Ohohoho, Westboro.

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So some dude decided to shoot a pastor in one of the nearby churches in my town.

Westboro came in and started picketing their usual malarkey. "This happens because God hates America because it supports homosexuality".

They have children out there holding these signs that will make them hated worldwide.

Honestly, they think all this has to do with how the US accepts (for the most part) homosexuality.

Basically everything negative.

They blame 9/11 on it.

They blame the school shooting in Germany on it.

They blame soldiers dying in Iraq on it.

I've honestly never heard of a more ignorant association.


This should be in the rants section, but I'd like some input from the Serious Discussion lurkers.


Edited by Sahaqiel (see edit history)

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I think it's disgraceful they represent Christianity. I can understand how people hate religions with these kind of idiots about.

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So some dude decided to shoot a pastor in one of the nearby churches in my town.

Westboro came in and started picketing their usual malarkey. "This happens because God hates America because it supports homosexuality".

They have children out there holding these signs that will make them hated worldwide.

Honestly, they think all this has to do with how the US accepts (for the most part) homosexuality.

Basically everything negative.

They blame 9/11 on it.

They blame the school shooting in Germany on it.

They blame soldiers dying in Iraq on it.

I've honestly never heard of a more ignorant association.


This should be in the rants section, but I'd like some input from the Serious Discussion lurkers.


AHHH, the WBC. I had the pleasure of dealing with the Matriarch odf this family once, they were at my work. I t was fun , I later wrote them a letter about their deplorable behavior, and then procedded to disprove most everything they teach with this cool thing called logic and the Bible. It was a good time, it is really sad how they treat kids there, they have no idea how the real work dworks.

The sad part is, they know they are hated and they are proud of doing "God's Work", if you want to feel better about yourself, check out the website "GodHatesFags.com" seriously. It will make you laugh and cry, because it's so funny how stupid it is, but it's so so sad.

Anyway, it sucks.

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www.godhatesfags.com is the most deplorable website ever created. They actually believe they are doing God's will...They're too focused on hating people to realize that God preached forgiveness and love above all things. I kinda feel sorry for them.

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hate as unforgiving and blind as this disgusts me.

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The sad part is, they know they are hated and they are proud of doing "God's Work"

Yeah, I remember a video being posted here where some lady said they they were basically the disciples. That they were supposed to be hated and punished by the "heathen" society for following God. I think it'd be far more righteous than they are if someone went out and killed them all. I would say, "it's divine retribution."

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I'd rather rid the world of the ignorant than tell everyone that I am a disciple because everyone hates me and I believe in god. Honestly, I treat all Christians that way. Just kidding. These people are scum and should be put in rehab for smoking so much holy dope.

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These people are religious.

It's one of the biggest problems in Christian society today. Modern day Pharisees, I call them. They have a religion, not a relationship. Honestly, they are in it for the attention. The leaders, at least.

I wouldn't even call it Christianity. It's like taking the Bible, pulling out one fairly small part, and throwing away everything else to make that one small part seem super important. Then, they take it and add some lies to it to get exactly what they want.

As I said, it isn't even Christianity anymore. It's a cult of hatred.

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Right. It's almost as if these people are trying to make people hate them just because they can whine about it.

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After this, they will blame the worlds' problems on people shaving their beards.


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Posted (edited)

Everything the religious gay-bashers believe can be disproved ridiculously easily, but they just choose to ignore it anyway. The Bible doesn't give people the right to condemn others – it's up to God. The Bible also denounces hatred, acts of hatred, etc. It's as simple as that.

Edited by Chameleon (see edit history)

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Ignorance drives people behave in the most inappropriate and deplorable ways. People like them cause so many problems in the world. They claim to love God, the most loving being, yet they say that He hates people.... I find it odd that they can believe that God could hate anybody when they preach about how loving He is. They claim to have "peaceful demonstrations" when all they do is spew hated. HOW is that peaceful? Nonviolent, maybe, but certainly not peaceful.

They seem to be more concerned with the "sin" of homosexuality (which I believe IS NOT sin- that's my opinion) that they make it out to be worse than rape or murder or theft or what have you. I believe that they use their "religion" as an excuse to spew their ignorance and hatred for whatever it is they don't support- homosexuality being one of those things.

I can be pretty tolerant of even the most stupid people, but these guys.... ugh. They make me sick. They make Christians look bad, and they give Christianity as a whole a very negative image. As shadowknight pointed out, it isn't even Christianity anymore; it's a cult of hatred.

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Though I believe homosexuality is a sin, it's no more condemnable than I don't know say...HATE?

I just don't understand...They sin too. I'm confident some of them are probably hiding the fact they're homosexual. I just don't get what drives someone to hate. Sure, you guys may do bad things and treat people wrong...but I have fatal flaws of my own. There's no reason for anyone to hate like that.

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Posted (edited)

Ok first off I'm a Christian.

And this is stupid. ( This marks the first time I've ever agreed with anyone here :joy: )

First off God wouldn't punish just one person because of a nations fault. We all have our own accountability and are accountable for what we ourselves do and not an entire country. Second, these people are obviously false people who are trying to get a point across in a strange way. But just because most of America accepts homosexuals doesn't mean God would punish random people. And God hates America? The Bible says "for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son" not hates. Maybe the ones saying God hates others are the ones being hated if God is capable of hate.

Edited by Zeldafan (see edit history)

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Ok first off I'm a Christian.

And this is stupid. ( This marks the first time I've ever agreed with anyone here :joy: )

First off God wouldn't punish just one person because of a nations fault. We all have our own accountability and are accountable for what we ourselves do and not an entire country. Second, these people are obviously false people who are trying to get a point across in a strange way. But just because most of America accepts homosexuals doesn't mean God would punish random people. And God hates America? The Bible says "for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son" not hates. Maybe the ones saying God hates others are the ones being hated if God is capable of hate.

God hates sin. And in the Bible, God punished whole cities and kingdoms that didn't follow Him. But you are right in saying we are all accountable for ourselves. Most of America tolerates homosexuals, but they aren't widely accepted. A natural family is still the accepted way.

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