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My Job... Sucks

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Jinkies that's rough Fred, I work with some tools as well. My Boss is a penny pinching Crabby guy who would sell his own mother for a nickel. My coworker is an annoying freak who laughs all the time and constantly makes my home life unbearable, especially when his bloated pink friend stops by. And I live in a cultural waste land where nobody appreciates my musical/dance/artistic genius.

har har har very funny Mr. squidward, now GET BACK TO WORK!

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You think your job sucks? My other job BLOWS! I was born different than everyone else. I have abilities that cause people to hate and fear me, I have to take orders from a bald guy in a wheelchair and use my powers to save the very people who hate me, from my own kind!

Im guessing xmen?

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