Eight-bit link

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Posts posted by Eight-bit link

  1. I rant only because I have to blow off steam sometimes and if I don't, I'll take it out on my stuff and then I won't have anything. I have it pretty god now, but when I was in elementary school...

    :( I really don't want to talk about it.

  2. Direct quote:

    ...s you can see from the diagram, dirty bits originating from less enlightened ("savage") nations pas...

    Fsck you Australia. America is savage? UK is savage? France, Germany, THE REST OF THE WORLD IS SAVAGE?! AND LESS ENLIGHTENED?!

    Everyone, they just called all of the rest of the world stupid, unorganized...

    GAH! I'm so offended by them I can't even make words!

  3. SOO.. they said I had to finish confirmation class BUT I don't have to be confirmed.

    Waste of my time in my opinion.

  4. So I told them.

    They said "Why don't you believe? Is it that you don't see him in your daily life? Or do you not believe he exists?"

    Then I got a phone call and had to leave.

    No anger.

    This is going better than I had hoped.

  5. No, that's pretty grody. And you should get tick drops, cause ticks can carry lyme disease. As for squeezing till they pop... NONONONONO! You like the dog? Don't pop them when they are on the dog. It can cause infections.

  6. There's also taking away scouts which is also fairly orientated around religion, specifically those about god.

  7. I WANT to tell my parents, but I want to know how. Tell then straight out, leave them hints... Help.


    2. It's basically a class that rants on how everybody in there believes in god. I don't.

    Anyway, how should I tell them?

  9. My dream: I was at a house, and lived there. It had wood paneling, and had a forest in the background. Donkey kong was messing around and wreaking havoc. I sprayed stuff from a tube of tooth paste. He dissolved and I went inside. I then put a corn chip (Triangular one) on a record player, and it played the star fox 64 menu song.

  10. Dunno where to post this so if a mod thinks this should be moved, go right ahead.

    Anyway, I don't really believe in God, but I'm in a confirmation class, and I have to do a confirmation project stating that I believe in God... but I don't. I haven't really told my parents. Should I? Say it straight up? Be gradual? Help please. Plus I need to do something for my confirmation project. I was thing playing a piece on my violin.

    Edit: Plurality failure.

  11. Mr Quick fix sez you should say that you were tired and didn't feel like writing long texts. Just saying.

  12. Concrete is a solid slab of rock. The impact from walking on said slab of rock HURTS! Asphalt is gravel suspended in an pine based resin, or tar, which absorbs the impact, making it not hurt. However, asphalt gets effed up faster because it expands and contracts more, making more cracks, causing it to disintegrate into a bike eating evil gravel (My friend's street hasn't been repaved in ages, so it's essentially gravel with bits of tar and road here and there). So, we have a lot of concrete sidewalks everywhere.

  13. I'm allowed to go on walks, as long as I bring my phone. Cause they can track me through my phone.

    They're watching me...

    But usually I go on pointless bikes cause concrete sidewalks hurt my knees.