Twilight Epona

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Posts posted by Twilight Epona

  1. Not sure what door you are talking about, but I feel your pain over a glitchy game. I assure you that Ganondorf is in it. And by 'legend,' define it how you like, but I mean Nintendo produced Zelda games with the LoZ title. I can understand how your frustration would taint your opinion, though. Seriously, it's a good game and a creative style and plot concept if you get far enough to 'get' it. And yeah, Ganondorf (I don't remember if they just call him Ganon, but he's still in human form) has a different look, but he's still there, don't worry.

  2. lol! This was the funniest topic to read... ever! Wow, some of you care a lot. Um, basically, in my opinion, Shiek is Zelda is a girl. Honestly, in game, Shiek looks pretty gender neutral. Ruto calls Shiek he (but since when has Ruto been in intelligent authority?) and I doubt Zelda would bother telling her. If it makes you feel better, go ahead and explain appearance changes by using the magic of the Triforce, but changing your appearance doesn't mean you have to change your gender too... why would it have to? She could just change her hair and eyes, and bulk herself up with what she wears. Basically, this just seems like a very silly argument (and brought out some crazy suggestions in this thread lol). How many other stories have a girl dress up like a guy and pass herself off without any trouble at all? Plus, Shiek never hangs out long enough or gets close enough for anybody to ever be able to tell she's a girl. I'm not saying that this is a great add to the argument, but I'll take Nintendo's word for it and thank you all for such an amusing read...

  3. Best fight goes to TP... that was mad fun (all the forms!!!). Best cut scene finishing blow: WW... Link stabs him in the head!! Are you kidding? TP Link does his flip which is pretty cool, but we don't see the actual blow. TP Ganondorf is cooler than WW, though, just because he actually has a neck for one, although when it comes down to the sword fighting form, WW Ganon was a little trickier than TP. I guess it's close to a tie. In both Zelda is kind of incompetent as an archer.

  4. I love the cell shading. Not better than other styles, perhaps, but I love that Zelda is diverse enough to try stuff like that. Cell shading fits the WW game style and feel perfectly. And I don't understand people saying they hated the engine and game play... it's really easy. Albeit TP is more smoothed out, but WW is at least way easier than OOT game play (but maybe because I play that on a game cube and the controlled is wrong for the game). About the temples, I have yet to not find cross over and repeats in Zelda games... that's what makes it Hyrule. Idk, I loved WW. I don't get it when people try to rip it apart. Seriously, what is it too cute for them and they aren't secure in their gamerhood? Grow up and

    deal with it. It's Zelda and love it or hate it, it's part of the legend... and a well done part in it's own right at that.

    *this is not meant to offend anyone, the last bit is a joke between my brother and I about people who only play violent games*

  5. Here's another LotR group of sketches... Legolas and Frodo are obviously from the movie and Galadiel and Bill (Sam's pony) are just my doodle interpretations.


  6. Hello, I'm Twilight Epona, or what ever you feel like calling me. I'm weird, sporadic, and a college student. I actually do resemble my avatar quite a bit, scarily enough. And, yes, my avatar is Death Note, if any of you know what this is. Hmm... I suppose this is a little odd to write in this thread after having posted elsewhere, but no one really seems to know who I am, so maybe this will help. Or it would if I were the type of person to give my favorite color and stuff, but I'm not. If you don't want to type out Twilight Epona, "TE" works nicely.

  7. Okay.... I dunno if you want to be paid or something (bc I have like no rupees), but if you just want ideas... totally random idea that comes to mind is like a Matrix version of Link (and maybe Zelda). I've been thinking on trying that myself.... *wanders off musing*

  8. I was looking through my artwork folder on my computer and found some random stuff I did a while ago. Let me know what you think. They are drawn from referencing existing pictures... boring yes, but not traced (go me!) and copying is how you get better (says my mom... who is still a better artist than me and therefore theoretically right).

    Ocarina of Time Link:


    Twilight Princess Link:


    Lord of the Rings Frodo (not Zelda, my other obsession):


  9. Hmm... it's not bad. Definitely a good start. Maybe try to polish up your alignment of stuff? I can see how using symbols would take a long time to put together, though, I don't think I would have the patience. Keep at it. Practice makes perfect!

  10. I had two Zelda dreams (I dream in great detail about whatever's on my mind.... and uh... OOT was *cough*). In one, I and my friends were just standing around and dressed like Kokiri and my one friend was acting all angry. So I asked him what his problem was and he said, "What's my problem? I'm dressed like a friggin' Kokiri and it's all your fault, Zelda-obsesso!" This is more priceless if you know my friend, but still.... My second dream was about running away from Ruto as she chased me around Kokiri village. Can anyone tell I hadn't gotten to the Temple of Time yet? I do dream about non-Zelda stuff, but it's not as fun to relate. I promise I did not make these up either...

  11. Because they... like things?

    I don't know, I always thought that they were "like-likes" because they like shields and tunics...

    That's what I always thought... but then, I never really stopped to question it.