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War on Sex

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After reading about (not actually reading) America's War on Sex by Marty Klein, I realize now how extreme things are going in society.

I live in a household that promotes tolerance, so I can relate to what Klein is talking about. There are a number of people out there that refuse to listen to the facts, and are to caught up in their religious morals to listen to what the more liberal people have to say.

Klein describes the zealots as Erotophobes, people who fear and hate sexuality. The liberals are known as Erotophiles who appreciate or tolerate sexuality.

Personally I choose the erotophiles, and Marty Klein sums their view up nicely: 'Erotophiles say "if you don't want to go to a nude beach, don't go, but don't shut it down to prevent me from going."'

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:unsure: I shouldn't be here.... But I clicked it because I could... And I need to tell everyone I'm still alive.

I don't know much about this kinda stuff... But hold no grudge against this.

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I gotta go with Erotophiles. Its how my parents raised me :P

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Uh... I don't know anyting...

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I'm with Vio. . .

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I sure wasn't raised to be disensitized to it.. but I guess thats just how things happen :embarrassed:

I honestly have to agree.. It shouldn't be such a taboo topic. Thats what encourages people to not get the facts because they are either to embarassed or simply don't know know how to go about getting information :wacko:

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Thanks FaroresWind, I'm glad somebody else had the guts to say something.

Marty has some very good points on how "tabooisation" has gone to the point that they are making things more unsafe.

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I can understand what this person means. My family is insane, and I'm sexually tolerant. They forced us to go to a nudist camp for a weekend. :embarrassed:

But anyway, I bet I would even hate it if they shut down nudist facilities because they think it's means of sexuality. Well, it's actually more for running around in the nude for fun. Around other people who run around nude.

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>.> I dont know if I'm against it or tolerate it. Maybe in the middle since we need ... sex... to make future generations. How else would we be here? The Bird story isn't the way to go... (Stork? Is that they called it?) I'm sure everyone here has heard it once. It's the best thing that parents can think of unless the child asking the question is older then five or something. Parents have to answer it sooner or later!

My dad told me that guys (yes the male version...) used to go swimming at a swimming complex called the YMCA and go in the nude until people decided both males and females should swim in the same pool and dress in baithing suits. Thank goodness for that, I'd have nightmares for weeks!

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.... I don't have nightmares very often but when i do, i become extremely paranoid about it, anyway, erm....... LMAOOL... I think anyone would have nightmares if that happened. I can't remember what my parents told me about "it", either i didn't ask or i just didn't believe them.

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MNy dad is very straight forward when it comes to talking about sex. One day I was watching TV and all of a sudden he starts talking to me about "it" (I was seven.) I was like WTF? He's a doctor, so you know... doctors do that. It's better to tell the things just how they are. No lies, or stupid stories about birds...

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Lol, i bet in PZ's dads case it was very hard for him to explain.

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Sex is a difficult topic for many people. It's definitely wrong to have sex before marriage, but I see nothing at all wrong with having sex with a spouse. It's a natural process made by God for us to have fun while we have kids. Parent's usually have a hard time talking about sex with their kids, so they make up little stories, but it's not a bad topic. I myself have chosen to remain a virgin until marriage, and it's hard sometimes, but I'm pretty sure it'll pay off in the end. Eretophile I suppose.

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My parents always told me the truth, but they started off with it being over-simplified. I kept asking questions and I knew the whole story by the time I was 4. Funny, eh?

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Lol, i bet in PZ's dads case it was very hard for him to explain.

>.> actually, I've tooken classes so I dont have to worry bout him explaining it. Parenting class, PE. Etc ... So yeah, I know all of that already. Plus, you guys have to learn this stuff wether you like it or not. The schools, I mean. They don't want pregnant females in their schools, I bet!

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