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Posts posted by Twili

  1. I believe he joined on the 26 of March, this year.

  2. Lucas Update:

    I was looking through the mother-party website when I found this:


    It depicts Lucas using Duster's Rope Snake.

    This shows us 2 things-

    1. Lucas is not a Ness Clone

    2. What Lucas' Side-B move is.

  3. I've only played MGS2: Substance.

    It's an interesting game, but it's strange how there are only 2 levels.

  4. Frankly, I would like to see a MM style story, but with TP Link.

    Though I don't want to see an exact copy; by which i mean the storyline is changed to allow the friend whom link lost (Navi) to become Midna.

    However, I wouldn't mind a copy of Majora's Mask with Twilight Princess graphics.

    But mix MM's story with TP's graphic 'realness' and the rating would be MA. TP warranted an M Rating so what would the new game be?

  5. Frankly, I don't see what's with all the fuss about sonic. I mean, it'll be good and all having him as a playable character; but why is he so important.

    Although, it's kind of the same deal with me and Lucas.

    Speaking of which, I cannot wait until Lucas' moveset is announced.

    I hope they don't just use him as a replacement for Ness and give hime the same moveset. (Come-on PK Love)

  6. Here you are:

    Nintendo Customer Service

    (03) 9730 9822 MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9:00AM TO 5:00PM (EST)


    Original Nintendo Parts & Accessories can be purchased by contacting Nintendo Customer Service, or alternatively, visiting our parts & service centre, between the operating hours of 09:30am till 2:30pm, Monday to Friday.

  7. I must say, this is rather interesting. And Goron Merchant could well be right;

    Since Microsoft and Bungie have cut off ties with eachother, there is a good chance that we might see Halo released on a Nintendo console.

  8. Well, I'm back.

    So you'll be seeing a lot more of me now, than in the last fortnight.

    I would like to post pictures of my trip, but the uploader takes way too long. Also, it would take up an entire page.

    So as not to incur the Wrath of the Mods, I'll give you them to download (in a zipped folder), so you may peruse them at your leisure. Also, there are some small videos; but they are very short, and I only used them when things were moving quickly (I have a really crap camera+Shutter Speed). However it is about 15.09 MB, so only download them if you're really interested.

    9/28 is at Akihabara, or the electronics district of Tokyo.

    9/29 is at Tokyo Disneyland. I found it very tacky, and only took 3 photos.

    10/3 is at the top of the Tokyo government something or other.

    10/5 I went to 2 places. Kinkakuji (Or the Golden Pavillion) and Kiyomizudera, which is a place with healing water that tastes of heavy metals. (in IMG_1557-9 you can see random people catching it in special scoops). 1523/4 is a tree grown into the shape of a boat. 1553 is a giant buddha.

    10/6 is Himeji Castle. Look at the family crests in images 1569/1573 and you may see soe of the designs on the OOT Medallions. 1574 is some Samurai armour. 1576 is the structure of the castle.

    10/8 is when I was at Hiroshima and Miyajima. Imags 1581-6 are of the Blast dome. It was the place above which the Little Boy Bomb was detonated. 1588 is the Peace Park, which was created in the memory of a little girl who died of leukemia as a result of the radiation from the blast. 1589/90 are of the Sea gate when the tide is out, and 1591/2 are when the tide is in. (Doesn't it remind you of the King of Red Lions?). 1593 and 96 are of a deer. They are everywhere in Miyajima. And the final 3 images are panorama of Miyajima after sunset; I took these while on the ferry.

    10/10 was when I was at the Ring of Fire Aquarim in Osaka. I'm not going to explain much though. Just:

    Image 1602 is of one of the worlds largest ferris wheels, and 03 is actually a ferry. Images 1661/3 are of a whale shark, and images 1676-79 are of a Sun Fish. (let's do Manbo's Mambo!)

    That's pretty much everything of interest.

    And I hope you found it so.

  9. Tetanus is basically an infectious, bacterial disease which affects the nervous system and causes severe muscle spasms.

    It can be fatal though, so what is an injection when you compare it with death.

  10. Guess who`s back again?

    Okay, I`ll become more active in about 2 days. `Cause I`m going home.

    I`ll post all my pictures, but probably in a compressed zip, so as not to anger the mods.

    See you all again soon.

  11. Crusnik is gonna crap himself.

    Hey. :angry:

    Actually, had a very reliable source which said Lucas would be in Brawl. So I was almost certain he would be.

  12. Guess who's back?

    Before I go into anything, I'll just say: CRAP, I MISSED PH'S RELEASE DATE. (I know I live in a country that it hasn't come out in, and I'm staying in a country that I cannot understand the language of, but still)

    I haven't got much time, so I'll only say what's relevant:

    I bought Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland, and it has to be one of the single worst games ever.

  13. I`ll try to buy Balloon fight.

    Okay, yesterday I bought a DS. 16000 Yen! :D

    I`m quite proud of myself because I bartered and got it 1000 Yen less. And a 240 Volt adapter included.

    See you again when I have 100 Yen and some free time.

  14. Hey guys, guess what?

    I`m in Japan!

    I`m typing this on a pay computer in the youth hostel; Kay`s house. However, I`m typing this with a weird keyboard, so excuse my spelling errors and strange punctuation. :biggrin:

    I`m going to Akihabara (electronics centre in Tokyo) tonight and it`s gonna be awesome. It`s like my woodstock.

    I`ll post pictures when I can.

    But my time`s about to expire, so bye!

  15. Hi guys,

    I just wanted to tell you I wont be on here for a while because I'm going to Japan tommorow. (i.e. in about 13 hours from now). I might pop in if I get access to a public computer, but otherwise don't expect to see me.

    Also, now I'll take the opportunity to apologise to the members of the Great Army of Hyrule. You'll be leaderless for about 2 weeks.

    Bye all. :wave::bye:

    PS. I'll try to post lots of pics. :biggrin: