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Posts posted by LDGM

  1. If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do the rest drown too?


    what is the nature of time?

  2. Good good. How do you put in videos from somewhere other than Youtube?


    i'm unsure.

    i think you can use the embedding link given and still put them in [youtube ] tags.

    but i'm not 100% sure

  3. How did you do it underneath?

    when typing a post there's a drop doen menu by the emoticon list with 2 letter A's

    superscript tags and subscript tags can be found there.

  4. Why do you need a driver's license to buy alcohol when you can't drink and drive?

  5. If 4 out of 5 people SUFFER from diarrhea does that mean the fifth one enjoys it?

  6. Knuckle already said where they are...

    3 in the area with all the eels, and 4 in the pirate fortress. If i remember correctly, you might have to fight the female pirates (look/fight like the gerudo female warriors in OoT) and i think you get an egg for each you beat (i THINK there's 4 total, i could be wrong)

    actually, i think there's 3.

    one egg is in the room with the wasp nest.

    the stone mask doesn't affect them fighter pirates either. :P

  7. I would say so indeed. Probably is. The second from the left creeps me out.

    they all creep me out.

  8. O.k... I shall.


    Ha ha. Funny picture.

    that isn't Thatcher is it?