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Posts posted by .::TheLonelyShadow::.

  1. actuallly, one parts slightly wrong:

    Ganon took her away now the children don't play, It's up to link to go save the day

    is actually

    Ganon took her away now the children don't play, but they will when link saves the day (halleyulah!)

    Now link fill up your hearts,

    so you can shoot your certain power

    and when your feeling all down

    the fairy will come around

    and you'll be no sissy coward ....

    X_O wow ... I know the whole song!Ay ay ay ay!I doubt the last sentence is right or not ...

  2. no...i mean the whole proccess of editing topics/posts

    ... We just edit them. That's it. Mods need this power so they can delete/edit/close/etc. incase things get out of hand.

    And yeah, I did ask dustin to make me mod .. hee hee! :embarrassed:

  3. you can but you drop it on your foot and need it amputated.

    I wish i had a million wishes !

    (O_o That sucked ... But hey, why not?)

  4. This goes for you too Ganondorf333, and quit actng like a mod. We mods don't need your help. And Timetraveller, whatever your name is, you don't need to make a thread about yourself. There's a intro thread already been made. Don't do this again!'


  5. it does but then you get banned! Hurray!

    I wish ... I wish ... That TP would come to stores this very minute!

  6. >_< off topic ... rudeness ... name calling ... random internet ... stuff ... this is why i left ... and the reason i said 'gone for good' was well ... another story that I don't wanna get into and talk about. I'm thinking of staying away for a little while longer until people learn to respect each other. I'm putting my foot down here and now. I'm not about to let you people ruin this place. Me and Gingerlink try so hard to be patient and I can tell that he is more patient then me. I'm just about to explode here. I have anger management issues and I will warn all of you only once : dont push my buttons in the wrong way ... You may just regret it and if you choose to ignore my warnings. You mess with the bull, you get the horns as they say ... you guys dont know what it's like to be a moderator so don't go blaming us for banning you. that's your own fault for doing something you said or did. One day, when you grown up a few years mentally, you'll be thanking us for banning/warning you. Grow up already people, my nephew acted more mature then you and he's maybe 5 or 6!

  7. The problem is, I read an article by someone who played it at E3, and , though I'm still getting the Wii version he said he was a little disappointed.

    P.S. In the E3 demo he said there is no way to control the camera...

    the article is here: http://www.n-sider.com/articleview.php?articleid=533

    :blink: How could anyone NOT like the Wii controller??I'm confused ... It looks like it could change the world ... O_o

  8. gingerlink this is exactly why i started that topic about everything you need to know about the wii, yet you were so quick to lock it. Yet another power trip by GL.

    and another smart mouthed comment by Wik3dLink ... I agree with GL, we should lock it. I dont know what is bothering you but I would like you stop. And No, I'm not being power hunger. I'm am asking you to do this so you dont get into deeper trouble.

  9. If you have any questions concerning how this forum works, come ask here and someone will answer to the best of their abilities!

  10. What kind of processer do you have in your computer? How does all these things slow down your computer? Unless you have dialup...

    I have wireless and Im talking about other computers!

  11. (That's would be the smart thing to do. I'd hate to give you a warning, or worse, a 48 hour ban!That goes for everyone else as well. Worry about yourself and not others. They will recieve the proper warnings and/or bans.)

    *zelda sighs and feels a urge to sneak out of the castle and find something more ... fun!*

  12. the glow could repesent the whatever you'd call it of the triforce

    *raises a spiky mace over her head* remember that chat we had about not arguing with your mistress!?

    *throws it away before anyone knotices it and pats Vivi on the head*

    there there ... it'll be your time to shine ... um .... one of these days!^_^'

  13. Ok, I thought by doing this, it would encourage others to not make a whole thread about it and waste forum space. (I hope I get praised .... :D) Any new threads concerning zelda videos will be deleted and the URL will be brought here and posted for all to see!

    So start posting them!

  14. Well, I wouldnt want to make any decisions for you but here is what is going on:

    TP's version of Wii is going to have alot more features then the gamecube version. You actually getting the feeling of what your doing. For example, you can actually feel the motions of fishing like in Oot. It's really interesting. Plus, like any controller, you get not one but two to control which may make it difficult in some cases. You may not be able to tell which your supposed to be using and which one your not.

    I hope I was as much help to you as I possibly can!

  15. Would be pretty cool,would be like Oracle of Seasons..

    except we dont have the rod f seasons this time around.

    Those arent actually seasons, they are natural phenomenons (Errr ... Is that how you spell it? :blink:) that are caused by whatever may be in the area ... blah blah blah!

    Winter, spring, fall, and summer.

    They show spring (or summer) in Toaru Village and thats made me convinced

  16. I give up ... GL, this is your responsibilty now. I have a headace the size of Russia!