. Michael

    Do we need more mods?
  11. Michael

    Found the pesky code that was messing up a lot of stuff, (Inbox, Quotes, Links) and fixed it. I have also increased the amount of days before your can change your display name to 30.
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Michael

      Because before we used to have rupees and the hyrule store when you can purchase a name change. You had gotten rupees from posting, so it was set to 90 to encourage users to post.

    3. T1g


    4. Cascade

      that... didn't really answer my question at all lol @_@ but okay i'll just have to deal with 90 day wait then @_@

    5. Show next comments  6 more
  12. Michael

    Made some obvious changes to the Just Like 2.0 theme. If you don't see them clear your cache.
  13. Michael

    Most user online today, yaaay. Thanks spambots!
  14. Michael

    Bored because I am bored, boredception.
  15. Michael

    What color was the text for status updates before? I can't help but feel that it wasn't white...
  16. Michael

    We're baaaaaaaack!
  17. Michael

    125 Posts today, the most that has been posted in a single day since last November. Keep posting :D
  18. Michael

    Dear Bots, you are now required to make 5 posts before you can update your status, now go away.
  19. Michael

    If only there was a way to make validating users not able to post status updates...
  20. Michael

    Did some minor forum cleaning, old pinned topics that were not used got unpinned.
  21. Michael

    Hey did you know boots go on feet?
  22. Michael

    Nearing completion of Hyrule 4.0 :)
  23. Michael

    Nearing completion of Hyrule 4.0 :)