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Posts posted by T1g

  1. yeah you actually did a better job than i would have done

    i mean it is no where near the masterpiece of storytelling that is CHAOS WEREWOLF but you know


    and the worst part is that the rollback from a year or so ago deleted my ending to that game

    Teto likes this

  2. the issue is that by the time i warmed up the crunchyroll I had seen pretty much everything it had to offer lol

  3. I was super puppying tired when i chose to abstain from the vote lol, so i kind of related to teto saying how tired he was at that point in the middle. plus there was a lot of conflicting information and it wasn't clear who was lying. I realized that Teto was probably the imposter, but at the same time that also relied on yet MORE conflicting information, so I didn't bother calling him out on it. NPCs really puppy up the logic in this game lol.

    Well despite some good natured grumbling this was a fun game. Congrats to the wolves!

    Also lol at how Pheo jumped to Cirt's defense on a clearly shaky alibi, purely because she is an adorable cinnamon roll who would never stab him in the back

  4. Yeah I should clarify that the person I saw merely looked like jamie, with no confirmation that it was him. This adds to the theory of there being an imposter

  5. Well if it is guaranteed that a Lannister is a wolf, than either Teto or Linox would make a good vote.


    Can we get an extension? I think Teto said he wanted to say more but also said he would have to go away for a little while

  6. Yeah like I can't really blame you for your first impressions, pheo was like that too. its just that they are so wrong that they made me vomit a little bit in my mouth lol. He has a gamergate vi\deo too with the main message being "lets stop harrassing people and have a normal discussion about this like adults please"

    Pizzza likes this

  7. Back on topic, it is actually kind of shocking hearing about shoddy business practices from a company that used to be such a big name in the game industry. They used to be up high on the list, but it looks like that was mostly pure chance and not due to any sorta executive in Konami.