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Posts posted by Jareddude

  1. Oh hey it's another meeee :>

    Chase, i never wanted you to get angry or upset over this. Just because you don't make a good moderator doesn't mean you don't make a good friend.

    And just because I'm not the biggest fan of you now doesn't mean we can't end up being best friends later. Look what happened to me and LL.

    Please, don't leave :'(

    And now, I hate myself even more.

  2. So, I've been drawing a lot more lately. My latest Skyward Sword pic looks great. I'll post it up soon, for those interested :)

  3. "Amie!" Link says, getting off Epona, "I went to the Snowhead Temple, and released the second Giant!"

    *Link looks at Amie shivering, and then in the air*

    "I think it should stop snowing and being cold, soon..."

  4. I do not get to see who attacked me, who it gets directed to, and who gets hit. So, it's random.

    The town will lose if you lynch me, because I am an needed townie, and you guys could end up getting outnumbered!

  5. I'll just say that I'm slowly getting used to werewolves.

    And yesterday, I did defend LL. But, i had no idea if he was a wolf or not. I was being friendly. But, I know not to do that anymore. If i get lynched, this game is not going to end well. Trust me.

    So, it would be your best bet to retract.

  6. My mom does the same.

    Except, when she's going somewhere, like to our cousins, she starts a fight with my dad most of the time to slow us down. :(