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Posts posted by DorkLink

  1. Oh sh*t on a stick, I didn't even notice the 2005 date on the article... I was just randomly browsing Gamespot and I found the article. Yeah it's been 4 years since the article was posted, so it's probably not gonna happen. Crap :(

  2. The hallucination parts of this game really made it for me. At one point my character lost it's head and I thought I died, but forgetting about the hallucination effect I got mad and reloaded my game, forgetting it had been awhile since I last saved... and I only found out later that losing my head was a hallucination and wouldn't spell a game over for me :(

    Overall, a pretty cool game. Pretty creepy at some times too. I still remember that spooky voice that says "3:33" in the opening part of the game o.0

  3. That sounds like an amazing adventure/day. It rained all day for me here so I was stuck indoors re-watching the old Beast Wars series...

  4. Clock Town (MM)

    Kakariko Village (OoT)

    Mabe Village (LA) [some crazy lady's got a Chomp-Chomp for a pet!!!]

    Minish Village (TMC) [Mushroom houses.... Smurfs, much?]

    Dragon Roost Island (WW)

    Subrosia (OoS)

  5. If you're a fan of games where you blow stuff up and kill lots of people, with a free-roaming "do whatever you want" style of gameplay, I'd recommend you check out Prototype. I own it for PC, but I'm pretty sure it's for 360 and PS3 as well.

    The best way for me to compare it to another game would be GTAIV meets Spiderman 3, except Spiderman 3 if you were Carnage, heh.

    **Another, if you're a Star Wars fan, check out Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. Very fun :) Oh and Resident Evil 5 makes a good co-op game for you and a friend if you're into those kind of games too. :D

    EDIT: Crap, Zeldafancs mentioned a few of mine already... BUT to answer your "how to play online" question, you buy yourself a XBox Live Gold Membership card. It's just like buying a Wii Point card; you can buy a subscription online, or you can find the time cards in gaming stores (EBGames, Future Shop, Wal-mart, etc). If you've only got a Silver Membership, that only enables you to use your XBox Live Points to download content for games you own, or game demos/full arcade games, etc.

  6. ^ Is talking about the word crap (i know it's the obvious)

    ^Has an uncanny ability to state the obvious ^_^

  7. I play WoW too, and my god... the game isn't that big of a deal where you have to freak out and hit yourself just because someone cancels your account on you.

    If that kid were smart, he'd get a job mowing lawns and go buy a game card that lasts for 2 months, instead of hitting the ceiling when mommy cuts the account. But then again that wouldn't work if they took away his computer and literally cancelled his account by deleting his characters and then refusing to pay for it anymore... that would suck.

    I've seen this vid b4 it was on our forums, and my first thought was the whole bit was staged. At least I think it is.

    **It almost reminds me of a story I heard awhile back of how some kid got his Call of Duty 4 and XBox 360 taken away by his dad, the kid was so pissed he threatened to run away from home, and the father didn't bother to do anything to stop him, saying "hey, there's the door. go right ahead". so this kid "runs away", and after a few days the parents start to get worried cuz they haven't heard from him or no one's seen him. sadly, they found the poor kid dead in a field with i think it was a collapsed/crushed lung which they assumed was caused by a bike accident, seeing as the boy fled his home on his bike and it was found not far from where the boy was found. now just imagine how the father felt after this..."

  8. I killed my DS yesterday. I accidentally knocked it into the bathtub. I feel so stupid!

    Accidents happen. That doesn't make you stupid.

    RIP Umbreon's DS...

  9. I'm going to take a wild guess and say it has something to do with emulators. You're allowed to talk about emulation as long as you don't link to any ROM sites.

    Ah ok thanks, I was unaware of that. I already sent YLA a PM, so there's no need to mention it in here now. Unless of course someone else wants to know how to setup Zelda FS to work properly with more than 1 GBA emulator running at a time without it pausing when you switch emus. I'll help whoever needs it.

  10. Damn, and I used to make fun of him with my friends for what he supposedly did.

    So it was all a scam... damn, poor MJ... I don't think I'll be able to watch Scary Movie 3 and laugh at that one scene anymore... it just wouldn't feel right.

    Y'know, it's really sad... MJ was so loved and so revered, and then that scam hit the fan and everything just went downhill from there. Like how he was seen in Paris or something hanging a child out of a window, all of his depression attacks... it was all probably triggered because of that greedy ol' chap and his "get rich quick and who cares who's life gets destroyed in the process" scheme.

    I hate society sometimes... I really do. Makes me wanna puke.

  11. I hate how there's no "small rave" topic >:(

    Therefore, I am posting my small rave here.

    I FINALLY BEAT YOSHI'S ISLAND! *does a victory dance and two laps around the house* :D

    And now, I can finally take that off my signature. I feel so accomplished.

    I see you're playin through Twilight Princess. I'm currently going through it against for completionist's sake, so if you get stuck anywhere and need help drop me a line :)

  12. Banned because there were light arrows in WW and you get them in Ganon's Tower.

    Banned for knowing that.

  13. Event: The only relationship I've ever had was in the first grade.

    Bright side: I haven't had to deal with those relationship issues that look so comical on other people.

    Event: My longest relationship was 2 weeks.

    Bright side: I had more money to spend on myself, by not havin to buy things to make a woman happy, paying for dates, etc.

  14. Darn, it's of no use the me then... I lost it dubbed on youtube and have been trying to find it again ever since, but thanks for amswering my questions

    No problem. You can probably download it all anyway now. Might take a few days, but it's worth it :)

    And if you can't find it on youtube, try Megavideo or Veoh or somethin like that. They might have it too. Or just google the episode you're lookin for. That's what I did with a lot of Naruto Shippuuden episodes.

  15. Banned for loseing a game that I'm not playing.

    Banned for not playing the game he's losing.

  16. *recruits four giants to stop it*

    *KOs next poster with megaton hammer*

    *digs a hole with the shovel and hides underground* (whack a mole baby! :D)

    *throws a massive black block with a moon symbol on it with the Golden Gauntlets at the next poster*

  17. Whoa, I read your line too fast before. You need to move MM over to before TP, not WW. Various developer quotes put it there.

    Link's disappearance prior to WW is due to Zelda sending him back in time at the end of OoT, not because he was off in Termina. The fact that TP's Link is stated to be a reincarnation of OoT Link means that TP takes place in the timeline where Link still exists: the CT. Since WW Link is not the HoT, he exists on the line in which Link does not exist: the AT.

    other then that, great line.

    I made the change you mentioned, now I think all that's left that I can think of right now is to try to figure out a better placement for TMC and FS. I checked the intro of FS today, and it looked to me like Vaati doesn't recognize FS's Link, meaning a considerable amount of time likely passed between TMC and FS. What games go between that time is what I'm tryin to figure out. I don't think I should touch FSA and LttP connectivity; they seem pretty plausible to me.

    So if I understand you correctly, everything that follows WW and after is AT, and anything after MM&TP is CT?

    **Ok now that I think about it, I think I did up the timeline chart too quick. I stuck AT & CT on the wrong flippin' sides >.<**

    ***Another addition; I just beat FS today, and I was right... FS happens a big chunk of time after TMC, Vaati even says so himself that the Four Sword is useless and rusty and will never defeat him. I'd imagine a sword like the Four Sword would be able to hold Vaati for quite a long time, probably even centuries, and a stretch of time that long could easily degrade the power of the seal. Another interesting thing I noticed was the item called the Gnat Cap. When worn, it shrinks you to the exactly same size as a Picori/Minish. Hell, even the cap looks like the exact same cap Ezlo/Elzo(?) created that Vaati stole.***

  18. Tell me are you watching Ranma dubbed or subbed? If it's dubbed where are you watchiing it.

    I'm watching it dubbed and subbed. They speak english, but you always see english subtitles at the bottom. Why, I don't know. And I'm not watching it on TV, my friend has it downloaded on his computer.

    Heh, my favorite moment: "Your thighs are too thick, you can't even kick, you're built like a brick, your hair's a cowlick, you itch like a tick!" ROFLMAO

  19. Most recent anime I've watched is El Hazard, El Hazard 2, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Devilman, and I'm currently watching Ranma 1/2. I love it, so funny... Ryoga rules :P

  20. ^FSA did, but not the original FS.

    Ahh ok I didn't know you meant FS. And yeah I agree I would love to be able to play that one single player; I never did get the chance to play FS cuz I could never find 3 other people each with a copy of the game and who own link cables. I hope that changes with the FS DS game coming. Cram FS and FSA into one DS cartridge :)

    **Plus, on a side note I just learned that FS for GBA was actually for 2-4 players. So if that's the case, I would only need to find one other person with the game and a link cable, and we'd each control 2 Links... cool :) **

    ***And another thing, I don't think I'm gonna have to wait for the DS remake or anything, cuz I found a way to play FS by myself. I can fill you in on how if you PM me, I don't wanna mention in here cuz I think it's an illegal topic on forums :/

  21. If you'd played FS you would've seen the part where Zelda describes the impossibly ancient legend of the FS's origin, aka tMC.

    It's too bad FS was 4 player only with 4 GBAs and 4 cartridges... I wish I could find it and give it a shot. :( So it is safe to say that it would go TMC, then FS and then FSA, not back to back like you said, there's more than likely other games that would fit in place between games... now to just figure out what goes where now. lol

    WW Link didn;t have the mark as far as I know. TP Link has it because he's the direct reincarnation of OoT Link, and AoL's mark is a sign that he was the chosen one to wake Zelda by finding the ToC. Since OoX Link also has the mark but shows no sign or reason to have the ToC yet still has special abilities because of the mark leads me to believe that they are the same person.

    Initially WW Link didn't have the mark; it only showed up on his hand once he re-united the broken Triforce of Courage. TP Link's crest though, is it the actual Triforce of Courage, or just the mark of the hero or whatever? Which I can't really figure out now, cuz both Zelda and Ganondorf have their own respective pieces of the Triforce. I've always wondered how they all got their pieces, especially Ganondorf. I don't believe in that "divine prank" of the Goddesses being the reason, there's gotta be something more to it...