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Posts posted by UltimateZeldaFan

  1. Wow, no...disregard what I said earlier. I've seen it now. Holy crap. Nintendo really threw us a surprise this time. It looks beautiful in Cel-shaded style. I love it.

  2. [20:57:40] Captain_General: Whorey, Is Arcane a ginger?

    [20:57:44] Whorey: no

    [20:57:47] Captain_General: SEE!

    [20:57:57] Arcane: DON'T LISTEN TO IT

    [20:58:02] Arcane: IT'S A FEMBOT

    [20:58:03] Captain_General: Whorey knows everything.

    [20:58:03] UltimateZeldaFan: Whorey, are you sure?

    [20:58:06] Arcane: THEY CAN'T BE TRUSTED

    [20:58:07] Whorey: yes and i wont stop till my eyelash bounces off!

    [20:58:10] Captain_General: SEE!

    [20:58:11] UltimateZeldaFan: See?

    [20:58:20] Arcane: :<

    [20:58:30] Captain_General: Whorey, I thank you for your aid in this.

  3. Ask Ganny, I'm sure he has plenty of them. What with all the harp talk, and the dress thing, and whatnot.

  4. [18:14:58] UltimateZeldaFan: Damn, you're making me want a harp now.

    [18:15:27] Ganondorf333: If that frying pan were a harp, and rather than being hit with it she were playing it, then you have hit the nail on the head

    [18:15:32] UltimateZeldaFan: I could just....play it away all day. With my long flowing hair. Not a care in the world...

    [18:15:35] Ganondorf333: Doesn't everybody want a harp, UZF?

    [18:16:00] UltimateZeldaFan: I should hope so

    [18:16:11] Ganondorf333: Your light, silky dress catching every slight breeze as it wafts into your portico on a cool, sunny day

    [18:16:23] UltimateZeldaFan: I dunno about the dress part

    [18:16:39] Ganondorf333: No, the dress is necessary

    [18:16:45] Ganondorf333: It's there to make you feel even prettier

    [18:16:53] UltimateZeldaFan: But I'm not really a dress...kinda guy...

    [18:16:56] Ganondorf333: It's really comfortable, too, though

    [18:17:07] Captain_General: o.o

    [18:17:08] UltimateZeldaFan: Umm...okay. If you say so.


    [18:17:22] Ganondorf333: NOW STOP BEING A WHORE

    [18:17:22] Captain_General: Reaally odd mental images now

    [18:17:26] UltimateZeldaFan: U-uh....umm...

    [18:17:31] UltimateZeldaFan: O-okay....?

    [18:17:41] Ganondorf333: :D

    [18:17:44] Whorey: =)

    [18:18:16] Captain_General: SHUT UP WHOREY

    That is all. Good day.

  5. Yeah but he's a puppyin talking boat.

    Oh god that made me laugh so hard.

    So true. So true.

    Also, I never understood the whole Navi being annoying thing. She only got sort of annoying after like the 10th time playing through OoT, because I already knew what to do, so there was no need to tell me. Back when I played as a kid, I would have never been able to leave the forest without her advice though. Well, at least not until I asked someone else what to do. But you get the point.

  6. Crap, there are SIZE limits now? Well, damn. I guess I'll have to fix that.

    Name - 5/5 Rain. It's just cool. One word of awesome.

    Avatar - 4/5 Don't know what it is, but meh, it's okay.

    Signature - 10/5 I'm still wondering how you made your siggy invisible. That's just amazing. It's almost like you don't even HAVE one! =O

  7. Name - 5/5 Made me laugh, I like it.

    Avatar - 4/5 Pretty cool, but the color of that Triforce on there seems a little....out of place.

    Signature - 5/5 I like the use of Minish Cap Link along with that font. >_>

  8. I'd like to hear about it. Good to have you back.

    Well thank you....I guess...>_> (who are you, again? ._.)

    No not butthurt or anything. Just can't really trust you anymore.

    Well then! I'll begin my long journey to earn your trust back, Tappy.

    I'm on a miisssiiiiioon......and this is going to be veerry hard to do. It'll probably take years.

    And that goes for all of you! I'm on a quest to earn the trust of Hyrule.net!


    .........>_> yeah, anyway.......

  9. Well crap. I didn't expect nine goddamn people to want me back. That's actually very surprising, because I don't think I can even remember nine people here. Well, I can remember names, but I might not remember who they are.

    Oh, and Tappy, you're just butthurt because I said I didn't like you when I left.

    Hmm....but speaking of that topic.....Yeah that whole "It was a test" thing was bull crap. I don't even remember why I did it. I think it was hoping that you guys would say something like "Oh, okay cool, UZF. We forgive you, dude. Come on back now." I was an idiot, obviously. I'm a completely different person now. REALLY what was happening there....? I've got the whole truth up here in my head, and if you want to know, I'll make a topic about it. If I can remember where I'm allowed to put it, that is. xD

  10. Ask Vio, Saha. None of this was written by me, I just agreed to post it on the forum......which I was supposed to do a very long time ago, but forgot. xD

  11. Unedited version of the epic story Vio told in the chat room looooong ago. I never posted it 'cause meh. Oh and hi. (I hope someone else didn't already beat me to posting this. Although, I really don't care, I'm just god-awfully bored right now.)

    <Vio> Once there was a Cookie named Bob.

    <Vio> And a Kitty named Jeff.

    <Vio> So one day... They decided to join forces and create... EVIL.

    <Vio> Other than Yaoi Kitty and Cookie Smex, the two weren't up to anything good...

    <Vio> They would always pick on the poor Doggies and Crackers... Pulling Pranks too!

    <Vio> Then one day... The awesome King decided to find a way to destroy this little evil...

    <Vio> But sadly..

    <Vio> Back in the day... GOOD never triumphed over EVIL.

    <Vio> GOOD were just some nerds... They could only pull normal... Not EVIL shinnanigins.

    <Vio> So King Dustin had his 4 most Loyalest Subjects go fetch the "Ultimate Alignment."

    <Vio> Whom no one has ever seen... Or found... Or any of the muffindairies.

    <Vio> So... Vivica Cracker, Kevin the Bull Dog, UZF the Key, and Muffin the Cupcake... SET OUT TO VENTURE FORTH THE WORLD OF IRC under the order of King Dustin.

    <Vio> The 4 went through SEVERAL trials of uselessness. having fun until... A shout emerged.

    <Vio> "HALT!" screamed UZF The, Key.

    <Vio> The Trio looked to UZF. A DOOR!

    <Vio> So, UZF, The Key was jammed into the door... In an attempt to open it.

    <Vio> All the while, Kevin, The Bulldog gnawing at the foot of the door, and Muffin, The Cupcake mushed his offerings against the door... Screaming in pain.

    <Vio> Only to open it... To find...


    <Vio> Or so they thought...

    <Vio> Muffin jumped onto the treasure box, humping it as usual. Smearing his offerings upon it.

    <Vio> There was a crude tag "The Ultimate Alignment" partially glued onto it.

    <Vio> Little did they know... The Four were stepping RIGHT into a trap.

    <Vio> Vivica The Cracker and Kevin the Bulldog were having a pleasent conversation as Muffin and the Key were slamming themselves against the chest in an attempt to break it open.

    <Vio> "PK FIRE!" Muffin screamed, thinking it would burn the box open...

    <Vio> Sadly, all that passed through the room was the atmosphere.

    <Vio> UZF, had an idea!

    <Vio> Seeing as he was a Key... He could open the Box! Such a Smart Key he was.

    <Vio> Shame he didn't think of it sooner... They just opened the door with the key, too.

    <Vio> Regardless... The box opened.

    <Vio> As LoZ's item get theme played as the box slowly opened, emiting a gold light...

    <Vio> THEY RECIEVED...


    <Vio> The 7 got along quite well until Vivica remembered The King's words...

    <Vio> "VIVIIIIIIII.... GO FIND THE ULTIMATE ALIGNMENT... Or some crap like that, Kay?"

    <Vio> Vivi pleaded for the other to continue with her on King Dustin's quest.

    <Vio> So... Vivica The Cracker, Kevin The Bulldog, UZF The Key, Muffin the Cupcake, Kimmy the Parrot, Saha The Talking Skull, and... Fortissimo... A Musical Note... CONTINUED.

    <Vio> They searched several rooms, committing several odd jobs... Only to end up back where they started...

    <Vio> So...

    <Vio> "DAMN THIS IRC!" Shouted UZF, Sick and tired of ending up with nothing in this World of Madness.

    <Vio> Back with the Evil Syndicate...

    <Vio> After Several Hours of Kitty and Cookie Yaoi Smex, Jeff the Kitty discovered of King Dustin's plan.

    <Vio> So he rounded up the cookie who the Author couldn't remember the name of... And they went to commit acts of...... EVIL... Mwehehe.

    <Vio> Back to the GOOD nerds.

    <Vio> The Awesome, Saha The Talking Skull decided to go on his own... Thinking he could cover more ground.

    <Vio> Sadly... The 6 followed Saha, secretly... Seeing as Saha could only look forward, and it would take VERY long for him to turn...

    <Vio> So they were actually all together... SECRETLY.

    <Vio> "She'll be coming around Mt. Silver when she comes... She'll be coming around Mt. Si--" Saha The Talking Skull sung.. Only to be interrupted by Muffin. "MT. si7<er Wen ShE Coumwaes.!!!!"

    <Vio> Saha, The talking Skull heard this blashemious...? Voice. He quickly rolled foreward, seeing the Group behind him... Upside down. "AHA!!!!" He shouted.

    <Vio> Vivi the Cracker shouted, crying, and... Doing some other kind of crap... AFRAID OF SAHA, THE TALKING SKULL.

    <Vio> This invoked The Wrath of Saha, The Talking Skull...

    <Vio> Saha Leveled Up! DO DOOOOOO..... Evolving to... Saha, The Talking Skull... REAPER!

    <Vio> Saha was unsure of something though...

    <Vio> Saha was unsure if his fans would not like his new image and position...

    <Vio> Should he have pressed the B Button and Stayed a Talking Skull or... SHOULD HE BE A UBER BADASS TALKING SKULL... With a Scythe.

    <Vio> After Saha's transofrmation... The Group continued to travele through the #Samasa Desert which isn't real...

    <Vio> Only to be Stopped by... The Evil Syndicate... BOB THE COOKIE AND JEFF THE KITTY.

    <Vio> A totally big Fight that can't be viewed because we're on public television and all the violent stuff is censored... Damn censors.

    <Vio> Saha, Decided to End it now... But seeing as there were on the side of GOOD, They wouldn't win..

    <Vio> Saha The Talking Skull Reaper rose into the air, bearing his Scythe. "YOU DARE STRIKE THE SON OF ODIN!?" He lunged into the ground, Splitting it in two.

    <Vio> Causing cracks that went so far... It escaped irc and went into the Real World... And that's why we now have Continents.

    <Vio> A blazing "Black?" and White Light emitted from the Cracks.

    <Vio> Vivica, Kevin, UZF, Muffin, Kimmy, and Fort began to fall deep into the cracks.

    <Vio> No matter what crunchies, Barks, Clinks, Mushes, ANNOYING PARROT TALKING, and musical notes that played and occured... Saha could do nothing for his friends.

    <Vio> Saha lost all hope, falling down with them... Hearing what seemed to be Dustin's last words as his final breath was breathed...

    <Vio> ALL OF A SUDDEN, as The EVIL were laughing and the GOOD were falling into their well deserved Oblivion....

    <Vio> A voice was heard... "Crap." Followed by Several Little Sounds. Boop Beep... Boop... Do do do doooooo...

    <Vio> (I WILL OWN YOU ALL IN OBLIVION... Cept for Saha)

    <Vio> "Huh?" Saha opened his eyes, and the EVIL syndicate stopped their laughter.

    <Vio> The Group slowed down, not long before being swished back into the air and onto the ground, there was a half opened door in the floor.. It was rther large.

    <Vio> Engraved in it was the initials... UZF'S Destiny... Door.

    <Vio> UZF, laughed aloud. "HAHA, WHAT KINDA IDIOT GOT NAMED UZF. Boy, Do I feel sorry for him."

    <Vio> ... "Oh... Wait..."

    <Vio> The Group closed their eyes... Remembering King Dustin.

    <Vio> Vivica recalled "Cookies and Kittens are the ultimate signs of Evil... I'm hungry, Go fetch me some... NOW."

    <Vio> Again, They all remembered Dustin's Final words...

    <Vio> Kevin recalled "... What kind of Bull Dog are you? Getting pranked by a Kitten. LEAVE MY PRESCENCE NAO."

    <Vio> Muffin was too busy humping the ground... "Remember, Muffin... Hyumping teh grodn will make you rikc liek me"

    <Vio> But UZF... He remembered something different.... As if he'd forgotten it.

    <Vio> "REMEMBER UZF. The door will say "UZF's destiny" or something... SO MAKE SURE YOU DON'T OPEN UP THE WRONG DOOR.

    <Vio> " at the end of that... ^ UZF

    <Vio> UZF had fallen into the hole and right into the keyhole... And the sounds grew louder.

    <Vio> Beep Boop Bop.

    <Vio> The Door open... And A boy... Holding some sort of handheld device emerged.

    <Vio> "BLEEP YOU, Stupid Ghosts."

    <Vio> He looked up, unaware of the current situation.

    <Vio> He climbed up to ground level, only to see a Kitten and a cookie. "GASP, THE ULTIMATE SIGNS OF EVIL."

    <Vio> He had forgotten what his Purpose was... Being locked in the infinite darkness for so long.

    <Vio> It's...


    <Vio> By a simple wave of the Hand, The Kitten and The Cookie were turned into lame excuses of food and...

    <Vio> The GOOD guys were now.. Heroic.

    <Vio> Now... Even if Turmoil were to exist...

    <Vio> GOOD would always triumph over EVIL.

    <Vio> After a couple of Action Sequences later..

    <Vio> The Group and THE ULTIMATE ALIGNMENT were before King Dustin's feet.

    <Vio> Many of you think this is how Good always triumps over Evil..

    <Vio> Or why we have Continents.

    <Vio> But it's actually... The Birth of a Diety.. Who was COOLER than King Dustin.

    <Vio> Dustin held his Pimp Stick over the Lad's shoulder and spoke softly... "I now dub you... Vio Scarlet Milanor... I GUTTA GO CHECK IT OUT!11!11one!!!"

    <Vio> (xD)


    <Vio> And despite This "Vio" not chosing a Side... GOOD will always win?

    <Vio> And so... There you all have it... The Awesomeest thing to ever enter The Chat and Forums...

    <Vio> Okay people... Lets wrap it up... Show's over...

    <Vio> Vivica squealed. "YAY, I GOT TO BE IN THE MOVIE."

    <Vio> Muffin humped the floor.

    <Vio> Saha continued on his journey, Being an Awesome Talking Skull.. WHICH WAS COOLER THAN EVERYTHING CEPT THE VIO.

    <Vio> Vio shouted "Okay... Merry Christmas Everyone!!!!"

    <Vio> The End...


  12. "Link; he'd changed into a raggedy white shirt and baggy pants"

    ...I don't know why, but I really want to draw that.

    Anyway, good job on this chapter, like all the others. It's great.

  13. Nope.

    Also, olololololololol.

    Muffin, that was sort of mean. If you can't be more supportive of someone, then you should really just not say anything and move on.

    Anyway, Saria. That must be hard for you to leave all of your friends like that. You'll meet new ones though. Plus, you still have some of the friends that are going to the same school as you next year.

    Sadly though, I have no idea how you feel. I hated the people at my school and I'm very happy to have left.

    I hope you feel a little happier tomorrow, Saria.

  14. Now it's really starting to show. Link is questioning if being with Skull Kid like this is really that bad. He seems to even like it a little. I'm probably going to say this again and again, but GREAT character development. Great job.

  15. Oddly enough, this pairing doesn't bother me at all....Great chapter, though. And the writing is so...detailed. It really gives the characters a huge sense of personality. Good job.

  16. Wow, jeez, Viv. I knew you could write, but that was great. I really enjoyed that. I've never really read anything you've written before though. I just glanced at stuff and thought "Meh, pretty good" But this one was Zelda-related so I had to read it. It was very well written, it was detailed, and it gave the two characters...personality. Now, the pairing doesn't bother me at all. Any pairing in general doesn't usually bother me. But you made it work. Write mooore. D:

  17. The one from Wind Waker where Link meets Ganondorf with the...unmagical master sword and Ganondorf laughs at him for trying to stab him with just a normal sword. Then Tetra jumps in through the window and saves Link. Then Prince Komali (spelled wrong?) flies in and carries both Tetra and Link out of the tower. Finally, Valoo finishes by blasting Ganondorf with a huge gust of Fire.

    I was amazed when I first saw that. And I loved it.