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Profile Replies posted by T1g

  1. My computer has been fixed, just in time for me to be subbed out of the game!

    dont worry i am fine, i think its probably better to let Linox take over anyway

  2. My computer has been fixed, just in time for me to be subbed out of the game!

    nah im good

  3. is there anyway to change the Hnet banner back? The kawaii makes me wanna barf

    shut up and accept the christmas cheer you bitch

  4. T1g wears white socks, pheo wears one black sock and one white sock, and their older brother wears black socks.

    it all makes sense now

  5. tiggles i think there's a problem on your profile page... http://img827.imageshack.us/img827/9137/tigglesitmaybeyourprofi.png


    oh my

  6. Puerto Rico now wants to join the United States and become our 51st state.

    i was thinking the same thing. we are going to have to replace all of the american flags in the world. do you know how much americans love their flag

  7. Puerto Rico now wants to join the United States and become our 51st state.


  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AlusgU-MUZ4 BEHOLD


  9. So has anyone else here been following redvsblue I mean really

    i have but you wouldn't care

  10. on a note unrelated to anything, i may have found a way to use two magical girls at once in grief syndrome. (hint: it involves an xbox360 controller and trigger buttons)

    I found a way to use two magical girls at once: get friends

  11. Btw I totally had a phone interview with Palantir. I wonder if they are going to fly me in for more interviews.

    the first thing they asked me was about my hobbies, which turned into questions asking me about anime.

    Also for those who don't know, Palantir is actually one of the hardest places to get a job at.

  12. http://i.imgur.com/fheba.gif Cascade and I playin' around

    Its as if you don't actually want to rub her belly

  13. Guess who just discovered adventure time and kind of likes it


  14. Guess who just discovered adventure time and kind of likes it

    but all my file space is saved for animeeeeee

  15. Guess who just discovered adventure time and kind of likes it

    I don't even have a TV

  16. ですから、今日はいくつかのどうぶつの森トレイラーをルックアップすることを決めた。私は、我々はまだそのゲームを得ることはありませんゼリーだ。

    Google Translate much?

  17. While getting some episodes of Kino no Tabi, it occurred to me that we know a lot of anime about travelers, T1g.

    wait what ones are you talking about?


    i got the text way after you sent it. Yesteray we all went out for ramen (which was real good and real expensive), played P4A, and watched a Ghibli movie

  19. wakes up, sees "drunk!Cascade ama" = what the hell did I do last night

    if its a skype call and i am in my room and its not tonight because i totally have a test tomorrow I am game

  20. wakes up, sees "drunk!Cascade ama" = what the hell did I do last night

    at least it didnt cost her money

  21. I got bored and tired of the fact that I never take on any projects outside of school so i learned C# (which is basically just java) and made Minesweeper using Hyrule.net Colors. It looks like the one that you would find here http://www.chezpoor.com/minesweeper/minecore.html

    I think I will try to get it to work on my ipod touch later

  22. TIGGLES I just woke up and IRC was blinking furiously I'm so sorry I missed you due to sleep wah :(

    just don't let pheo know you watched it

  23. TIGGLES I just woke up and IRC was blinking furiously I'm so sorry I missed you due to sleep wah :(


  24. It seems like everyone's going through some heavy shit nowadays, yeah?

    I live in a world where people can't appreciate Poppee the Performer

  25. It seems like everyone's going through some heavy shit nowadays, yeah?

    tell me about it