Young Link Addict

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Posts posted by Young Link Addict

  1. That is funney I like how DK let Squrtle go and thow the pkmn trainer over the edge, and Link talked OMG he sould say more.

    In case you didn't know pkmn is a shorter version of pokemon

  2. O.k you want a questin who made you god anyway huh huh huh. No really I want to know.

  3. 113

    tell HT that he's a n00b.

    No tell Tingle to call HT a n00b.


    leave Tingle with Navi and Barney and the tellitubbies for three days give him a wepon and leave the room because he might come after you so RUN FOR YOUR LIFE :fear:

  4. O.K my friend from my bus had the same problem and in the shadow temple when you face Bong Bong (I think thats his name) but the bone dragon kills Bong Bong and you fight the bone dragon and aparently you can catch him in a bottle, but I'm not sure.

  5. general game talk is what it was called! and it's called the feirce deity mask. all you have to do is get every other mask. and then when you get to the moon play hide and seek with all the kids. and once youve traded all your masks talk to the kid wearing majoras mask. he'll give you the feirce daity mask before he fights you. :biggrin:

    cool thanks, but I'm sick and can't play vidio games. :cry:

  6. ^OK I'm plain insane and if I'm hyper stay out of my way.

    =dosen't have to goto school I'm sick, but home alone yay.

    vhas to go to school or had to go to school today.

  7. ^ Is that sarcasim or are you serious Ican't tell

    =Seriusly though is it sarcasim

    vDo you know

  8. That game is aswsome exept I can't get firce dentery or however you spell it mask

  9. ^Well aparently I'm the biggest N00B he's ever known just because I said youtube is evil.

    =But it's true people hack people it happened.

    vYou have to beleave me it almost happened to me in the topic "the dangers of text messageing".

  10. Nice to noobs I don't do mean

    would you rather shoot ducks or feed ducks

    All I could come up with

  11. Truth awsome honestly

    Truth or dare

    truth: do you like mimes like clowns

    dare: act like one

  12. ^Sounds cool about what

    =I am nurvus about school sience noone likes me there

    vdo people like you at school