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Posts posted by Black_Midna

  1. well my teachers are mean they just flip out if you state you opion like god. they are so dumb somethimes. At my school 5 mins late you get in huge trouble. my school also only has 35 ppl i think we are going to close we find out and the end of Feb. (if we are my principal says we are going to blow all are money).

  2. i am the youngest of 5 i have never deleted files (i would be dead) at my house my brother Matt has Xbox and PS2 my other brother Cole has Xbox 360 i have Gamecube and Nintendo 64 my other two sisters are out of the house (oh yeah) but we stay by ourselves (that is sad but whatever) we all play on the computer though i have deleted my own files a few times but what can you do??

  3. okay this happened a few yrs ago one of my friends Viki killed her self and a few weeks ago my friend Josh killed himself. they both comitted suicide i felt so bad they commited the worst sin.

    "but life goes on, there is nothing that you can so all you have to do is thinkk that you couldn't have done anything"

    the worse part is every body cryed (excpet the boys) i almost died when i heard the thought that came to my mind was that not again. and then i looked over to one of my friends Reid it almost killed me to see him cry b/c you don't really see guys cry. there was no good part to these things. there is only bad things when it happens it makes every body sad when you say their name and you feel bad for saying it.

  4. me with batteries (it isn't me it is my stupid brohers They have to use my things) like i had mp3, then i had to get a ipod so they would leave me alone, but they use that (it is supposely better) then i got a psp my god they use then so much that i barely use them. then when i get it back the batteries are dead that makes me angery. i hate my bros.

  5. i hate people who think that they are the best at everything and rub it in peoples face or people that say rude things about you because you aren't as smart as they are. People who say they have never lied or people that don't stick up for themselves (b/c i have to get in trouble for saying things to the bullies)

  6. Actually, pi is 3.141592654. You forgot a 1. (the square route of pi is 1.772453851, but if you want to know the sqare route of 3.14, the shortened version of pi, it's 1.7720045. I only remember eight digits of that one, though... :unsure: )

    okay 1) who remembers that (that is what Calculators are for) but i unno i remeber movies and things (i am not dumb okay i just have my time planed out for like study time and things) (i am a geek) :D

  7. my fave band i unno streetlight scenery and uh my chemical romance and killradio and hmmm it has to be billy talent :D