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Posts posted by LDGM

  1. What I lack in quantity, I make up for in quality.

    I am what people at my school consider me to be a godly (for lack of a better word, I apologize) trumpet player. I'm also pretty decent in bowling.

    hey i play trumpet too, as well as keybnoard :biggrin:

    i'm not too good at trumpet though and i wouldn't consider my keyboard skills anything special.

    i'm good at remering things though, i'm also a genius of the periodic table (the periodic table's cool, w00t go halogens. my favourite is bromine, number 35 which is followed by iodine, number 36. arsenic is also a metatlloid which means it can exis-

  2. Have you ever experiented a supernatrule thing, such as a ghost? :unsure:

    yes, i met the ghost of pie's past, the ghost of pie's present and the ghost of pie yet to come.

    sorry, just thought i'd give my post a christmas carol theme since it's december.

    but seriously i've met them :unsure:

    they follow me though.

    ahrg they're here,./kl]# kzdfhldi.dididididigbgbgbgbgbgbx;/ bmxm,cvxfrhtxgawl498utg;aw cmzn./

    sorry i got possesed again back to normal now. :unsure:

  3. When I lived in Scotland, I had a friend who's entire family was Canadian. They had a heavy, heavy accent, and occasionally ate maple syrup (but not very often though), and never said "eh?".

    It's amazing how stereotypes are portrayed.

    i am English and people (Americans) say to me,

    "Good day old chaps!" Thinking that we talk like that! We don't even have that posh accent that you think we have!

    actually i have that accent and i'm british

    yeah, i went to vancouver, canada last year, it was awesome. wish i could live there.

    better than rainy north england. :cry:

  4. *out comes Mekeke* :unsure:

    *in goes a SUV*

    out comes VUS

    in goes a drowdesrever

    )i'll give 10 rupees to figure out what it(a drowdesrever) means/is :biggrin: )

  5. granted but then you make a demented one :evil:

    i wish that X wern't trying to take over the earth.

    granted, but tingle tries to take over it now.

    i wish i had a kljutsrgh 6so; rtgjk idrltxfjkxfjkxfjkxfjkxfjkxfjkxfjkxfjkxfjkxfjkxfjkxfjkgbiophjZSR@?fmklb.bhxf;khnl@X

  6. ^ Is good at cooking.

    ^ said the person above him was good at cooking.

  7. YAY!! I play the trumpet, too! I've been playing it for 5 years now.

    I have a friend who plays the French Horn, same age, but started in 4th grade. It wouldn't surprise me if he's one of the top three french horn players in the state. He can also play trombone, trumpet, some piano and some guitar. He's superb at all of them. I am not kidding.


    i play trumpet too, since january.

    i also play keyboard.

  8. Oot mini boss theme. (I have more than one fav theme song. so I might post here

    \/ Breaking Benjiman? (Halo 2 music vid.)

    windfall island/farewell hyrule king.

    \/ the faulenze rap

  9. ^ya

    =I ancay eakspay igpay atinlay ootay

    \/ancay uoyay?

    ^ yes, i'm fine thanks

    = bromine pie?

    \/ still not shiny

  10. Because I feel like making you one. :unsure: UZF, HOW DARE YOU CALL ME EMO!?!?!?!? I WAS USUALLY KNOWN ON MANY OTHER FORUMS AS THE EMO HATER!!!!!!!!



    channeling anger through a keyboard is only entertaining when done by django

  11. i'm thinking about writing a book too. it will be called "the enlightenment solution"

    it will be about 3 boys, say 15 of age, they all escape from their homes (due to unhappinesss or problems) and meet each other in a city which they all escape too (they've never met before). they travell to find what they think is an object called "the enlightenment solution" which wll answer all their questions and keep peace among them. on their quest for this "item" they overcome many emotional obsticles and nearly tear apart the group and drama commences. howver the 3 eventually get to the end of their journey and their revalation is that enlightenment has been with them all the way through their journey and are pure enouh in heart to posess true enlightenment.

    by garo master (felix. G. P. C.)

    meh, might not make it though if you all think the idea is awful.

    also good luck with your book Mr Pokefn and CN.

  12. hey!!!!!!! that's my thing! mybe you can be in garo, pie lover and i's army. as you might have guessed, it's based around pie.

    the winter thing wasn't random, tml was talking about how he doesn't like winter.

    well it's my thing too, but i like being talked about in third person.

    pie + bananaphone = piephone :biggrin:

  13. I think we should ask the audience.

    no, they'll probably say the actual person and get the question wrong, lets phone a friend, like chef nonsense or jimethy.

  14. meh, i'd actually be on django's side for:

    1. he has yet to insult me

    2. i'm completely annoyed with you FF

    3. he has a sense of humor.

  15. ^not entirely but you told me what a mormon is.

    = (what are you expecting something? :unsure: )


    ^banana indeed!

    = ring ring ring ring


  16. ^I can't belive this topic has 107 pages to it and talk only has 98. That is wierd. :unsure:

    ^ has a smiley in his post :joy:

  17. that was some party last night.... i shouldnt have chugged that coke *gag* well the turkey was good and i dont think i ever ate that much gravy.......... :embarrassed:

    society must be moving too far ahead of me, supposedly you can now eat gravy :huh:

  18. (409) tell him if he attacks cucous enough he will become a fairy. They will swarm and he will die.

    410) cut off his oxyeg supply by putting a brown paper bag over him.

  19. Wish granted......now corruption is back!!!

    I wish I had control over the weather!

    granted, you have conrol over the weather, but you can't use it.

    i wish the next poster posts a smiley.

  20. ^Is correct

    =does love comedy

    v is below me on this forum topic

    ^how did you know

    = bromine is shiny

    \/ must have a smiley in their post, or else :angry:

  21. Out comes us.

    Puts in Dustin and Santa Claus.

    out comes admin in santa suit drinking coca cola.

    in goes corrupt wish game.