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Student Charged With Modding Gaming Consoles

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The Associated Press is reporting that a college student in LA has been charged and is facing 10 years in a federal joint for modding video game consoles.

Omg... help :wacko:

What an idoits :fear:

Edited by Adr990 (see edit history)

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That's stupid. We're not allowed to mess with our consoles that we paid for and own?


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Serves him right.

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Modding consoles is an awful thing to do. Anyone who does it should be castrated.

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And fed to some kind of carnivorous beast.

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Posted (edited)

And fed to some kind of carnivorous beast.

I'm available. ;D

I don't think modding consoles is truly wrong, unless you plan on using it to pirate games that you don't want to pay for. I have windows XP on my regular X-Box, and it runs pretty great, I couldn't be happier with it... Who thought I actually wouldn't use it for gaming!? :P

Edited by Crocodile (see edit history)

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The DMCA is a giant pile of bullshit. This should never happen in the United States. For people to just blatantly ignore the rights of console owners is a legal travesty. Someone needs to take a steamroller to the DMCA before more people have their lives destroyed by it.

Of course, if the student was actually downloading pirated games, it would be a different story, but I can't seem to find any mention of that.

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The DMCA is a giant pile of bullshit. This should never happen in the United States. For people to just blatantly ignore the rights of console owners is a legal travesty. Someone needs to take a steamroller to the DMCA before more people have their lives destroyed by it.

Of course, if the student was actually downloading pirated games, it would be a different story, but I can't seem to find any mention of that.

I didn't either. Which is why I stated that too. Downloading pirated games that are still on the market is rather scuzzy, if you ask me.

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DMCA is poo yea..

Not only for this..

But anyways,

If you make any modification on your console, than yes of course your guaranty will expire.

But, making someone go to jail for 10 year making his own guaranty expire is sick.

As for the piracy part:

Downloading games is still legal. (In holland at least.) Just, you have to use them for your own useage.

Sell them or give them away is illegal, either counts for uploading.

Plus, you could also use downloading to make backups of your game.

Than burn it on a disc.

Than once you lost your game / it gets stole / gets starched / gets broken, you can still play your game, with out re paying for the game.

Nintendo could also say:

Ok, we don't want you guys to make backups of your games.

If your game gets lost / gets lost / gets starched / gets broken we will replace it for free.\

If they are a little smart they also say: if you have a safe game on your Wii.

(Which also easily could be abused by: get the game for one day from a friend play it once a little. And done. etc.. )

Arg.. I'm getting to far into this. :D

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This is crap. If I want to mod my psp, it's my damn system and I'll do what I please with it. Now, if I download games that I haven't purchased that's another matter entirely, but if I just want to be able to play my Final Fantasy I & II Dawn of Souls on my psp, who are they to tell me I can't? Furthermore, I like the idea of what Adr said.

Video game companies are worried about pirates? Then allow me to download the game again for free should something happen to the disk. I can see this happening very easily on the PSN and LIVE, but on the Wii it would be much more difficult. I just want to be treated fairly, is that a crime? Is it a crime to want my purchase to last a long time and work correctly? I think not. If they don't start a game replacement service, then I will continue to make backup copies of my games.

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Posted (edited)

Sounds like they're trying to scare people into not modding/pirating their consoles/portables.

Edited by Fierce Muffin (see edit history)

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What a idoits :fear:


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Poor dear doesn't understand. :rolleyes:

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