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Posts posted by DorkLink

  1. Here's something interesting I noticed about Subrosians and I guess now the dwarves too after reading this thread:

    In Seasons, when you go to Subrosia you find a shop where there's a bunch of shovels hanging in the back, and two Subrosians off to the side hammering something against an anvil. Subrosians were blacksmiths too?

    And in Kakariko, you mention the dwarves that turn your Master Sword into the Tempered Sword. If you enter their building you see a couple dwarves hammering away at an anvil.

    This may or may not be dwarf related, but doesn't Smith (Link's grandfather) in Minish Cap look an awful lot like a dwarf too? Once a famous swordsman, now a famous blacksmith? Hm..

  2. To be honest I always considered any Zelda game that has heavy reference to either wielding the Master Sword or the full Triforce; or even having to go on a quest to collect pieces of a broken Triforce portion to be a TRUE Zelda game that we've all seen the basic Zelda formula for (start quest, find 3 relics or pass some trial, obtain Master Sword, continue on with specific trials to either power up the MS or recover the Triforce, face Ganondorf, kill him/seal him away, and move on).

    I've basically labelled the games following the end of WW to be a separate story of post-Hyrule's destruction. PH was a dream-state of sorts with no mention of the Triforce or the Master Sword; however you are sent on a quest to gather 3 relics to reforge the Phantom Sword and each of the relics has the same color of the spiritual stones/pendants seen in other Zelda games that you needed to collect to obtain a more powerful sword. ST lacked this quest however; there was no tracking down three stones to get a new sword, it's pretty much just given to you in the moments leading up to the final battle. Hyrule in ST doesn't even feel like the regular Hyrule we've explored in other titles; it's more of a nod to a land that time forgot. To me, the end of WW->PH->ST is "what would Hyrule be like if the Master Sword and Triforce didn't exist anymore."

    I know how I said games without the Master Sword and Triforce don't quite follow the normal formula for Zelda games, and the other ones I can think of off the top of my head that have no connections to the MS or the Triforce are Link's Awakening, The Minish Cap, Four Swords, Four Sword Adventures, Majora's Mask. You might see the Triforce emblem in certain areas, but other than that there's no mention of anything Triforce-related, no sign of the Master Sword, and no Ganondorf (except for FSA, where Ganon returns as an "ancient evil reborn".)

    For the sake of my post, these are games that have featured the Master Sword and the Triforce:

    o Legend of Zelda (NES) - Quest to recover Triforce of Wisdom, Ganon holds Triforce of Power, Master Sword not present (unless you count the Magical Sword, if it's considered the Master Sword in this time)

    o Adventures of Link (NES) - Quest to recover Triforce of Courage, Master Sword not present (probably not needed since Ganon's already dead).

    o Link to the Past (SNES) - Quest to keep Triforce away from Ganon, Master Sword obtained after finding three Pendants of Virtue.

    o Ocarina of Time (N64) - Quest to keep Ganon away from the Triforce (epic fail on Link/Zelda's part cuz they practically give it to him); Master Sword obtained by collecting Spiritual Stones

    o Oracle of Ages/Seasons (GBC) - Sent by the Triforce to Holodrum/Labrynna to save those lands; Master Sword is only given to you once certain parameters are met in a linked game.

    o Wind Waker (GC) - Starts as quest to save sister, explodes into the recovery of the Master Sword after collecting 3 pearls of the Goddesses and recovering the pieces of the split Triforce of Courage.

    o Twilight Princess (Wii) - Triforce of Courage bound to Link from the get-go; as are pieces bound to Zelda and Ganondorf respectively. Master Sword is obtained after freeing Light Spirits; as opposed to collecting 3 colored relics.

    And games without Master Sword and Triforce collecting/finding/doing a quest for

    o Link's Awakening (GB) - Island of Koholint; contains enemies/people seen in Hyrule, there's the odd place here and there where you can see the Triforce emblem; it's thought the L2 sword is the Master Sword, but I highly doubt it. Collecting Sea Shells to obtain the Sword of Evil's Bane? C'mon...

    o Majora's Mask (N64) - Termina; Triforce emblem is seen on Link's shield and the Ikana region; not a single mention of the Master Sword.

    o Phantom Hourglass (DS) - Dream-state of Oshus (Wind Fish [?]) of the Great Sea. Triforce emblem is seen in various puzzles; Master Sword not present but there is a sort of "find 3 relics to reforge a powerful blade" quest once the Spirits of Wisdom, Courage and Power are re-united.

    o Spirit Tracks (DS) - Hyrule, or a "New Hyrule"; no Triforce except for in emblems (Quite possible Triforce no longer exists thanks to Daphnes wish to flood Hyrule forever. No Hyrule, no Triforce perhaps? No Master Sword (probably still buried in Ganondorf's head at the bottom of the sea).

    o Minish Cap (GBA) - Hyrule, or possibly a young Hyrule before the influence of the Triforce and the creation of the Master Sword. Light Force is thought by many to be an early version of the Triforce, or some form of it's power. Master Sword not present; White Sword/Piccori Blade/Four Sword takes it place.

    o Four Sword/Four Sword Adventures (GBA/GC) - Triforce seen only in emblems/art around Hyrule; Master Sword not present. Four Sword used again; interesting to note that the Knights of Hyrule you find/save give you the same 4 colored stones/orbs you use to re-power the Four Sword in Minish Cap...

    Another thing I thought of as I was typing all this out and getting my info from other sites; what if we're all wrong and we're trying to place all these games in a split timeline setup, when we should be trying to link all the games containing saving/finding/collecting the Triforce and recovering the Master Sword together, and connecting all the ones that don't contain Triforce/Master Sword possession/hunting?

  3. Supernatural made the top 20? Awesome. I'm on Season 3 and loving it so far. Kinda anxious to get all caught up with my brothers who are currently on Season 5.

  4. Cool. Thanks I'll keep that in mind. I already knew about the Ring Transfer feature though; wanted to make damn sure I had my Gasha Ring so I could find that Heart Piece associated with it a lot quicker :P

    So far I'm liking all this feedback; I'm almost relieved I won't have to play through Ages again. Don't get me wrong; great game, it's just I practically just recently finished it and don't wanna have to play again to get everything :P

  5. I did a little bit more additional reading on Gamefaqs, and it seems as though I can get secrets/passwords from people in my linked Seasons game that I can give to Farore in Ages and she'll upgrade my items for me. Hopefully.

    I'll have to make some more progress with Seasons (I haven't even touched the 1st dungeon yet) before some of those password/secret bearers show themselves; I'll update this thread whenever I get some more dungeons out of the way to confirm my suspicions and if the problem's solved, you can go ahead and lock/close this thread :)

    thx for the info Saha :)

  6. So I just finished a non-linked playthrough of Oracle of Ages. I jotted down the password I was given at the end of the game to start a linked game of Oracle of Seasons. If I understand correctly, it's possible to increase your Seed Satchel carrying capacity to 99 in a linked game, as well as be able to obtain the Master Sword and the Mirror Shield, and the Biggoron Sword, etc. I've read that I have to talk to certain people in one game to get a password/secret to transfer to another game. My question is this:

    Do you have to clear both titles in linked games to have access to all the bonus items available through linking? I still have my Ages save file, but as far as I can tell it doesn't look like I'll be able to upgrade the Noble's Sword to the Master Sword, my Iron Shield to the Mirror Shield, or get my Seed Satchel to max seed capacity unless I restart Ages with a linked pass from Seasons... I'm shooting for a "have all items/hearts" save file mission, but I'm just wondering if I'm gonna have to beat both games with linked passwords to be able to obtain all the items that you can possibly get in each game...

    Basically I'm wanting to know if it goes OoS/OoA non linked game first, then follow up with OoS/OoA linked (depending which one you finished first), and then once you're finished your linked game; be it OoS or OoA, do I have to take the password after killing the last boss (Veran, Onox) and then make a new file with the linked password?

    I hope what I'm asking makes sense :huh:

  7. Yeah I HATED that part... stupid trains always changing directions when I got close... and as I read this thread I just found out that the whistle in that part makes you go faster, so that's news to me. Probably would've made that part a helluva lot easier.

    And as for the Ferrus 2nd letter bit, he finally sent it to me. I had to get the Dark Realm unlocked before he did, though. That's what triggered it for me.

    And yeah, Zelda Dungeon's pretty handy. If it wasn't for them I doubt I'd have ever been able to find all 50 rabbits on my own :P

  8. It's definitely him. It's basically just the act of putting your palms in certain positions that make little air pockets in between them, kinda like when you make farting noises with your armpits. I guess this guy practices alot, cuz not only does he have some cool video game tunes he "farts"(?) to, he's got some songs by well-known bands he's "palmed" out too.

  9. It really is the games fault though.So you're telling me that it's my fault the song wouldn't work?It's my fault that I never recived light arrows?I don't think so.

    Ok I gotta stop you there for a second. You're saying it's the game's fault that the songs won't work? Have you stopped to consider that maybe you weren't playing the right song in it's intended place?

    Like this for example; if you play Wind God's Aria or Earth God's Lyric across the room from the tablet you're SUPPOSED to play them in front of, it won't work. Is that the game's fault? No. Is it your fault for not moving closer to where you're supposed to play, and instead going through all your songs like a jackass hoping you'll strike gold eventually? Yes.

    **And as for the Light Arrows, I think you get them while fighting Phantom Ganon (Round 1). After Round 1 he'll "die"/disappear dropping the chest with the Light Arrows. You'll find PG again soon; one shot with your new arrows'll drop the ol' chap quick :) **

  10. Yeah this is where I'm stuck too. I'm waiting for his damned 2nd letter to show up in the mail. Just finished cartin' his useless ass to Aboda now I can't do jack poo with him.

    I'm short 2 rabbits, need one more stamp, and 2 more Force Gem sidequests; I need Ferrus cuz he's connected to another Force Gem giver that'll get me my last rabbit/area I need and then I'll be all set to tackle Malladus and so on.

    If you guys think playing the flute duets and tracking down Ferrus were a pain in the ass, wait until you get to Sliippery Station; if that is you haven't been there yet... my DS almost became a projectile trying to tackle that annoyance :embarrassed:

  11. I usually have various types of music pre-set on my iPod when I go to sleep @ night; I'm gonna have to load it up with some Zelda songs for added effect. Zelda's Lullaby and the Kakariko Village theme OoT version are both songs that would knock me out in no time if left on while I was trying to sleep :P

  12. I think there's only been a couple Zelda games where Link had any relatives he either grew up with or lived with.

    TWW - Aryll (sister) and Link's grandma

    TMC - Wasn't Smithy Link's uncle/grandpa?

    LttP - Link's uncle is the first person you speak to (aside from telepathy from Zelda) in the game.

    OoT - At one point in the game, the Deku Tree or a specific Hylian (can't remember which) tells you that a Hylian mother fled from Hyrule Castle with a small boy and left him in the care of the Kokiri/Deku Tree

    If there's any I've missed, feel free to add them in.

    **On a side note, I can't help but wonder whatever happened to Link's parents in each game. It's like he just exists; there was no mothering or fathering for any of the Link's; except for the ones that were raised by Grandma/Grandpa/Uncle/fairy people/trees.

  13. Initially FFIII started out as 4 orphans (OnionKnights) in the NES version; but in the new DS remake they gave each of the characters a backstory. I kinda forgot that the original was 4 orphans until now :/

    @ SirJosh; but isn't a majority of Final Fantasies love stories? It doesn't necessarily have to be about the main characters either.

    FFIV - Cecil & Rosa

    FFV - Not so much

    FFVI - Locke and the girl he lost who eventually became the Phoenix magicite; sort of a thing between Celes/Locke as the story progresses, etc.

    FFVII - It felt like a crazy love triangle was sprouting between Cloud, Aeris, and Tifa.

    FFVIII - Squall and Rinoa. 'Nuff said.

    FFIX - Zidane and Garnet/Dagger/Sarah. Zidane struggling to gain her affections the whole game; they kinda come "together" in the end when Zidane returns from fighting the aftermath of the final battle alone.

    FFX & FFX-2 - Tidus and Yuna. 'Nuff said. I guess you could count Wakka and Lulu too.

    FFXII - Didn't really see too much here; although Vaan and Penelo seemed rather close. Maybe their just friends, I dunno I've never beaten this one to see if anything develops between them after the final battle :/

  14. The first 6 will always be the ones I cherish the most (not so much 2 because of it's weird "use weapons/shields/magic" and "lose X amount of HP/MP" to level up your spells/weapon skills).

    I've kinda noticed that ever since after FFVII, the series kinda plummeted. I hated VIII's Draw magic system, and the plot was so boring I could barely stand it. C'mon, all the party members connected because they all lived in the same orphanage growing up? Lame. It was like the didn't even try to give each character their own unique origin; they just threw them all together in the same boat.

    FFIX was not bad; the visuals were really nice, battles were fun (Trance ftw), and the sidequests were wicked. So much time spent on Chocobo Hot & Cold... Ozma was a tough little ol' chap :/

    FFX I didn't like as much. No wide open world map and the game felt really linear. Walk through area, find temple, kill enemies/solve puzzles/get summon. It was the same formula every time. That works with the Zelda series, it doesn't quite fit too well with Final Fantasy sadly. It was too bad that FFXII kinda had the same feel to it. You'd teleport to areas with a crystal or your airship when you get it; they totally did away with the whole "explore the world map to find towns/hidden areas (like Chocobo Forests, etc). I've owned FFXII since it came out and to be honest I've yet to beat it. Got just about every summon but Ultima and Zodiark, made it to the last boss' area but just never completed it.

    But now with FFXIII... I'm on the fence on this one. I wanna check it out but I'm also worried I might be as disappointed with it as I was the last few 3D open-view Final Fantasies...

    However, Crystal Bearers looks pretty sweet. I may have to pick that one up. Not part of the numerical releases (VII, VIII, etc) and part of a spin-off series (the first CC for Gamecube was alright with friends, but alone it kinda sucked.) I had thought at first when I heard of Crystal Bearers that they found a way to incorporate 4 player fun on the Wii, but it looks more like it's gonna be a single player version of Final Fantasy meets Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. I'm liking the cutscenes/FMVs though, it might just be enough to make me check it out.

    And yeah Dissidia was great too. I've yet to actually get back into it and complete the Dark Warrior/bosses campaign of the game. But from what I got to play and all the EX modes I saw, it looks like I'm in for a treat :D

  15. Alright alright, it's all good, water under the bridge, and so on... I guess I was wrong about you. I'm not so perfect as you can see, so I guess even I shouldn't judge anyone else... sorry :/

    Anyways, all's well, I got the game, I even got a reply to the complaint letter I wrote to Nintendo about 10 mins ago and they shed light on the whole why I wasn't able to get a copy on the release date fiasco, and it made more sense. I guess I overreacted... but I feel better now.

    Wow... this rant and rave thread's handy... good place to vent. Sorry if anyone else was offended or insulted in any way by my tirade.