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Posts posted by Zeldafan

  1. I dont know wether they can eat them or not and im kind of confuzed because some sites say they are poisonous and some dont pleas HELP!!! :faint: :faint: :faint:
    Wait and see >_>

  2. True: I did in fact get bored and come back to Hyrule.net.

    False: I came back for Teto.

    Is this how you play the game?

  3. Wow good question?

    I think she was going to say one of the following:

    1 Link I've enjoyed my time with you.

    2 You've made me feel like there is good in me.

    3 I'll miss you Link.

    4 I'm a lesbian so I'm going to lock myself in here away from boys.

  4. What would you do if you found a sword in a stone?

    I would pull it out and look for Obama :hide:

  5. lol... :P My school is an outdoor school...there is no hall. :D

    Yeah and who's your teacher Yogi Bear :disagree:

  6. you can't.

    Cross dressing is the single best way to help social awkwardness.

    Um seriously dude I'm pretty sure the problem would worsen and I would cry a lot D,:

    It would never help and it is something I've never even thought about!

    Or you could make yourself become gothic and listen to music while not caring about what other people say.

    Or, like I said just eat everyone in sight.

    Well no because I'm to cute to become gothic, I'd just end up a goth model and besides, I'm way to pop culture!!!

    I like High School Musical :groupwave:

    And I couldn't eat anyone because I might put on a pound!!!!!

    Hey you can't be the one cry'en here! I'm the one being prescribed the wrong medicine :angry:
    Oh now wait just one minute little mister! I'll have you know that I'm getting better, in fact my social awkwardness is hardly existing anymore! I feel pretty relaxed in stores lately! Now all I need is a tan :tumbleweed:
    Do what I say and become an Emo, Cross-Dressing, cannibal.
    Um but then how would I become President :disagree:
    Go learn to play a sport or something. Take a Martial Arts class. Learn to make pottery.

    Just go take a class that has other people in it. They provide plenty of opportunities to make friends. That's assuming you want friends, of course.

    Awe finally!!! An actually suggestion!!! I thought I was going to have to start giving myself advise! Took you all long enough >_>

    Uh but as nice of a gesture as it is, you should have read the first post saying "I'm Homeschooled" and doing any of that would require public school. . . .

    Hey,I'm pale,too.I never go outside.There's no one to hang out with in my neighborhood.Not much of a point.

    Everyone else down here in Mississippi is tanned,or at least everyone but my girlfriend Anna.She doesn't tan,she burns.

    I don't quite understand why I don't feel that feeling that I'm being watched...I'm actually quite proud of the skin.Look at me,I'm white!Everyone else is caucasian!

    But yeah.The only weird feeling that I get in public is that I don't have my thoughts to myself.Sounds weird,I know,but it just always feels like someone's in my head.I hate it.

    Um dude I'm talking about "Social Awkwardness" not schizophrenia

    And are you a Genger?

    Like a red head? Because that might explain the paleness.

    And Sir I think you need to make a thread like this for yourself and see what advise you get! Hopefully you would get more than "Go Cross-Dress :crazy:"

    Well there you go! I figured since you're all nice enough, or just annoying, to write your advise I'd reply to you all!

  7. 1 Be a better Christian to make myself and personality better.

    2 To try and not argue with my dad because he does have several mental issues making me the bad guy. (If only I could do this one :cry:)

    3 That my free time is mostly wasted online or on video games, and that by the looks of my matabelism I need to work more.

    4 That School is more important than play.

    5 That my kitten is insane and needs extreme special care!

  8. On Christmas Night, I'll act all happy about the stuff bought for me out of stupidity and then have fun with what I picked out!

  9. Call the police instantly or ask him directly what he wants?

    If he replies: I just wanted to see how you'd react, Then call him a freak and go on about your life.

    If he replies: I love you baby and we were meant for each other, Then either pull out the wedding bells or call the police.

  10. I just found out that there is a new zelda game coming out for the Nentendo Wii.

    It will come out in 3 years.

    It is called The legend of Zelda: Mask of mujula. :biggrin:

    Prove it :evillaugh::disagree::evillaugh: