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Posts posted by TrueNinja2

  1. I love when Mandy walked in the room XD Sounds like the exact same thing I would say.

    "So, right back where we started... but with more people..." Lawliet began to laugh.

    "What's his deal?" Hector asked.

    "He laughs a lot, don't mind it." Dylan brushed off the question quickly, he needed to think. "I'll be right back..." He said, walking away.

    The other three sat around uncomfortably watching Lawliet as he sat in the middle of the floor, sometimes spasming, laughing as he did so.

  2. You're far too picky, YLA. You should be ashamed. >:C

    THIS IS ZELDA. The greatest on-going Nintendo series EVER! And you don't want to play one that utilizes special Nintendo DS touch-screen controls?! IT'S LIKE MAGIC I TELL YOU, and you don't like it... Psh... >>

    Nah, just playin'...

    I felt like typing something.

  3. Interesting...

    Im bored, as usual. I recently became obsessed with classic rock. I had forgotten how many songs I actually knew! :ohmygod:


  4. @vio: he's not Ryu. Ryu left a long time ago.

    You are genius, my friend.

    Interesting how quickly this topic switched...

    How are the IPs different? It's all the same... Hrrm.

    @Vio: Yes, I've learned ignoring/laughing at people when they insult you helps immensely. They usually stop if they think it does't bug you. Normally, people answer these questions with "If it really bugs you, just tell them 'You're hurting my feeling, you need to stop.' And then it stops."

    No, it does not. Not in real life anyways.

  5. "What did?" Redman asked.

    "I don't really know... just... everything 'laugh' WENT BOOM!" He fell to the floor, literally rolling around he was laughing so hard. He reminded Redman of a psychotic Tickel-Me-Elmo.

    After a few minutes Joker finally stopped, and stood up, clutching his stomach. "So, how are we getting out of here?"

  6. I found a few people on Yahoo! answers who suggested Code Geass... I forgot what it was about though XD

    Isn't it similar to Wolf's Rain in the post-apocalyptic way?

  7. Joker's mind was working overtime. C4... wires... windows... door... bricks... HAHAHA... Redman's concerned look snapped him out of it.

    "I have an idea..."

    Redman watched, intruiged, as Joker began pulling apart most everything in the room. The shelves were taken apart, the tarp was cut into strips with a small, yet sharp, piece of glass. A small bundle of rope, canned air, a bungie cord, and a few other little tidbits were found also. All were found and used by Joker as he constructed what he called 'The thinggy...'.

    "You think C4 charges go off when man-handled?"

    "If it's rough man-handling." Redman replied. "Why?" He gasped in horror, but before he could say anything Joker had strapped all the charges and Anthrosyte to his strange machine.

    "Ready..?" Joker asked, and began to laugh.

    "For what?" Redman asked, slightly creeped out and afraid Joker was going to do exactly what he thought he was.

    "THE FIREWORKS!" Joker blurted, and flipped a switch.

    A spring, a snap, a twang, a crash, a crack, shattering of windows, "GET DOWN!" Joker yelled, practically tackling Redman. A pretty impressive explosion, followed by a blast of intense heat followed.

    After a few moments Joker flipped off the small tarp-covered wood slab and stood up, then helped Redman to his feet.

    "Wahoo!" Joker cheered, and began to laugh hysterically, pointing at the door.

    Redman looked over at the door and saw it had been blown open by the blast. This only made Joker laugh harder when he saw it.

  8. I only have 4 MM bottles. I'll have to check this out next time I play again.

    The OoT ones are easy. This time around I only have four big poes so far, gonna have to catch six more(I remembered there only being five, but the guy told me ten...).. How bothersome.

  9. I have actually seen that on AdultSwim before...

    He assaulted Santa Clause with Hockey sticks, airsoft pistols, and a hockey puck.


    Im definitely gonna start watching some new Anime. I think Im about halfway through Death Note for the third time. :\

    Anybody have suggestions?

    I like Fantasy/Action/Thrillers.


    -Michael Jackson

  10. Yes it does.

    The intro isn't very difficult, you just have to position your fingers correctly. I suggest barring 8 with your second finger, and using your fourth for the 10, and then switch to barring 7 with your first finger. That's how I play it.

    Once you have callused fingers it'll sound a lot better. Barring is still kinda difficult for me, my fingers are too long. DX

    That's the only part I ever learned how to play. I have the entire song printed out somewhere, but Im too lazy to find it again.

  11. "Obviously." Joker began, but then stopped due to laughter.

    "What?" Redman asked, looking at him funny.

    "The HAHAH... WINDOW!" Joker blurted.

    Redman, who found this in no way at all funny, looked to the dirty, badly cracked window. After judging it's thickness and cracks, he decided it was the only way out, unless they somehow managed to pick the lock.

    "Second story... We'll have to drop. Shouldn't damage us if we land correctly." Redman said, looking for something to bash the window with. Joker ripped a metal support pole from the shelf and handed it to Redman, he gave him a thumbs up and stepped back.

    "We could also build a... a... thingy. That we can hang onto from the window, so we don't have to drop as far." Joker suggested, suddenly very serious again.

  12. Joker chuckled.

    "He looks pathetic, lying there... lets drag him over in the corner or something."

    Redman walked over and helped Joker to drag the dead man across the room into the corner, where they then layed a tarp over him.

    "Much better..." Redman rasped. His voice sounded a little better, but not much. "Any water here?" He asked.

    Joker smiled awkwardly and looked around.

    "Eh... he he... Nope. Tough luck buddy..." Joker patted Redman on the shoulder and chuckled again.

    Joker, or Lawliet, as he'll eventually be known. Is kinda... loony. A lot of the time he laughs for no apparent reason(and if you've seen Death Note, he sits like L.)

  13. Since im only a year into learning myself(At a snail's pace...) The only advice I can give is to practice finger movements for about 10 - 15 minutes a day. Bend your wrist(It helps, a lot.)

    I leared how to play the main part of Never Too Late. Not really difficult, just need to practice.

    If I wasn't tired I could give better advice, believe me.

    Do you use a pick?

  14. So... I left the page for a minute to check deviantART. And when I came back, everthing looked different.


    Three seconds later, I realized nothing had changed at all...

    I think Im really tired. Im gonna go drink some very pulpy pink lemonade. :(

    Then I might go to bed... Wow...

  15. Umm... Gay stripper or guy stripper?

    When people insult me I laugh at them. If I were to unleash my intelligence on them fully(Right after I've had a shot of lemon tea and/or a small chocolate bar) they would be left speechless wandering... What the heck just happened there? I've done it to people before. It's quite fun.

    I suggest this only if you are intelligent and high on sugar, or you'll choke up and be subject to more unsults. And only do it when your patience is at it's end.