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Profile Replies posted by Knuckle

  1. who is 2jo4

    It's this awful demon imp thing

  2. Emsomniac, I am now looking at you directly in the eyes "V. O. T. E. Or die." You've got until I decide to end the round in Downsizing Game to vote.

    go away you aren't talking to me :,(

  3. Emsomniac, I am now looking at you directly in the eyes "V. O. T. E. Or die." You've got until I decide to end the round in Downsizing Game to vote.

    Fair enough, but why are you trying to get Emso's attention in a status update instead of a PM anyway? It's like you're trying to publicly call her out or something and it's very puzzling.

  4. Emsomniac, I am now looking at you directly in the eyes "V. O. T. E. Or die." You've got until I decide to end the round in Downsizing Game to vote.

    I get the impression you are taking this too seriously :(

  5. I'll stop posting crappy crap on dA one day. (*scoff* deviantArt. lame *scoff*)

    I need a URL

  6. being up to see the sunrise is overrated.

    No it isn't shut up :(

  7. Why are there no MMO Adventure games comparable to LoZ?

    Dragon nest was an Action MMO wasn't it? It's definitely not point-and-click

  8. having serious dragon nest withdrawal right now. i miss my paly so much ;A;

    Aw jeez now I miss my priest too :(

  9. anac oyn n ere tda ih s?

    I don't know, ask someone else :(

  10. Jasmine is, once again, prego

    is that a pet or a person

  11. Guess who's just a bit buzzed hahhahaahhaaaa I tried texting you guys when I was really bad but I couldn't get a signal anywhere ugh

    pheo sux

  12. Has shipping users ever been a thing? I think I read some thread about that a while back but shrug

    man, you need to read my fanfiction

  13. Just purchased Metroid other M. Considering it's a Metroid game and it's developed by a somewhat well known studio, it has to be a good game right?

    Let me put it this way; I have never been compelled to buy a game made by Team Ninja, and this game did nothing to change that trend.

    I dunno, go play the Prime Trilogy again if you want a good time.

  14. yo happy deathday ghostmen quail-561 and thisotherdude

    dude what the hell you forgot Ryu

    he was like the only birthday that mattered you know

  15. woe woe wii woe

    ho ho hee ho!

  16. Today I learned that Brido from the Mario series is a transgender or gender-confused. wat.

    Apparently Vivian is a guy too. Must be a trend :?

  17. I feel nostalgic and melancholy for all the moments I missed while away from the site and you guys

    aww, I missed you too dustina :,)

  18. Do I dare start a Lunatic+ run on Fire Emblem? Yeah. Yeah I do

    good luck losr

  19. You know how it is...

    give in >;)

  20. You know how it is...

    just use pokegen already

  21. Don't you cry, no more.

    you really should pat yourself on the back more often for your tastes in music, you know :D

  22. I find it funny that if I said I killed someone, none of you would believe me.

    oh no :(

  23. I find it funny that if I said I killed someone, none of you would believe me.

    I would think you were referring to me :(

  24. J.J. Abrams is gonna direct Star Wars episode 7!!!!!!!!!!!

  25. My Ravens are going to the Super bowl!!!!!!!!!

    More importantly, the patriots aren't.

    I hear Tom Brady eats babies to get his unholy football skills.