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Profile Replies posted by Cirt

  1. I'm pretty sure a Thermometer is a mother-specific cannibal that belongs to someone.

    lol i honestly did not even see that coming

  2. Today is my birthday. Kneel.

    happy birthday best friend :D

  3. Have you noticed some of the more unorthodox Mario titles of the last 10 years are getting another look lately? Like, for example, sunshine and Luigi's mansion. Now, I don't kknow about you guys, but when I was a kid, everyone I knew loathed luigi's mansion, and everyone thought sunshine was a step in the wrong direction. Seems today, like everyone is expressing fond memories of them now. What do you guys think?

    exactly what I was thinking lol

  4. Have you noticed some of the more unorthodox Mario titles of the last 10 years are getting another look lately? Like, for example, sunshine and Luigi's mansion. Now, I don't kknow about you guys, but when I was a kid, everyone I knew loathed luigi's mansion, and everyone thought sunshine was a step in the wrong direction. Seems today, like everyone is expressing fond memories of them now. What do you guys think?

    I always assumed that sunshine's successor was galaxy...? or are we talking a sequel in the universe of sunshine

  5. listening to "Chasing Cars" by Snow Patrol always makes me cry :<

    or 9th grade, it was like 7+ years ago

  6. listening to "Chasing Cars" by Snow Patrol always makes me cry :<

    oh man that song reminds me so much of 10th grade

  7. Happy Birthiversery Cirt

    thanks :D

  8. happy birthday ageless one!!! \o/

    I LOVE YOU CASCADE why havent we been friends lately and thank you. i am 21 and legally able to drink now l o l

  9. Cirt was born on this planet just like everyone else. Aliens are NOT among us.


  10. Habby pirthday Cirt!

    thank you thank you

  11. Happy birthday cirt!

    thank youuuu~

  12. Happy cirthday


  13. Haps Birthday, Cirt :>

    thank you!!!!!!!

  14. How is everyone doing today?

    less than par

  15. I got an A in Calculus 3. Now my GPA is 3.114. :)

    Saha I am so happy to hear that :D all your hard paid off and we are proud. good job! treat yoself

  16. Remember when we cared about the Higgs Boson?

    something something hadron particle collider

  17. ehhh I guess I should just officially say Glee Mafia's finished then, lol. I'll write up a proper ending at some. point... mafia wins though because I'm biased. (o:

  18. So it turns out Skyrim is an addictive game and I am really enjoying it

    yeah I think all of it. or like whatever the biggest pack was?

  19. So it turns out Skyrim is an addictive game and I am really enjoying it

    This is the first I've played. It's relaxing. You just gotta go with it

  20. On the bus with cascade on the way to Teto

  21. Me, LL and Cascade are at my house and we're watching Airplane!

  22. idk who this kaffels person is but CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR STARS CIRT ^o~


  23. 242/242 BITCHES WOOP WOOP

    yes it was great thanks yall =^~^=

  24. 242/242 BITCHES WOOP WOOP

    aaand 842 lives lost yeah puppy that

  25. 242/242 BITCHES WOOP WOOP

    also puppy that last star I am never touching this game again after 43 hours of gameplay UGH